My favorite videogames


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Registered User
What about Wind Waker.

What about it?


Staff member
Killer Instinct I & II were fucking amazing. I spent far too long playing them. I was basically unbeatable at this game if I was playing with Orchid. Memorized the ultra combo and that was that. Pure rape.


This is it. Though this cocksmith didn't hit him on the way down. It should be a 42 hit ultra.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^Watching that totally turned me on.


Killer Instinct was the only fighting game I ever really got into, and the SNES version, despite its far inferior graphics, was a god send. I got particularly good with Combo, Fulgore, Glacius and Jago, but my preferred character was Sabrewulf. Despite having only played the game a handful of times in the past 10 years, I can still pull off a 40+ hit Ultra Combo using Saberwulf with my eyes closed.

It's incredible to think how awesome Nintendo was in the 90's. ULTRA 64 BITCHES.


Staff member
I have lots and lots and lots of games that I rate very highly and listing them is difficult. I'll start with PC titles and maybe I'll do a SNES, N64, PS1/2 post later. This has taken me ages to find all the boxes and then resize them so I don't kill the thread with a million oversized images.

Many of the choices are part of a series. In this case I've tried to choose my favourite of the series.

Listed in no particular order. Let's go:


Red Alert 2

Out of all the CnC games I probably played this the most. Red Alert 3 was shit and was a massive let down though.


Independence War 2

A not very well known title but in my opinion it is the best elite clone ever to grace the PC. Including X-Beyond.



I got this game at the same time as I bought my Geforce 4 back in the day. It looked gorgeous and played great. It was similar to GTA but more realistic. Can't wait for Mafia II.


System Shock 2

In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. If I wish, I can smash it all. Around me is a burgeoning empire of steel. From my throne room, lines of power careen into the skies of Earth. My whims will become lightning bolts that raze the mounds of humanity. Out of the chaos, they will run and whimper, praying for me to end their tedious anarchy. I am drunk with this vision. God: the title suits me well. -SHODAN.

Aahhhhhh this game fucking rocked my socks so fucking hard. I also greatly enjoyed the first Bioshock which was the spiritual successor to System Shock but this was better.


Hidden and Dangerous

I spent a lot of time playing H&D in the late 90's. It was a very unique game with how you had to plan and strategically use your 4 man squad to the best of its abilities. Trying new stuff out was always fun and the levels could be played over and over. The immersion factor was off the hook as well. I enjoyed H&D2 as well but the original was superior.


Half Life

Don't have to say anything about this really. When I first played this it changed everything. Forever.


Galactic Civilization II

I grew up on the Master of Orion series but after being burned with MoO3 which sucked donkey balls I thought the hope of another good 4x game was unlikely. I was wrong. GalCivII is in no uncertain terms totally fucking brilliant. It is at such a refined point with all the expansion and quality patches that it is close to perfect. You can lose days playing it.


Flight Simulator X

OK, it's not a game but I'm including it anyway. I have been playing FS since FS4. That's a long time. FSX is the penultimate achievement of the series. It's just too awesome for words. FSX + all the scenery and add on aircraft I have takes a ludicrous 67GB up on my HDD. That's how much I love it. The fact that I can fly to any airport in the world in any aircraft I want with unparalleled realism is just amazing. ILS CATIII approach in an A380? No problem. Crosswind landing in a 747? No problem. Microlight over the Andes? No problem. IT'S GREAT.



This isn't very well known either but it's really fucking good and has a wicked story to it. Get it!


F22 Air Dominance.

This game by DiD blew me away when I first played it. The graphics were great and the flight model was fine but the really amazing thing about this sim was the dynamic campaign that adapted to your actions. Blow up an important bridge and supplies are cut off from your enemy and the campaign changes accordingly. It was revolutionary at the time and to be honest it still is.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Here's my VERY favrit all time video game






Staff member

Deus Ex

I remember buying this the day it was released. I'd been waiting for it for a while since PC Gamer (magazine) has been running features on it and it looked really good. It was better than good though. A lot better. The fact that you had free reign and a GENUINE freedom to solve missions in so many different ways was just incredible. A lot of games have since claimed to give the same sort of freedom and choice as Deus Ex did but it's all bullshit. All the do is add a crappy tacked on stealth feature or two different routes around a complex ending up at the same point. Dues Ex was not like that. You really had the choice and freedom to make logical derisions and achieve goals in different ways. It was amazing then and amazing now. I hope DE3 lives up to the original because the second game was a travesty.


