Let's prattle on about how Nintendo is going bankrupt


beer, I want beer
I was jonesing for some good action rpg since I switched away from Nintendo, but Skyrim seems to do very nicely as a Link substitute. None of the badguys waggled gaytongue at me I don't think. Plus, if Nintendo goes bankrupt maybe they'll license out their Zelda and Mario lines to PS3...
Nintendo aren't going bankrupt.

Yes they are. Because they failed to see the curve in the technological road that included smartphones doing everything their handheld games can, and much more, and because they failed to recognize the fatal flaw in making their home base model game both underpowered, unadaptable for multipurpose and uninteresting to the current market of players.
The video game market is too fast paced and aggressive to rely on "what has always sorta worked" and exclusive content. Nintendo for years has gouged retailers by providing exclusive games but holding them ransom in exchange for locked-in pricing, which is why you never saw them go on sale for any significant price cut. Ever. They deserve what they're getting now for being greedy bastards...
You misread my post. I meant you can google for specific answers without having to read spoiler filled walkthrus. I hate when I accidentally spoil a whole section of a game because I read one paragraph too many.

And sausageman: don't think I don't see you there. There will be retribution, red square boy. Nintendo = epic fail business plan and your whining and negrepping won't change that. No matter HOW awesome Zelda was, her proprietors are dooooooooooooooomed.

That article, of course, doesn't say "Nintendo are going bankrupt" anywhere. Because they aren't. They lost money on the 3DS due to disappointing sales, but they still have quite a lot of money. And 3DS sales are alreaddy picking up and sales of Mario Land 3D and Skyward Sword aren't exactly going to hurt them. They surived the total flop Virtual Boy, they'll survive disappointing 3DS sales.

Anyway, Skyward Sword is still awesome. Fi even warned me the batteries in my remote were running out.
No, the bankruptcy part is me calling it, although others have said similar things in the past. The article I linked just does a much better job detailing Nintendo's major stumbles in the home gaming market, stumbles I feel will be difficult to survive given the economy and state of gaming today. Remember bankruptcy is not the same as "out of business". Nintendo has strong properties in Zelda and Mario etc and will likely survive in some fashion. But in an era of online multiplayer multipurpose high intensity gaming, Nintendo failed badly in keeping their machine underpowered and exclusionary. As I said before, the decision to market their machine as an exercise unit (now surpassed by XBOX) and toward little kids has forced them into a corner.
Watch and see. Meanwhile, handheld devices are rapidly becoming obsolete as smartphone technology allows more and more gaming usage. And Nintendo has way too many eggs in that basket...
I'm gonna get the new game called "sausageman has a hissy". Easiest fucking game ever. Don't even need a cheat.

Anybody wanna talk about how Nintendo has niched themselves right out of the gaming market by focusing all their attention on little kids and nostalgia players?
Donovan's right, Nintendo are awful compared to other consoles and PC - all their games are overpriced kiddie/family and/or Manga anime crap.

they were OK back in the early 90s with game boy and SNES but now have fallen far behind.

I mean who the fuck wants to stand in the middle of your living room waving your arms about like a demented douchebag?

every 'truly great' game in the history of computer games has been PC, beginning with Doom.
I'm gonna get the new game called "sausageman has a hissy". Easiest fucking game ever. Don't even need a cheat.

Yeah I played that. The graphics suck, the controller has no arrow keys just some lame easy to push buttons, and the gameplay consists of the character sitting in the fetal position sucking his "thumb" for hours.
Yup, I moved the posts, because I felt like it.


Somebody has to think of the poor starving children.
2002      623,000,000    800,000,000      -750,000,000
2003      939,000,000    560,000,000    -1,191,000,000
2004      650,000,000    316,000,000    -1,215,000,000
2005      404,000,000    777,000,000      -485,000,000
2006       75,000,000    894,000,000    -1,262,000,000
2007   -1,969,000,000  1,489,000,000    -1,892,000,000
2008   -1,265,000,000  2,480,000,000       426,000,000       
2009     -840,000,000  3,111,000,000       351,000,000
2010     -988,000,000  2,694,000,000       618,000,000
2011      471,000,000  1,020,000,000     1,324,000,000
Totals -1,900,000,000 14,141,000,000    -4,076,000,000

Those are the results for the last ten full fiscal years of Sony's gaming division, Nintendo, and Microsoft's consumer entertainment division (mainly Xbox, partly Zune et stuff). One of these three companies is going bankrupt because it has niched itself out of the gaming market.
You're looking at it from a very subjective perspective. You're seeing Nintendo's attitude of focusing on more 'casual' games and perhaps the older and younger demographics and thinking "Well, since they're not aiming at ME anymore, I won't buy it and as EVERYONE ELSE thinks like me, no one else will buy it and they'll be ruined!".

Which of course, is crap. You're the minority. The majority are the people who didn't play games before the Wii. Those are the people Nintendo targeted, and that - in combination with the fact that Nintendo are actually the only ones who make money when they sell a console - is why they have made millions and millions of dollars.

