Mahatma Ghandi - I was hacked!


Can I have Ops?
It has today been revealed that the News of the World had hacked into Mahatma Ghandi's mobile phone account and were recording messages for use in a salacious gossip column.

A source close to the paper said today
We were hoping for some hot rumpy pumpy, and maybe even some nappy / baby sex play. In fact, all we got was some stuff about independent rule and something from his Mum who apparently he didn't call enough.

We thought we had something when he admitted being a pacifist, but then we looked the word up and it had nothing to do with "football and terrorism" as one of the journo's thought

Russell Brand (filming "oops I can see Ghandi's todger" at the moment) was unavailable for comment.


Is this real life?
Henoch's TK PMs hacked into, revealing his countless liaisons with married celebrity males?!


Boobie inspector
Last time I had a cold the news of the world were hacking my throat.


Be patient till the last.
and he should've called his Mom more often!


I want to smell dark matter
I was wondering just how much more evil the News Of The World could possibly get. Maybe they sent Raoul Moat instructions on how to evade the police to make things more "exciting"? Or implanted a chip into Gazza's brain and sent him instructions ("go on, phone Richard Madely at 4am") to make him crazier/funnier.


Can I have Ops?
When I originally read Wacky's post I really tried to find something lower that I could raise a titter on. Maybe they have been training young Pedophiles to sing well in the hope of getting another Gary Glitter.

Then we find out they've been hacking dead soldiers wives phones. I presume to get sobbing relatives voice messages.

News Thump have it about right as well.
Yes, but did you find anything saucy, ask News of the World readers

Readers of the News of the World have reacted with shock to the revelations of hacking the phones of dead soliders’ relatives, before asking if they found any saucy titbits for them.

The question comes as revelations about the News of The World’s illegal activity to find a story escalated to the point where no-one would be surprised to learn that Madeleine McCann was in Rupert Murdoch’s basement.

Today’s discovery of hacking into dead servicemen’s families was met with universal derision, before News of The World readers asked, ”And what about photos, are there any good photos? Is she a looker?”

“I don’t care about the source, I just want to be mildly titillated whilst I pretend to be educating myself about current affairs.”

“Yes, yes, I know they did ‘a bad thing’, but did they find out anything interesting for me? And you can’t beat a holiday to shit British resort for £9.50, can you?”


Is this real life?
Goodbye, NotW, you piece of shit.


I want to smell dark matter
I hope they reveal all the secrets they've been too afraid to tell in the final edition, even if it's not true (Stephen Fry killed a rentboy in 1992.)


Can I have Ops?
I am going to be buying the "Sun on Sunday" from now on in protest against that despicable rag NoTW.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The poll in that link is awesome.


Is this real life?
News International HQ revealed to be recycled Grange Hill tuck shop set.


Staff member
BBC needs to sort out the chroma keying on their green screen. They're making everyone giving opinions look like Grotbags.


Can I have Ops?
Bizarre, but Hugh Grant is the investigative journalist who broke the story.

Yes, THAT Hugh Grant. He comes across very well in the interview I saw.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and about 16 years after a blow job.


Is this real life?
I'm quite liking the extended trailer for his new movie "Question Time", although it's taking a while to get to the part where he stutters in an endearing manner before realising that Shirley Williams MP is all he needs to make him happy.


I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
When Hugh Grant took on the NOW do you think he said "you're going down" to them?


Is this real life?
Daily Star offices were raided this morning by police. Dare we dream of a world where all the tabloids have been forced to close? (until they're replaced with new ones staffed by the same shit merchants)



Can I have Ops?
What I want to know, is what the fuck has Rebekah Brooks got on the Murdochs?

I mean, she must have some incredible pictures...

Did they re enact American Psycho just for kicks?