Troll Kingdom

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My news

killing kittens is an age-old internet euphemism. I think this thread put me in the mood to bump my murder murder murder thread.
whatever your conteext, still doesn't change the fact that 'killing kittens' is an age-old internet euphemism
An astounding display of apathy by eloisel. She's going on day 4 of not caring, being bored.

If eloisel could care any less she'll have to not care in a great big bright yellow font complete with punctuationless rambling and many misspellings.
Ignore them, eloisel. RWC just spouts bile and repeats himself ad nausem as if by sheer volume he will be recognised as something more than a fucking gimp and his words and lies will actually eventually hold some perceived weight.

I see Gonad has jumped on the bandwagon like the pointless groupie he seems to be. "Oh ma gawd, join in with the nasty people who throw horrid insults around! It's so unique!"

I've got less that a thousand post and have been here almost a year. My post are quality post, and they have many fans, spanning several boards. Conversely, your 35 thousand post spanning 4 years are largely unread by me, and with good reason. <cough::boringpedophile::cough>

Why don't you tell your friend Messenger how you feel about him instead of alluding to it here.
My post are quality post,


Why don't you tell your friend Messenger how you feel about him instead of alluding to it here.

My friend Messenger is just that. A friend of mine. Don't concern yourself in matters that don't concern you.
I see Gonad has jumped on the bandwagon like the pointless groupie he seems to be. "Oh ma gawd, join in with the nasty people who throw horrid insults around! It's so unique!"

Aww, it sounds like you're the one concerned here. See, when you described Gonad in this most unflattering manner you've also described several others, including your friends Lord Raffles and Messenger.

Now you're at attacking the character of your friends just to spite me. How embarrassing for you.
Messenger and Raffles are both forces unto themselves. If you think they need my blessing on everything they do or I need their blessing on everything I do you are deeply mistaken. (no surprise there.)

Unlike you they both have originality and panache when it comes to their various exploits. They are in every way your betters. I still don't agree, and I don't support everything they do but it's no matter to still be friends with them. Though I find it interesting how you even know I'm friends with Raffles. You seem to be paying some unhealthy amount of attention to me, you old fool.

As for Gonad, I see no reason why he's suddenly out of nowhere started being a groupie. Hence I called him on it. Now kindly fuck off, RWC. You old spastic.
Lord Raffles said:
You're fucking lucky to be alive.

I'll send you a lover letter straight from my heart fucker. Do you know what a lover letter is? It's a bulltet from a fucking gun fucker.. You recieve a love letter from me and you're fucked forever Do you understand, fuck?

I'll send you straight to hell fucker.

In dreams I walk with you. In dreams I talk to you. In dreams you're mine all of the time, forever in dreams...::love:

CU was more meancing, not to mention more original, when he alluded to Cait being the star of a snuff film.
At least when RobL and Daystrom used to threaten to kill each other they lived in the same city. They didn't have to quote Frank in Blue Velvet to do it.

Sorry dear..... you lose troll points on this one.

Mentalist said:
Messenger and Raffles are both forces unto themselves. If you think they need my blessing on everything they do or I need their blessing on everything I do you are deeply mistaken. (no surprise there.)

Check out the ego on you, stupid. I was nowhere near hinting at permissions. To the contrary, you're more at "hindrance".

Unlike you they both have originality and panache when it comes to their various exploits. They are in every way your betters.

I applaud them when they succeed. Hell, I'm even fans of theirs. But now you're speaking on their behalf, and you should probably apologize. Not just for speaking for them after you've insulted them, but saying things they wouldn't agree with.

I see <FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE NAME OF A FRIEND> has jumped on the bandwagon like the pointless groupie he seems to be. "Oh ma gawd, join in with the nasty people who throw horrid insults around! It's so unique!"

And now for the backpedaling:

I still don't agree, and I don't support everything they do but...

But you're an insecure, self-contradicting man-boy that's highly bothered by my words. You should be. Because my impression of you is dead on, and it's not me you dislike, it's yourself.

As for Gonad, I see no reason why he's suddenly out of nowhere started being a groupie. Hence I called him on it. Now kindly fuck off, RWC.

I don't even know who gonad is, I just assumed he was someones dual. It doesn't matter I suppose, because he's shown the ability to laugh. Gonad is greater than you.

As for fucking off, make me. Beg someone to have me banned. That's the only way you'll ever look good is unchallenged, "good" being a relative term.

Have I mentioned that you're a pedophile, and how your uncreative subs n' dubs suck?
Have I mentioned that you're a pedophile
More than once. You've yet to prove it though since it's utterly unfounded. All you've done is post your little pictures which you're ever so proud of. Unfortunatly they do not relate to the truth no matter how much time you spend on them.

Clearly you feel the need to try and take me down. Something you're incapable of doing. But then again this coming from someone who thinks posting photshop-manips is gospel... Hows the toothless divorced mother circut treating you at the moment?
Mentalist said:
You've yet to prove it though since it's utterly unfounded.

