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Mad Men thread

Pete's being patronising to Hollis in the elavator. But they smiled at the end.

The shcool teacher at the start was hot and I instantly looked her up on IMDB and she's in six episodes, so I'm guessing Don's going to have sex with her.
OKAY, I watched episode eight of season four tonight aso I'm nearly caught up.

Betty's hardly been in this season. Was she busy with movies or something? And she's gone completely evil and I don't really like it because she was actually sympathetic character back in season one (watching them all in two months I can remember season one better than YOU.) But she's always had emotional problems and her character journey does make sense. It's just sad.

I like Peggy more this season than in season three where she was annoying me.

I kind of miss Paul and his beard. He had some funny lines (mostly about his beard.) He was more interesting than Ken anyway, I think.

Megan has only made cameo apperances so far but I agree with Tomtrek.

Cooper has no testicles?

It's a good tv show. I'll watch season five (there is going to be one, isn't there?) whenever it's on with the rest of you.

But now I need a new tv show to watch from the start...
The new season should premiere early next summer.

The cast are renegotiating their contracts as we speak before production begins. But I don't expect any unpleasant news to come from this.
IT'S HARD TO FIND DOWNLOADS OF SHOWS FROM 2004 and thent here's comments saying "THIS ISN'T A VERY GOOD DOWNLOAD" so I don't know and I've already seen episodes and I know Lily Cole was murdered by her own future self travelled back in time so I don't know.
Good News for 'Mad Men' Fans: Production Begins on Season 5
LA Times, TV Guide

After a series of delays marked by difficult contract talks, production finally got under way Monday on the fifth season of AMC’s “Mad Men,” reports the Los Angeles Times' Show Tracker blog.

Little is known about any possible directions the show will take in the new season, which is scheduled to launch in early 2012. One tidbit that has come out is that the fifth season will add a precocious 10-year-old boy to the cast, notes

Also, series star Jon Hamm is directing the season premiere.

But it sucks that I'm not watching it now. It's always been a summer thing, like True Blood.