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Mininova - R.I.P

Anyone remember when the Torrent network was DEFINITELY going to kill Hollywood REALLY REALLY soon?


I think Hollywood needs to go back to relying on box office sales for revenue. They also need to stop charging >$15/ticket. Hell, I buy tons of DVD's. I probably buy as many as I download. Blockbuster and Hollywood Video have 4/$20 deals on DVD's all the time. Also, Gamestop stopped selling DVD's and now it's Video Stop or somesuch nonsense, but still sell cheap DVD's. I refuse to pay full price for any DVD. Those 4 disk special deluxe orgasmic blu-ray hi-def make-your-friends-envious DVD's are a joke. They contain about 20 min of footage you didn't see in the original release (there's a reason it was cut, people: it sucked) and commentary by production designers and costume makers. Problem is, they cost 40 goddamned dollars. Fuck you! I don't care if you're a shitty clothes-buyer or overrated interior designer. I don't give a shit about your opinion. Get off my DVD and lower your fucking price. Ya pretentious stuffed-shirt jewish business fuck.

Anyway, back on topic. The price for DVD's is too high. The price for entrance to a movie is too high. Fuck, I can pay for three DVD's instead of buying a ticket to your dumbass pixar bullshit. These jokers need to remember that movies are an art form, not a business. The next time I see a Jason Statahm (fuck you I don't care how it's spelt) movie where he roundhouse kicks some guy's head and a building explodes, I'm gonna flip the fuck out. Also, Harold Ramis, stop making movies. Please. Meatballs, Ghost Busters, and Stripes were great. Stop trying to be funny. Year One sucked major balls.

And there you have it. Some movies aren't worth the shit smeared on the celluloid. That's why downloading is important.
so, i'm torn about piracy, but i still do it. i want the artist to get paid, but they go so little of the $25 for the DVD, the $15 for the CD, and the $1.99 per TV episode or whatever. i pirate UP! and tell all my friends about it, and a couple may buy it, i download some crazy indie band like planets and i will go see their show, and buy their CD there where they'll get all $15.

i dunno. i'm an artist with stuff on iTunes and My two EPs have been downloaded a total of 22 times, 7 of those times were pirated. do i fret about the fifty odd dollars that i lost out on the downloads, or do i feel glad that my music got that much more exposure.

now if i were in a huge band, some band like radiohead, and i ran an experiment wherein people didn't have to pay for our record, and from that experiment discovered that the disk sales were actually bigger because people downloaded it for free, i wouldn't give two shits about piracy. bands like metallica, who stand out against piracy and get users banned for downloading their music, well, they kinda suck.

now the movie studios, they are massive machines where the majority of the cash goes to the people who already have huge piles of cash, and the grips and the key grips and the best boys, they get shit. they people who actually sweat blood to get movies made, they don't see huge piles of cash at the end of the day. me pirating movies isn't going to put money in the hands of the key grip, no, not like it works with music. but the key grip and the makeup lady and the head electrician are union, they make their money for the project and they are done. they don't get residuals, so a percentage of the population pirating a movie they worked on doesn't hurt them.

you know, whatever. it's a hell of a lot faster to torrent something that's well seeded than to buy it from the iTunes store. iTunes will give you around 800-900KBps down, videoseed maxes out my connection at around 2.8MBps down sometimes, but consistently gets 1.5MBps. which is the path of least resistance to me watching predator 2 on a whim?
now if i were in a huge band, some band like radiohead, and i ran an experiment wherein people didn't have to pay for our record, and from that experiment discovered that the disk sales were actually bigger because people downloaded it for free, i wouldn't give two shits about piracy. bands like metallica, who stand out against piracy and get users banned for downloading their music, well, they kinda suck.

Trent Reznor released the Nine Inch Nails alsum Ghosts I-IV totally free of any copyright, meaning it was 100% legal to go on Pirate Bay and download it.

However, he also said that if people wanted they could download it direct from his site for $5, with other options to buy a physical copy and various limited editons for higher prices. The $5 goes directly to him, as he wasn't under any record companies. He let people download the first quarter of the album (which in total was over 2 hours long, so that's about 30 mins of music) for free, and even uploaded that in Pirate Bay himself.

It worked so well that he gave away his next album, The Slip, totally free as a way of saying thank you.

TL;DR - people will buy a product if they can get it cheap, high quality and as easy (or easier) as pirating it.