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Mahatma Ghandi - I was hacked!

I watched/listened to the whole thing live. What a bloody shambles. Rupert Murdoch was a rambling, confused looking man, who on one occasion deflated like a balloon after being asked a question and I literally thought he'd died right there and then, before he finally sat up straight again and mumbled "yes... no? I don't know. Yes, I think." and then James robotically interjected "no".

It's a shame the pie incident is overshadowing things, though it's a controversy in itself. I've been inside the building the meeting was held in and the security are no pushovers. MPs have their offices there and any number of important people are in and out all the time. Shouldn't be letting people bring suspicious foam in with them.
Man walks in with pie.
Security "Hang on sunshine, what do you think you are doing with that?"
Man "I'm going to sling it in Murdochs face"
Security "Oh, go right in then"
Unless it's so subvertive that it's disguised as an HTML error.

You could be onto something here.
