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Well, that was nuts. But I guess with everything Luther and Alice have done it made sense that it would catch up to them. As much fun as Alice is, they did remind us just how evil she is by flashing back to the murder of her parents (and dog!) in the third episode. Killing the new girl after killing the Irish guy was pretty fucking cruel of the show though! It really looks like there will be no more episodes ever but who the fuck knows.
I watched the movie (Luther: The Fallen Son) on Netflix. I think it was in cinmes briefly too. It was typical Luther. Completely silly and over the top, with a ridiculously evil villain who somehow killed more people than cancer and has dozens of dead bodies under ice somehow. But he's played by Andy Serkis who is fun! Luther himself conintues to be completely immune to being stabbed and drowning in ice cold water and literally everything else. Absolutely zero believability (the prison break scene lol) but again that's what the show was like. I'll give Neil Cross credit for this: he knows how to write genuinely disturbing villains. Maybe he's evil in rea life!

Continuity wise...oh boy. They totally changed the reason Luther was in prison, putting it down to Andry Serkis and ignoring all the Alice stuff. Maybe he got freed for the Alice stuff then send down again afterwards. Alice isn't mentioned at all and the only real continuity with the show is a mention of Luther's dead wife and the old Irish cop guy. I'm sure this was an attempt to make it standalone for people who just watch the movie and haven't see the show. But I wonder what people who haven't seen the show would even think about this.

Anyway, I enjoyed it well enough but I knew exactly what to expect.
Damn, I'd forgotten about Alice till you mentioned her. She was great. I watched all of Luther a couple of years back but remember bugger all.

I barely look at Netflix so didn't realise - will definitely check it out. Villainous Serkis is always a good draw. Busting out of prison sounds a little silly though.