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Listkeeper a liar?

Demiurge said:
Ooops, I retract the claim of a cover up. It's still there.... just not where I thought it was. My sincerest apologies.

However, it does indicate there's a pretty good chance Elwood wasn't the only one who read Fais' PMs.

Glad I triple checked. That would have been some pretty big crow to be eating. :)

That kinda backs up my point that I made on WF -- staff don't need to 'pull' PMs from the database. They can just set a BCC and anyone can read anything in a PM as it is quoteth in the notification email.
Tamar_Garish said:
Think what you like.

It is becoming painfully obvious that you and several other mods knew in advance what Storm was going to do. He sent you the PM before hand. Listkeeper made it painfully obvious he knew in the original thread where Storm threw down all his cards. If Listkeeper knew, then I have to believe that Elwood knew. The ball was dropped by staff. Big time.
Tamar_Garish said:
Considering Listkeeper is one of the people I heard it from, I thought I was relaying the truth.

How could you of all people fall for that? Listkeeper wouldn't know the truth, if it went up to him, introduced itself, and smacked him right upside the head.

Are you telling me that you have been part of so many trolls, plans, and plots, and yet you still don't know when you're being spun around?
Allowed in? He was never banned. And I was in the chatroom 24/7 during that week, and my logs don't show him stirring up anything. The last time he was in there was the night we heard about Techman's death, and he specifically said he wasn't there to talk about his or CM's banning, just to offer his condolences. Bear apparently banned him from the server after GE said good night and signed off.
Markb said:
How could you of all people fall for that? Listkeeper wouldn't know the truth, if it went up to him, introduced itself, and smacked him right upside the head.

Are you telling me that you have been part of so many trolls, plans, and plots, and yet you still don't know when you're being spun around?

Nobody is perfect, Mark. Least of all me.
Wow, this thing just blew wide open like Watergate. :shock:

Someone want to link to it over at the Gray Room?
I'll repeat myself a third time:
This just keeps on giving and giving and giving and giving - can we go all summer long? :lol:
Tamar_Garish said:
My screw up with the Storm thing? WTF are you talking about?

Elwood didn't even know I was leaving until I was already gone, fucker.

Go ahead, believe I am the problem..I don't give a shit. I'm tired of trying to defend myself when people have already made up their minds so it's pointless anyway.
Don't be silly. You're only part of the problem. :bergman:
Tamar_Garish said:
Considering Listkeeper is one of the people I heard it from, I thought I was relaying the truth.

Well, this confirms the point of this thread -- ListKeeper is a liar.
Tamar_Garish said:
My screw up with the Storm thing? WTF are you talking about?

Elwood didn't even know I was leaving until I was already gone, fucker.

Go ahead, believe I am the problem..I don't give a shit. I'm tired of trying to defend myself when people have already made up their minds so it's pointless anyway.

I think what I'm talking about is pretty clear and explicit on WF, you knew about the threat and didn't act because storm is your buddy. This isn't about what people believe; I could care less about that...but you thought you were comfortably safe bashing me, so we might as well set the record straight.

I find it hilarious that you say I was trying to cover my ass; when you jump ship before Elwood had the chance to call you on the carpet, which you rightfully deserved. You've always been a shitty mod and you've always tried to skirt the duty of the position whenever someone got your ire up...which again isn't simply what people believe but the God's honest truth. You could have been a rather simple lapdog for the prevailing wind in the Red Room and been good at it and maybe you'll find the chance to be so again...that's your true calling and not in any sort of Administrative position. You wouldn't recognize what to do for the health of the board if it jumped up and bit you because you've always been too busy playing minor politics...

Good riddance to you in that regard, and welcome back to normality where you'll be free to do what you do actually do well without affecting the board directly.
Hmmm... I wonder though... don't want to bring this shit up again, but.. what Tamar did to me two years ago, I forgave her for that.

She basically posted my picture in a thread where Mewa was literally threatening to come and beat me up.

I posted to the pic to her in PM.. but NOBODY came forward and asked her anything about this, least of all any of the Admins.

Cut forward two years later, Elwood bans Goldeneye for he MAY reveal info about Elwood, even though GE hasn't done so still, but he can do it easily here.

Do I dare say the Admins in WF are actually PARTIAL towards some members?

I mean Tamar didn't even receive a slap on the wrist for revealing my picture, but GE gets permabanned?


Denny Crane said:
Hmmm... I wonder though... don't want to bring this shit up again, but.. what Tamar did to me two years ago, I forgave her for that.

She basically posted my picture in a thread where Mewa was literally threatening to come and beat me up.

I posted to the pic to her in PM.. but NOBODY came forward and asked her anything about this, least of all any of the Admins.

Cut forward two years later, Elwood bans Goldeneye for he MAY reveal info about Elwood, even though GE hasn't done so still, but he can do it easily here.

Do I dare say the Admins in WF are actually PARTIAL towards some members?

I mean Tamar didn't even receive a slap on the wrist for revealing my picture, but GE gets permabanned?


Maybe your complaint hit Elwood's desk "after* the GoldenEye incident, and is still being considered? His "desk" does seem subject to unpredictable shifts in time, after all...
I believe Tamar, and I don't think she said anything with intent to mislead. I think we all know that, quite frankly, when the shit hits the fan, everything is covered with it, including the truth. I have no problem admitting when I screw up, and people can spin it any way they want, and generally do. All I can do is say what I know and hope that people can glean that truth from all of the surrounding crap, and I think Tamar is doing that, too. So I do believe she is telling the truth.

You know, I'd be far more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt if she'd talked to me about this before trying to drag my name in the dirt.

As it is, I *know* she's lied in this thread, intentionally or because she was misled by someone else, I'm unsure and frankly, could care less. She's always proven herself to be the one of the first to jump on the "me-too" bandwagon in any board politics and try to take it one step (or more) beyond what the situation requires.
It is going to be tricky for me to accurately explain my take on Tamar. But I'll try:

I really believe that Tamar is a good and honest person, and that her heart is in the right place.

But I also believe she is way too gullible. She falls for things hook, line and sinker. She's easy to get spun up and for less ethical people to use as a pawn. Then when she says something, it has the weight of her reputation as a good, decent person.

Unfortunately, it now has the weight of being completely unreliable too.

So you wind up with the paradox of a trustworthy person that you can't trust because she is too trusting. (Technically, is that "alliteratation"? :unsure: )
Damn, what a clusterfuck. :(

I was trying not to be involved, but I do wanna ask one thing. that the only thing you said from the shelter....that elwood was planning on leaving?
Ash said:
It is becoming painfully obvious that you and several other mods knew in advance what Storm was going to do. He sent you the PM before hand.

This is true.

The thing is...I was not online when he sent it.

This is the part that never sinks in whenever I mention it. By the time I read that PM, it had already hit the fan in the Help Desk. In fact, I saw the Help Desk thread before the PM because I followed a link from a reported post in my e-mail.

It was Father's day weekend, I was hardly even there until Monday. I made maybe four posts all weekend. I didn't have time to deal with the BBS, I even answered Crosis' PM on the run, if he remembers correctly.