It's also why Sony and Microsoft are desperate to get into that same market, hence Kinect and Playstation Move. If the Wii had been as bad a misstep as you claim then those things would not exist.

I don't know if Nintendo is going bankrupt or not, but i srsly doubt it.. anyway I agree about the games, they kinda suck for the most part. Zelda, of course, is still awesome sauce. I think Nintendo might have made a bit of a mistake with the focus on motion. We don't want to EXERCISE. I still love Nintendo, and I hope their next step is something better. I watched some Wii U videos yesterday and it looks pretty cool, but I don't know about that motion thing.

BTW I don't stand in the middle of my living room waiving my arms like a demented douchebag, I sit in the middle of my living room waiving my arms like a demented douchebag :rwmad: I don't like the motion controls much, tbh. Sometimes it's cool, but I'd like to have the option to switch to BUTTONS. MASH MASH MASH.

ALSO, I can't wait to play Skyrim. I'm getting an xbox soonish. I understand the xbox version is likely to be glitchy or something but I can't play games on my PC anymore.

I only bought a Wii recently because Skyward Sword was the first game that interested me enough to push me into definitely wanting to own the console (and lack of money.) I don't regret it, it's a brilliant game, but it's a shame they weren't doing stuff like this all along alongside the hugely successful Wii Fit type stuff that didn't appeal to me (yeah, I know Mario Galaxy was great too.) HERE'S A NICE EDGE QUOTE.

Nintendo has been so busy elaborating on Ocarina’s heroic ideal that it’s forgotten to embrace it for itself. So what better way to honour 25 years of bravery than courageously striving for something new? And what opportune hardware to cut those ties. After all, hasn’t the Wii hardware spent the past five years searching for the hero inside itself? Firstparty experiments have tested Wii’s boundaries, deducing what does and doesn’t work. Their findings resonate throughout Skyward Sword. In Wii Sports-powered bomb bowling. In skydiving and swordplay learnt on a Wuhu holiday. In the surreal beauty and orchestral bombast beamed down from Super Mario Galaxy. In the metallic Metroid chu-chunk of a door lock. Even the opinion-dividing Wii Music is vindicated in subtle moments of auto-tuning cleverness. How apt that this ultimate tale of hero-making should see Nintendo’s hardware become the console it was always meant to be.

(But yeah, they're not gong bankrupt anytime soon or ever.)
ALSO, I can't wait to play Skyrim. I'm getting an xbox soonish. I understand the xbox version is likely to be glitchy or something but I can't play games on my PC anymore.


You've probably weighed up the options already and have good reasons for buying an xbox, but me, Tomtrek and whisky have PS3s, so if we all happened to have the same game at some point we could have a Minefield clan. Jus sayin!
I repeat: bankrupt does not mean out of business, and nintendo still has marketable properties. But they have made a series of missteps that have now begun showing up in their financial status and will ultimately cause them major harm. First, the popular but way underpowered WII: yeah they were first and Sony and Xbox played catchup, but the latter two did it better with greater game selection and first means little at this point.
Second, both Xbox and Sony support multipurpose uses such as blueray, MMO and various other online activity WII simply can't match. This, if anything, will prove the most costly. Witness Jack's commentary on picking up a used WII + 30 games for fifty bucks. Nintendo has zero secondary market value which is a far greater longevity gauge than whatever numbers can be spun to show profits/losses.
The video gaming market is an unforgiving bitch. Look how fast Sony got pounded just for losing their online network for a while.
And Cassie I wouldn't neg you for disagreeing with me. I slapped a coat of red on sausageboy for being a disagreeable cunt not for his views.
You've probably weighed up the options already and have good reasons for buying an xbox, but me, Tomtrek and whisky have PS3s, so if we all happened to have the same game at some point we could have a Minefield clan. Jus sayin!

I'm buying a PS3. Will I be allowed in??
I repeat: bankrupt does not mean out of business, and nintendo still has marketable properties. But they have made a series of missteps that have now begun showing up in their financial status and will ultimately cause them major harm. First, the popular but way underpowered WII: yeah they were first and Sony and Xbox played catchup, but the latter two did it better with greater game selection and first means little at this point.
Second, both Xbox and Sony support multipurpose uses such as blueray, MMO and various other online activity WII simply can't match. This, if anything, will prove the most costly. Witness Jack's commentary on picking up a used WII + 30 games for fifty bucks. Nintendo has zero secondary market value which is a far greater longevity gauge than whatever numbers can be spun to show profits/losses.
The video gaming market is an unforgiving bitch. Look how fast Sony got pounded just for losing their online network for a while.

Every single one of those things has been true since 2006. The Wii was underpowered compared to the Xbox 360 (which had a year's head start on it) and the PS3 (which had three days worth). The Xbox and PS3 have always had superior online infrastructure, superior multimedia capabilities and more XTREME HARDCORE GAMES THAT RAPE YOUR FACE OFF. Those are all facts that haven't changed in the last half-decade.

Despite that, Sony has lost 4.5 billion dollars on gaming since 2006, Microsoft has lost 435 million, and Nintendo's made 11.7 billion. So the easy conclusion to pull away is that you don't understand the first thing about the gaming market.