Troll Kingdom

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Let's fuck some shit up
Explain who you like, as in friend, on this board and explain who you dislike. Please give reasons.

I like pretty much everyone here. I like all of you because you're not morons.

I dislike Aquehonga and Blackfoot, because BIBBLE!
The one guy I truly disliked from top to bottom doesn't hang around here anymore, praise be.

There are many folks here whom I like that drive me batshit in spite of it. Then again, maybe I like them because of it.
Love Child: If you don't know why, you haven't been paying attention.
Dual, Loktar, Conchaga, Pandora, FBI, schrodinger_hated_cats, Gonad: They're just all around awesome.
Classic_Forever and Ali-Sama: Old friends.
Aquehonga: He helps me to remember not to take myself to seriously, and always makes me laugh.
Hambil: We always got along well.
The Saint: He phone trolled Wong. That's enough for me.
Sarek: He hates Blackfoot.
MM: I need to say nice things about her. She scares me with that knife.
All the MFers: They're a lot of fun.

Kitty: She doesn't bother me one way or another.
J&L: I'm done fighting with him.

Pickle: I hate his attitude.
Yub: He's worthless retard.
Blackfoot: Do I really need to give a reason?
Saint Lucifer: I hate Nazis. And yellow.

If I forgot anyone on any of the lists, I apologize in advance.
I like FBI parte due because he has a kitty for an avatar!

I dislike St Lucifer because I if I had a little daughter I probably wouldn't want him near her
You simply don't like Pickle or I because we gave you shit from the get go, Dirk. Enjoy the kinder gentler Badlands while they last, because when the phoenix rises from the ashes, you're gonna be toasted.
That wasn't a threat. I don't hate you, I simply think you're a bit of a moron. I guess time will time if you're to survive what the Badlands can dish out.
That wasn't a threat. I don't hate you, I simply think you're a bit of a moron. I guess time will time if you're to survive what the Badlands can dish out.

Think whatever you like. However, realize that this isn't "serious biddness". This is a message board. They're words on a screen. They have no real lasting impact on my life one way or another.
Love Child: If you don't know why, you haven't been paying attention.
Dual, Loktar, Conchaga, Pandora, FBI, schrodinger_hated_cats, Gonad: They're just all around awesome.
Classic_Forever and Ali-Sama: Old friends.
Aquehonga: He helps me to remember not to take myself to seriously, and always makes me laugh.
Hambil: We always got along well.
The Saint: He phone trolled Wong. That's enough for me.
Sarek: He hates Blackfoot.
MM: I need to say nice things about her. She scares me with that knife.
All the MFers: They're a lot of fun.

Kitty: She doesn't bother me one way or another.
J&L: I'm done fighting with him.

Pickle: I hate his attitude.
Yub: He's worthless retard.
Blackfoot: Do I really need to give a reason?
Saint Lucifer: I hate Nazis. And yellow.

If I forgot anyone on any of the lists, I apologize in advance.

I knew I forgot someone! Neon to the Like list. Because she's a fantastic writer.
Sans faceman the faggot, Gagh the Cock & Conchaga the Cumchoka, I like all the posters down here in TK.

Most of them anyway. The great bulk.
I don't know Faceman, so I left him out. As far as Gagh goes, I haven't made up my mind on him yet, so I left him out for now.
I can't say that there is anyone here that I don't like. I like everyone I have interacted with. It would take me way too long to sit here and list who and why. Well ok I can't stand Black foot or his duals, I'm sure it's obvious why.
hmm, who do I like:
Dual, Pandora, Loktar, FBI, [STRIKE]Dirk [/STRIKE](well he did leave me off his list, so IDK!! ;) ), AQUEHONGA!!, Conchaga, LC, Cassie, Wacky, and the majority of the Badlands posters. I can't think of any MFer I don't like. I like the admins except 1.

Meh/not sure/don't care:
Kitty, Starguard, Falcy, and most of the posters outside of the badlands and minefield.

Yub, Gagh (the supposed admin I dislike because he doesn't like me), the Dork Lord of Pickles (I don't mind chatting with him or playing chess with him though), Luci, J&L (he's an idiot).

If I left anyone out, forgive me. I'm sort of in a rush/preoccupied right now. I'll add more later if I have any specific people to mention.