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lol @ Israel


These savages are killing people here - please help

ASHDOD: Israeli naval commandos can be seen rappelling down from helicopters then pointing assault rifles in some of the dramatic footage of the pre-dawn raid on the high seas.

Israel says the troops returned fire after they were attacked with live rounds, knives and clubs, but the organisers of the Gaza blockade-busting bid insist the soldiers started shooting the moment they hit the deck.

"They fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep," the Free Gaza Movement said.

Only limited footage of the incident has been broadcast as communications with the six ships participating in the flotilla appeared to have been scrambled during the operation.

Four soldiers were reported to have been wounded.

In images posted on the internet and broadcast on several television stations, including the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera network, bandaged men can be seen lying on stretchers in the shaky images that show complete chaos aboard what appears to be the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara. An Al-Jazeera correspondent on board the ship said the Israeli soldiers continued shooting even though a white flag of surrender had been raised.

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He said hundreds of Israeli troops attacked the ships and that the captain was among those wounded.

Indications are that most if not all of those killed were aboard the Marmara, which carried most of more than 700 pro-Palestinian activists who hoped to make their way towards the Gaza Strip.

Military chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi said the situation aboard the large ferry, owned by the IHH Islamic charity, was different from that on the other five ships.

"There was extreme violence from the moment that our forces reached the ship, it was premeditated and included weapons, iron bars, knives and at a certain stage firearms, perhaps in some cases weapons that were snatched from soldiers," Lieutenant General Ashkenazi said.

An Israeli commando who spoke to reporters on a naval vessel off the coast, and who was identified only by the first letter of his name, "A", said he and his comrades were surprised by a group of Arabic-speaking men when they rapelled on to the deck.

He said some of the soldiers, taken off guard, were stripped of their helmets and equipment and thrown from the top deck to the lower deck, and that some had even jumped overboard to save themselves. At one point, one of the passengers seized one of the soldiers' weapons and opened fire.

A high-ranking naval official displayed a box confiscated from the boat containing switchblades, slingshots, metal balls and metal bats. "We prepared (the soldiers) to deal with peace activists, not to fight," he said.

Turkey's NTV showed activists beating one Israeli soldier with sticks as he rappelled from a helicopter on to one of the boats.

"These savages are killing people here -- please help," a Turkish television reporter said.

The broadcast ended with a voice shouting in Hebrew, "Everybody shut up!"

A Greek vessel was among those that came under attack.

"There was an attack with live bullets against the Greek boat Sfendoni and the Turkish boat Mavi Marmara, with helicopters and inflatable boats," a Greek non-governmental organisation said in a statement.

Greta Berlin said the last message received before the raid said: "All is calm, the Israeli warships are on our bow, let's sleep."

A message posted on Twitter by the pro-Palestinian activists said the Israeli military had made contact. "Intervention is imminent," a message from aboard the Challenger 1 passenger vessel said.

Next came news from the Mavi Marmara that two people were killed.

Later reports indicated 19 activists had died.

The Sfendoni and another ship could be seen being towed under military escort to the Israeli port of Ashdod, where authorities have set up facilities to process the detained activists. As the first ships arrived in port, about 100 Israeli activists gathered on an adjacent beach protesting the blockade Israel has imposed since the 2007 power grab in Gaza by Hamas, an Islamist movement committed to the destruction of the Jewish state.


ISRAELI commandos yesterday stormed in international waters a flotilla attempting to break the Gaza Strip blockade, killing at least 19 activists, most of them Turks.

The bloody ending to the mission to deliver supplies on six boats to the besieged Palestinian enclave plunged Israel into a diplomatic crisis, forcing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to call off a White House meeting with US President Barack Obama.

As Turkey recalled its ambassador to Tel Aviv, Israeli authorities went on alert last night in anticipation of an outbreak of unrest. Jerusalem's Old City was locked down and Gaza was sealed off from the media.

Police were also on alert in northern Israel after it was reported an Islamic leader from that part of the country was one of those killed on the flotilla.

The 36 wounded activists and four wounded troops were flown by Israeli helicopters from the boats to hospitals around Israel, many to the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

Australian journalists Paul McGeough and Kate Geraghty, who were filing for the Fairfax press from the flotilla, were last night being held in an Israeli detention centre. They were likely to be deported.

Scores of naval commandos stormed the six boats at about 5am (12pm AEDT), 62km out at sea, after warning them they were approaching an area of hostilities that was under a naval blockade.

Israel pointed the finger of blame at the activists, accusing them of initiating the bloodshed when they attacked a naval boarding force with live fire, knives and clubs on one of the six ships.

Israel's military top brass said the violence had been limited to the Turkish passenger boat, the Mavi Marmara, with navy chief Admiral Eliezer Marom saying his troops "had acted with extreme restraint" in a very dangerous situation. He said the five other boats co-operated peacefully.

A spokesman for Mr Netanyahu, Mark Regev, also blamed the activists.

"They initiated the violence," he said. "They wanted violence, they wanted a headline, they wanted their time on CNN.

"We made every possible effort to avoid this incident. The servicemen were given instructions that it was to be a police operation and to use maximum restraint.

"Unfortunately, they were attacked with deadly force by the people on the boats, with iron bars, knives and live fire.

"I can confirm that was the case where weapons were taken forcibly from our servicemen and used against them."

Israel radio broadcast the message that it said was sent by the Israeli navy to the Turkish ship leading the convoy: "You are approaching an area of hostilities, which is under a naval blockade. Gaza coastal area and Gaza Harbour are closed to maritime traffic.

