My Blood Runs Cold Issues

The Question

You have a lot of time on your hands, don't you? Time and black paint and ballsack funk.

The Question

Hopefully, they don't beat you about the head and neck with a thick stick for the black paint smears and ballsack funk on the pool cues and cards too often.


Pinata Whacker
Hopefully, they don't beat you about the head and neck with a thick stick for the black paint smears and ballsack funk on the pool cues and cards too often.

No they ask me if I have any black paint leftover so we all can get blackfaced and blackballed and go out and rape some lady cupcakeers.

The Question

I haven't seen him say anything racist yet himself. But at least there's one fish in the pan. (Don't look now -- it's you. ;) )

The Question

Y'know, revisions could be tackled a lot faster if you worthless halfwit horsefucking haters would provide actual, legitimately constructive criticism instead of idiotic vaguefag shit. I post things like this for genuine feedback, not so you can just spew shit everywhere like lactose-intolerant infants.


Pinata Whacker
Moderate structural revisions to Act 1.

You need major structural revisions to the whole book. I recommend a hack and slash job or a scorched earth policy. That crapload bearing beam has got to go also.

Y'know, revisions could be tackled a lot faster if you worthless halfwit horsefucking haters would provide actual, legitimately constructive criticism instead of idiotic vaguefag shit. I post things like this for genuine feedback, not so you can just spew shit everywhere like lactose-intolerant infants.

See answer above. Happy now?

The Question

Your criticism would have so much more gravitas if only it were based on having actually read the damn thing in the first place.