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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 5

Okay, turns out she just cut his cheek.

I'm guessing rock powers kid will be the one who destroys the Earth or maybe he'll put the Earth back together using rock powers and everyone will have amnesia and forget it happened.
That was the little girl inhuman who had the vision of the destroyed Earth and she was holding the wooden bird Daisy gave her from her father back in season 3 that she always holds.
OH, I couldn't tell what the thing in her hand was! It happened too fast. That's pretty awesome, tho.
So what I'm getting is that Robin''s memories were from previous versions of that timeline where they failed to stop the destruction of Earth (in one Fitz was talking about time travel not being possible but in another it seemed they'd already tried and failed.) And she's finally figured out that they need Flint to stop Earth being destroyed and that's why they were sent to the future in the first place. So the timeline where May raises her as her daughter will never happen. But why does Daisy destroy Earth in the first place? Was she just drunk?
Maybe it wasn't Daisy at all but everyone thinks it was. I DON'T KNOW.

Time travel stuff is confusing.
It's sad that the hot blue girl died. At least Tess got to come back to life (and it actually makes sense since Coulson was brought back with Kree tech.)

It's weird how the interior stuff looks cheaper and cheaper (and darker) but the CGI stuff looks better than ever. The gravity storm thing was really impressive for tv.
I will be glad when Cassius is DEAD. I will also be glad when they have some episodes in normal light again.
So good job blue girl suddenly forgot about those flying balls of death, and just brought a piss poor knife along right?

Tess distracts me bow how much she looks like a younger Claudia Christian.

Also fortunate that a plane that has been sat in a pile of rubble for 70 years still has a good air seal.
So they're finally back to the present day. The kind of happy "we can rebuild the Earth" ending won't really matter if they change the timelline so Earth isn't destroyed. Unless it's another universe or something. I guess Deke went back in time with them somehow probably by robot guy is dead. And my theory that Flint would stop Earth breaking up was wrong too.

Yo-Yo with no arms was creepy. It's good that Simmons got revenge on Cassius.
FINALLY THEY ARE GOING BACK. They dragged this storyline out a bit too much.
Yo-Yo is Crispin Glover in Hot Tub Time Machine.

The part with Deke in the bar was pretty funny but I still wonder what the point of him is.

General Hale doesn't seem like a very good mother.
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Why do the military people always have to be so evil? ALSO will Daisy save Dove and then she becomes part of SHIELD? IT COULD HAPPEN.
The 100th episode was kind of all over the place. They introduced this "fear dimension" but it didn't really create anything intersting, just some random villains we've seen before (and all in make-up so they didn't need to get Ward or Lash's actor back.) It was good that they remembered Deathlok exists but his inclusion felt a bit random. The wedding was nice.

If this is the last season (and given how much they've slashed the budget I have to think it is) then Coulson's surely going to die in the finale. Then they can start talking about him being dead in the movies!