You post images of underaged girls and are obsessed with preteen iconography. You have proven this yourself on several occasions. You are a pedophile.

All you've done is post your little pictures which you're ever so proud of. Unfortunatly they do not relate to the truth no matter how much time you spend on them.

News flash, stupid: Your stupid little subs n' dubs were far overshadowed by my words, and they took MUCH more of your effort than the few minutes I spent in ps.


Clearly you feel the need to try and take me down. Something you're incapable of doing.

Aww, stupid is attempting to use powerful descriptions in describing the mundane. Kid, put your glasses back on, put down your Tiger Beat mag and take a look around. You were on the verge of stepping in shit. I gave you that extra shove. If my "taking you down" you mean "shoving your face in shit", yes. I've succeded many times now.

But then again this coming from someone who thinks posting photshop-manips is gospel...

coming from a delusional geek who labors hours and hours over uncreative, unfunny subs n' dubs that show his penchant for preteen iconography

Hows the toothless divorced mother circut treating you at the moment?

I assure you, she had all her teeth. She wasn't English.

Why are you insulting your friends, calling them "pointless groupies"?
Why are you insulting yourself by trying to claim the intellectual highground over every person you come across, when it is obvious it is a front which conceals a fragile persona, who relies on internet chest-beating to assure himself he means something to at least himself?
RWC said:
You post images of underaged girls and are obsessed with preteen iconography. You have proven this yourself on several occasions. You are a pedophile.
How am I obsessed with pre-teen iconography? Proof? Oh, that's right, there is none. If this is the sum of your detective work then you are weaker still than I thought. Quite a feat.

News flash, stupid: Your stupid little subs n' dubs were far overshadowed by my words, and they took MUCH more of your effort than the few minutes I spent in ps.

Oh no! You called me stupid. Maybe you'll call me a douche next... The parodies I made were all but universally praised except by you and Luci who are both retards and are already mired by hate and anger to begin with. Your manips are non-events that produce laughs from a few retards like the TW contingent, and have to be repeated over and over again to get noticed through sheer saturation. Other than that there is no correlation to be found between the two endeavors. Of course you're desperate to find how much effort 'that' took because 'this' took less.. OMG I WIN!


Aww, stupid is attempting to use powerful descriptions in describing the mundane. Kid, put your glasses back on, put down your Tiger Beat mag and take a look around. You were on the verge of stepping in shit. I gave you that extra shove. If my "taking you down" you mean "shoving your face in shit", yes. I've succeded many times now.
Surely you meant "succeeded."

Maybe you should learn to spell before you start riding around the internet correcting people?

coming from a delusional geek who labors hours and hours over uncreative, unfunny subs n' dubs that show his penchant for preteen iconography
Unfounded, untrue and I have to tell you, you know, you're approaching a point with these continued accusations where they'll end up getting pulled. Your unfounded claims are not appreciated here and I find the association sickening. Your unwavering focus on it is staring to become it's own cause for concern.

I assure you, she had all her teeth. She wasn't English.
You dare speak about creativity?

Why are you insulting your friends, calling them "pointless groupies"?

I didn't. This is just more of your word twisting and abuse of the truth. Do you think bolding that makes it more important or something? Do you think Raffles and Messenger are turning on me due to your expert bolding of letters?

You're one of the weakest trolls I've seen in a long time, and I've seen a lot. You're fixation with a lie about pedophilia started by Luci due to a fucking Lazytown avatar that belonged to ANOTHER POSTER that you took at face-value from Luci and have become OBSESSED with yourself, is starting to become telling about you. I'm still mulling over removing every single image of me you've posted. I'll see how I feel about it later. And no, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Thanks for being a retard.
You think that [replace with vague point] was [massive overgeneralization]? What kind of stupid moron are you? You're a complete failure in everything you've ever even tried to accomplish. Do you want to fight?
Oh, you English hooligan! Don't you get in the way of me recounting my exploits of picking up alcoholic divorced mothers of five in seedy bars and getting them to suck me off. Because I'm tough as nails, me. And I'll headbutt your limey ass all over the place, you stupid douche!
Gagh said:
Why are you insulting yourself by trying to claim the intellectual highground over every person you come across, when it is obvious it is a front which conceals a fragile persona, who relies on internet chest-beating to assure himself he means something to at least himself?

Aww, gagh attempts to employ pop-psychology, and fails. It's funny, because you've posted over 70 thousand post here, and you've posted more post geared toward me than I've posted at this board, period. Not only have you given an accurate assessment of yourself in that quote, it's just in another in a very long line of "I don't care about you, and I'm going to prove it with more words" post.

It's also funny that you keep trying to change your strategy but keep falling short. You get credit for trying, but that's about it.

Menty said:
You're one of the weakest trolls I've seen in a long time, and I've seen a lot.


Picture this: you, on your death bed. Me, foot across your throat.

You: "I'm still breathing.... pwned!"

Me: <just content to strangle you, laughing at your denial of the obvious>