Freespace 2

Ahhhh, this game was gorgeous and so exciting and I remember it really fondly. It was an actual joy to play and you never got frustrated or annoyed with it. You just couldn't help having a huge stupid grin on your face whilst weaving in and out of capital ships blowing the shit out of everything. Best space shooter ever? Pretty much, yeah.



This game was ownage. The Cradle is one of the greatest video game levels EVER.
On top of that this game invented the stealth genre on its own.


Baldurs Gate II

Still to this day this ranks as the best RPG I have ever played in my life. EVER. And I've played a lot of RPG's. This game is perfect and cannot possibly be bettered in any shape or form.



Memories! -- I really loved this game. It was epic in scope and it finally allowed me to orchestrate the giant space battles that I wanted to with easily the best graphics ever seen up to that point. I was a member of the Sacrifice of Angels Total Conversion Mod team in the late 90's when this was released and it was the reason I joined TBBS since there was a lot of discussion about the mod going on there. I want a new Homeworld.


Alpha Centauri

This game swallowed too much of my time. IMO this is the best Civilization game of all time. MAKE AC2 NOW.


Operation Flashpoint

Again, total freedom. This game was realistic and totally unforgiving and it was HUUUUUUUGE. The fact that I could commandeer a helicopter and rain hell fire from above or go in to enemy territory and sabotage at night by foot, boat, truck or plane was insanely fun. This was a tough game but highly rewarding. I'm playing OF2 that was released recently and it's good but not as good as the original. I'm sensing a trend.


Football Manager 2010

Best football management game ever. Period.

Goodbye life.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Bioware do it again. How could I not love it. KotoR 2 was good but Obsidian did fuck it up with the whole unfinished business so the original by Bioware who are incapable of making a game that isn't total win gets the nod.


Hitman: Blood Money

And underrated series. Who doesn't want to be an assassin anyway? It's incredibly fun concocting ludicrous ways to get around your marks security and finish him off. Loads of different ways to kill each target and it's just a lot of fun.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm not huge into the computer games given my shitty computer/internet systems, but did get a chance to play some of Baldur's Gate II, and I really enjoyed it. Also played Hitman, and you're right...I know I've always wanted to be an assassin. Never knew what La Femme Nikita's problem was anyways. Hmpf.


Staff member

Lesiure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail

The best in a great series. Al Lowe is a genius.
LSL8 and LSL9 had no involvement from Al Lowe and it can therefore be no surprise that they are both abominations. Thanks for killing the series fuck heads.


The Curse of Monkey Island

Some purists may raise and eyebrow at me placing Curse higher than The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge and those two games are certainly GOD TIER but so is this and it's my favourite of the series SO THERE. What to say about it? It's one of the greatest adventure games of all time is genuinely funny and is the product of LucasArts that in these days could do no wrong. It's pure genius. The next game in the series that came years after wasn't that good but the recent 5 part mini series Tales of Monkey Island is really fun and worth picking up if you've already played the first three games.


Planescape Torment

One of the best games ever made, yes. But I think this has to be crowned the Number 1 winner of best written game of all time. It turns all the conventions you have about what an RPG should be and kicks them out of the window. Playing this game is an experience everyone should have if you have any interest in fantasy storytelling whatsoever.


Quake Arena

This is my choice for the multiplayer spot on the list. It's pretty much a perfect game and oh so fun.


Silent Hunter III

The SH series has always been a bit "close but no cigar" but with the help of a fantastic community who have spent YEARS modding the crap out of this title and thus turning it into an absolute gem of a sim so my placement on SHIII is not based on the out of the box experience. It's based on SHIII+GWX (Grey Wolves Mega Mod)

We're at SHV now but this is still the best. Makes me want to go and watch Das Boot again.



Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars

The first in a long running series and probably my second favourite adventure game of all time (Number 1 will be along shortly) there is nothing I can say about this game that will do it justice it is just fantastic and I loved every single second of time I spent playing it. George Stobbart is an American HERO!


GTA: Vice City

The best GTA game bar none.


Sim City 4

My first experience of Sim City was actually on the SNES playing the original title. I absolutely adored it and have played every incarnation to death. Sim City 4 is six or so years old now and it's still played by a fuck of a lot of people and the community around it is really strong and has led to thousands of buildings being created for the game. Come on you all know what Sim City is. How much longer must we wait for SC5, eh?


Jedi Knight II

Played the series since Dark Forces but this is clearly the best title in the series. It was amazing and is amazing. I will never forget how much fun I had on multiplayer having light saber duels with other people. Everything from the story to the level design and insane graphics was just totally awesome. I enjoyed Jedi Academy that came after JKII but this is better. I long for JKIV so badly...


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Bloodlines was marred with some quite poor combat on its release but everything else about the game was incredible. A fantastic RPG in every sense of the world. All the different vamp clans were really well done and deep as hell and the story, characters, voice acting and graphics were all top notch. An excellent game. Who can forget the split personality vamp chick that acted like she had a twin!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I loved Deus Ex. I played the demo for hours and marveled at how realtime the world was.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Okay, the cover of Torment just looks cool.


Sorry. Please, carry on. :)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Im currently playing Resisance 2 on ps3. thats pretty fun.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings

You should get "Heavy Rain".


Staff member

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

At lot of people will say Morrowind was better or that "NO WAI MAN OBLIVION SUCKED" but they're just trying to be cool on the internet and we must ignore them. OK, so there is a lot of love for Morrowind and it was a superb game but Oblivion is the superior title. It's just an epic piece of work, it really is. There is too much to say about the game because it's fucking vast but also vibrant and filled to the brim with things to do. It's an insane achievement which ever way you look at it and it should be on any top PC games list.


Rome: Total War

Ahh... The Total War series. I've been with you for so long.

I was an early adopter and played Shogun: Total War on release (i still have the disks around here somewhere) and fell in love with the series. It's basically two games in one. It's a rich and detailed Civ type strategy game but when combatstarts it switches to the lush 3D battlefield with thousands and thousands of troops at you command. It is quite an amazing sight to see and is the very definition of the word "epic". The Total War series has had its ups and downs but it's still the best of its kind and at least one of the series will always be on my HDD. Napoleon: Total War holds that place for now but I chose Rome to represent the series because it was just incredible and I probably played it the most out of any of the titles. I was hoping for Rome 2 but it's been confirmed that the next instalment is Shogun 2. I'm not complaining.


X-Com: UFO Defense

A true classic. The greatest turn based strategy game that has withstood the tests of time and yet to be outdon. Simples.


Grim Fandango

And here we are. We have arrived at Manny Calavera. Your new travel agent. This is quite possibly my all time favourite game. It's perfect. This is a film noir spectacular. Even the best movies in that genre fail hard when stacked up against the modern classic of absolute genius that is Grim Fandango. Playing GF back in the day it still stands as probably the most rewarding experience I've ever had playing a computer game. I've run out of superlatives to describe it. If you haven't played it before you are missing out on a wonderful experience. GO NOW AND PLAY IT. LucasArts finest achievement created at the height of their powers.


Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
Aside from the mainstream/cliché games that always manage to make it in lists (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Chrono Trigger, The Elder Scrolls, et cetera), I enjoy(ed) playing :

Yakuza 1-2-3


Xenosaga 1-2-3

Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem

Shadow of the Colossus

Shin Megami Tensei : Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2

Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne



X-Com: UFO Defense

A true classic. The greatest turn based strategy game that has withstood the tests of time and yet to be outdon. Simples.

BEST STRATEGY GAME EVER. I would kill many minorities for a true mulitplayer version of this.