My Blood Runs Cold Issues

The Question

Oh, and the reason it's a stainless steel cock is because if it was a high carbon steel cock, your slobber would rust it and Anna couldn't strap it onto a Mexican donkey. Don't care so much about Anna, but we don't want the donkey getting raped and getting tetanus. Be kind to animals, and all that.


Pinata Whacker
...then you're not on the internet. You've failed again. I expected you'd have more interesting hobbies than failing.

Yeah you're not on the internet, you're scrounging around the $5 or less bargain bin at Walmart, where I predict your book will inevitably end up.


Pinata Whacker
That doesn't explain how I'm posting right now. But your total disconnect from logic means that your prediction is worth... let's see... nothin'.

It will be worth something someday when the homeless rise in revolution and protest over your book. I'll be hailed as a folk hero that tried to warn the masses about your book.


RIP 1970~2018
It will be worth something someday when the homeless rise in revolution and protest over your book. I'll be hailed as a folk hero that tried to warn the masses about your book.

I guess "The Saint" will have to take what he can get.


The Question

Here's proof that 'Gear is a 'tard: Him and his buddy talked shit about my book. I then poke him, and he goes "derp" to everything.

That's the problem with being predictable, 'Gear: it makes you usable. But, I figure, what the hell. If you're going to be a useful idiot, you can be a useful idiot for me, too.

Cookie? ;)

The Question

I like how you searched out a link that has no reviews. Just like you reviewed it on Amazon without having read it. Why are you so frantic to see it fail? What puts that kind of panic into you about it?