Mistress Search Update


Ex-Mistress and I had lunch today. She pitched me on website. Looks good and we're going to go in as partners. She's smart, sexy and very willing to show me where she was shot. To bad she wanted exclusivity.

A good candidate appeared, but was "encumbered" by marriage so she has been "friended". Meanwhile, she has invited me to her movie's premier.

Dance instructor looks interesting, but time will tell if I get to tap that ass.

An online application, although interesting, was declined due to her age and geography.

Further updates as women continue to throw themselves in my path.


Since you are not female, nor meet the age and geographic constraints, I couldn't care less what you think.

Love Child

One Love
Ex-Mistress and I had lunch today. She pitched me on website. Looks good and we're going to go in as partners. She's smart, sexy and very willing to show me where she was shot. To bad she wanted exclusivity.

A good candidate appeared, but was "encumbered" by marriage so she has been "friended". Meanwhile, she has invited me to her movie's premier.

Dance instructor looks interesting, but time will tell if I get to tap that ass.

An online application, although interesting, was declined due to her age and geography.

Further updates as women continue to throw themselves in my path.

So tell me about your wife.


Define hot?

She is hot, she has a job working with kids that is very physical - so yeah, she's hot.

Why am I seeking outside attention? Well, after over 20 years of marriage, she has with-drawn. I want to go see a movie, she wants to stay home and play computer games. I get invited to black tie events, she wants to stay home and play computer games. I want to have dinner out, she wants to eat TV dinners while playing computer games. I want to go to Vegas while school is on vacation, she wants stay home for 3 weeks and play computer games.

I tried to interest her in getting therapy - her words were "have fun with that". I talked to her about joining me more often, She says "I would rather stay home and play ____" The list of things she has turned down cover everything from dancing lessons to travel (air, train, and cruise).

I have friends that invite me to parties and comedy clubs. One of them commented that in the 12 years we have been going, he has only met my wife 3 times.

So, I have given up on having a real adult relationship. I have lost my playmate to a website.

She doesn't see her family, my family, won't seek help, won't let me take her anywhere or do anything. I can't nor won't leave her until my daughter finishes school. That's at the of the year.

I told the dance instructor that I asked my wife (I really did) to come with me to get free Salsa dancing lessons. I have introduced the dance instructor to several "high-level" chums. So, in lieu of payments, I have the chance to learn from a pro. What does my wife say? "I really don't want to learn any kind of dance." And back to her game she went. Even the dance instructor said "that's very sad."

But yeah, physically hot. Emotionally withdrawn, and unavailable. But hot, never-the-less.

Love Child

One Love
I lied. I have another question, I was just hoping someone else would ask.

So....after 20 years of marriage leaving is not an option?

Love Child

One Love
I hate relationships breaking up. It is sad no matter what the circumstances. My condolences. So I take it then being with the "ex-mistress" is not an option then either huh? Or she doesn't want to wait for you? Or she doesn't know?
Things always change at the end.


I hate relationships breaking up. It is sad no matter what the circumstances. My condolences. So I take it then being with the "ex-mistress" is not an option then either huh? Or she doesn't want to wait for you? Or she doesn't know?
Things always change at the end.

Thanks. I'm kinda done morning the end of the relationship. The ex-mistress wanted me exclusively. That's not going to happen until my daughter graduates. I told her a year and she told me that she couldn't guarantee that she would be there in a year unless I committed to her now. I told her I couldn't, and that one does not just toss away 23 years. You do have to try and work it out. I told her that if she (the ex-mistress) wanted to stay friends, that was fine, and I would still call her when I needed a date and my wife was not willing to go (100% of the time). She made it clear that sex was off the table, and I agreed.

So, in a year, if I want to date exclusively, she may or may not be there. And I may or may not want to date her.

Meanwhile, I consider myself available, yet I will still wear the wedding ring since I am still married.

Its as honest as I can be in this situation.


GFHH Moderator
Waiting until she graduates from college?

Come on. You are afraid to move on. Nothing wrong with that, but why does she have to graduate college?