Messenger "Policy"


New Member

Do you never intend to let Messenger in? The reason I ask is that he seems a little obsessed over it. He's sent me about 5 or 6 different PM's the last week or so asking for my help. I don't know what I could possibly do to help him but I figured if I started this thread, maybe he'd just leave me alone.

Has anyone else been getting PM's from him?


New Member
Well, to be honest I don't have much of Messenger policy, although if pushed I could come up with one.

What I do know is this: It is more fun to watch him obsess about me and SC over at TK, than I think it will be to let him in the door and go crazy here. And I'm all about the fun! pink elephant

If you guys can convince me it'll be more fun to let him in..... I *might* consider it. BUT don't hold your breath. It really is a lot of fun to watch him rant and rave about a little no nothing board that was only thrown up to discuss some silly guidelines over at EI, and has probably already gone past it's expiration date. I don't think of this board as some special little place that needs to be kept safe. I think of it as some little board that has definitely gotten some interesting reactions from other boards. That's given me a good laugh too.

What was the definition of trolling again? I forget. But then, I never was much of a troll now was I.

The winning move is to go on saying "no" and watch the reaction. It gives TK something to go on about. It gives me a good laugh. It keeps Messenger out of my hair.. and it gives him something to do while he trys to get in here. Hell, it'll even give me something to do when he does sneak in and I get to ban him. I'm thinking it's one of those perfect situations for everyone..

...but I'm open to hearing your collective thoughts on the subject.


New Member
I've noticed through reading that you're a student of my admin philosophies. Given that, I suggest you let him in, let him make three posts, then ban him (preferably while he's in the process of making a fourth post) and then delete all traces of his presence.

That's what I'd do. It will give him a stroke and you a good laugh.


New Member
Yes, I've become quite an admirer of your admin policies. No muss. No fuss. That's my motto.

You and I both know how ironic it is that I'd even admit this.. but then, I've also become a big fan of irony.

As to letting him in for a laugh, just to ban him mid-post ...

"Timing is everything" isn't it.


New Member
Then I take it I'm in the minority with the "Messy Fan Club" here.

I really don't think he's that bad. Vocal, yes. Annoying, most definately. But other than that, he's just an average TKer out to have some fun.

Really, Cait. You've let CU and myself in here, despite all that we've done to you in the past. Hell, you even gave me a modship (half joking, of course). How can you say what CU and I did is any worse than what Messy is doing right now?
LOL, well, I can't say that what Messy has done is any worse than what you or CU ever did, and you make some good points...

But here is the thing, you and CU [and a few others] have the presence of mind to troll when you can, and turn it off at will. That's a major difference between you guys and Messenger.

You have to trust me on this, [although this part will fast be over at TK for some good troll laughs].. I don't care if he posts here. I can delete fast and ban even faster. But where is the fun in that for *me*?

I'm surprised he doesn't already have a dual that did get in. There are certainly duals that did get in that belong to TV guys. Like "sleeper" Soviet spies they sleep until .. whenever.

LOL, like I told CU... "Timing is everything".


New Member
One thing I'll give him is that he is NOT the typical TKer.
Only he and Gagh ever got to me. Noone else was talented enough.


New Member
Well, we will see if Messy can turn it off at will. I've told him that if he's serious, his best bet probably is to shut up about it for a few months, and then re-ask in an email or something, and not make a big deal about it.
Well if he turned it off, where would I get my morning laugh?

Just kidding.............

Sort of.

Although it would be interesting to see if he could actually NOT go ballistic. I just don't think he's got that kind of self-control. But I could be wrong... I'm wrong lots of times.


New Member
CaitrionaSC said:
But I could be wrong... I'm wrong lots of times.
You're right there.


New Member
darthsikleSC said:

Do you never intend to let Messenger in? The reason I ask is that he seems a little obsessed over it. He's sent me about 5 or 6 different PM's the last week or so asking for my help. I don't know what I could possibly do to help him but I figured if I started this thread, maybe he'd just leave me alone.

Has anyone else been getting PM's from him?
Oh but you will pay.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
MorrhiganSC said:
Yeah, let's invite him in. Maybe he can make SC as pleasant a place as he made TK.


New Member
Lilith said:

I've been gone awhile. Life's been hectic and I've been able to be Messy free again. I'msure I'll regret this in the morning, but right now I say let him in. I think you could handle it Cait.
Umm, I've only posted at TK, hello?


New Member
I just had a browse ovwer at Shatteredcock - I feel like I need to take a shower - yech!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Too sad.


GFHH Moderator
Who doesn't want to be a member of SC?