"The Israeli government supports delivery of humanitarian supplies to the civilian population in Gaza Strip and invites you to enter Ashdod port. Delivery of supplies will be through the formal land crossing to Gaza and under your observation, after which you can return to your home ports."

They said the reply from the ship was: "Negative, negative. Our destination is Gaza."

There were an estimated 700 people people on the boats - of the original nine that left Cyprus on Sunday three pulled out because of mechanical problems.

They were taking 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid - including medical supplies - to Gaza.

Israel has had a blockade on the Gaza Strip since Hamas took power three years ago.

Before the confrontation Israel had said it was prepared to deliver the cargo, but organisers said this was not possible as it contained many products that Israel had banned. Israel has also sealed off all border crossings it shares with Gaza, while Egypt sealed off its southern border with the Hamas-controlled territory.

The confrontation sent already-poor relations between Israel and Turkey into a new crisis as Ankara warned Israel of "irreparable consequences" to bilateral ties. Turkey last night summoned the Israeli ambassador to Ankara to lodge a formal protest and a crowd tried to storm the Israeli consulate in Istanbul. Israel immediately closed Gaza to journalists.

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas labelled the assault a "massacre" and declared three days of mourning.
Time for the Arab states to unite once-and-for-all, along with the Turks in order to smash Jew-occupied Palestine forever! Canada needs to start arming the Arabs to the teeth, or even the Russians... again. This time, the Russians should try letting the Arabs use their front-line equipment, not the 'monkey-model' shit they sent during the Cold War to make the West look like morons who believed the T-62 tanks used by the Arabs were the real thing.
Have u been living under a rock or smthing?
Russia has already been hard at work building bases, arming minorities and a speedy advancement of their 2020 plan to have all russian defence weapons nuke capable.

lulz those hippies got royally pwnd
I have no love for Israel whatsoever but I have even less love for blatant lies so I feel like I need to respond:

but the organisers of the Gaza blockade-busting bid insist the soldiers started shooting the moment they hit the deck.

"They fired directly into the crowd of civilians asleep," the Free Gaza Movement said.

We've seen the footage and this is nothing but a 100% bald face lie. If you're going to post things at least get the facts straight. For sleeping civilians they all seemed incredibly mobile when they started hammering the fuck out of the rappelling soldiers with metal bars and whatever else was at hand. Whether the IDF should have been there in the first place is another issue altogether but patently false reporting helps nobody.

I absolutely can't stand the Israeli stance on Palestine and I oppose most of their methods but the rest of the article runs as a bullet point of conjecture filled bullshit. Maybe they did overreact but after seeing how the IDF were greeted (motivations are irrelevant) it is impossible to swallow the story that it was an unprovoked massacre.

Discussion can continue on all other fronts-- but unprovoked once they landed...No.

And this is from someone who abhors the political agenda of Israel. What I abhor more is false reporting.
I agree...but false reporting is paramount for media propagandas, its part of the scenery. Remembering atm, there is vested interest in the epic failure of US/EU involvement in Israel/PT
Whenever the IDF do anything it is considered a massacre; IDF are hardcore mofo's who dunt give a shit-esp for well meaning, peace activists.
Ghandi-ism has no place in gaza & PT, or anyplace where warfare of some degree is guarenteed.

It can be phosphorus bomb tiem nao?
The 36 wounded activists and four wounded troops were flown by Israeli helicopters from the boats to hospitals around Israel, many to the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon

<3 Awww <3
I have no love for Israel whatsoever but I have even less love for blatant lies so I feel like I need to respond:

We've seen the footage and this is nothing but a 100% bald face lie. If you're going to post things at least get the facts straight. For sleeping civilians they all seemed incredibly mobile when they started hammering the fuck out of the rappelling soldiers with metal bars and whatever else was at hand. Whether the IDF should have been there in the first place is another issue altogether but patently false reporting helps nobody.

I absolutely can't stand the Israeli stance on Palestine and I oppose most of their methods but the rest of the article runs as a bullet point of conjecture filled bullshit. Maybe they did overreact but after seeing how the IDF were greeted (motivations are irrelevant) it is impossible to swallow the story that it was an unprovoked massacre.

Discussion can continue on all other fronts-- but unprovoked once they landed...No.

And this is from someone who abhors the political agenda of Israel. What I abhor more is false reporting.

Let's not forget the fact that Egypt has the same policy on that particular group as Israel does. They also have an embargo. They're also an Israeli ally. That very well could have been Egyptian forces, and trust me they wouldn't have been as nice. I guarantee one thing though. Had it been Egypt, you wouldn't have heard word one in the press. But because it's those "filthy Jews" the story is all over the place.
Lets not forget that egypt loves to exploit the phalistine cause along with most other arab states, Jordan have stated its time for israel to find another home if peace talks fail; all the while gaza is in lockdown eeting moldy bread with he UN sitting back having a wank over it.
Throw in the falling cost of bullets and u got urself one hell of a party
You expect the UN to do anything? UN = United Nothing. Worthless sack of cunts. However, I firmly believe that Israel has a right to exist. They pull a lot of shit that they shouldn't but that doesn't mean they have no right to their country.
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The Israelis did what they always do -- they went charging in teeth bared like rabid dogs, and when the ones they went charging at put up a fight, they slaughtered them and claimed to have been "provoked." Fuck them. Fuck 'em hard.
Ah, yes, their other favorite gambit -- false flag operations. The speculation at least is that they attacked hoping to be misidentified, probably with the intention of drawing the U.S. into their war on their side. After all, we'd been such good little doggies for them in both world wars.