I await your next fully formed sentence with enthusiastic indifference.
You assume I have 20 relatives. Anyway, the number was 20-to-1, not 20 total. This is how I know you didn't read it, by the way. Whether it's inattentiveness or lack of reading comprehension, details escape you.
I said good DAY, sir!
You are a part of the rebel alliance and a traitor! TAKE HER AWAY!issed:
Ain't no snail-eatin' vowel-mouthin' frogs in my book, son.
Uh. No. On many levels. There is a character named Kellen McPherson. But that character isn't a "dude" -- it's an 8 year old girl. Rather, a dead 8 year old girl.
Again: you don't know whether or not it's any good, because you didn't read it. You only skimmed it, at most.
400+ people say the excerpt is awesome as fuck. TKers can get with the program or bite a stainless steel cock.
When your homeless and/or mentally deranged and your reading material is limited to the sign you hold that reads "Will Critique Schlock For $$$"...