Love Child: If you don't know why, you haven't been paying attention.
Dual, Hummus, Loktar, Conchaga, Pandora, FBI, schrodinger_hated_cats, Gonad: They're just all around awesome.
Neon: She's a great writer.
Classic_Forever and Ali-Sama: Old friends.
Aquehonga: He helps me to remember not to take myself to seriously, and always makes me laugh.
Hambil: We always got along well.
The Saint: He phone trolled Wong. That's enough for me.
Sarek: He hates Blackfoot.
MM: I need to say nice things about her. She scares me with that knife.
All the MFers: They're a lot of fun.
Kitty: She doesn't bother me one way or another.
J&L: I'm done fighting with him.
Pickle: I hate his attitude.
Yub: He's worthless retard.
Blackfoot: Do I really need to give a reason?
Saint Lucifer: I hate Nazis. And yellow.
If I forgot anyone on any of the lists, I apologize in advance.