Troll Kingdom

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My Niece the Taurus

Anyway...back on's our horriblescope form Yahho for today.

Change some deadlines or renegotiate terms. You have a chance to change these boundaries now, and isn't that better than walking into a situation that feels too constricting? Do everything you can to shift the balance of power.
LMAO...You are an idiot...Count Zero. ;) Oh, I forgot. Count Zero was supposed to be Blondie.

Whatever... :D
And for tomorrow...

Plans get complicated, but that only gets your sporting blood up. There's nothing more interesting to you than sorting out logistics and allocating resources where they'll do the most good. You've got plenty to keep you occupied.

There goes my day off.
Y'know...Count Zero.

What you might not be aware of...and it pisses some people that I save my correspondence. All of it.

Think twice before you feign ignorance...or denial. ;)
Friday, I have a question you might be able to answer...I can't get a straight answer in plain English out of my wife. Here goes:

When you're psycho, and you clearly are, do you know you're psycho??? Do you wake up in the morning and think "my gods, I'm psycho!" or when you butcher the mailman with a breadknife, do you think "ok, that was a little psycho...time to tone it down a notch."

I'm just curious...

Address the Count Zero issue. Then, and only then, will I answer your question. Why expose other perceived new posters...when there is little to be gained? Power? Prestige? Insecurity?

Inquiring Tkers want to know. :D
CoyoteUgly said:
Blondie's been feeding her information about you under the guise of Count Zero.

Now, CU, dear, you have to know I have the PMs you sent...not to me, but to someone else...that would incriminate your sorry ass.

Stop while you still have some self respect to salvage.
OMG! What the fuck ever...carry on. I get you now. :lol:

Your either trying to troll, or you got money is on the second one.
CU, I respect your trolling. For what it's worth. ;) You are good.

But when you choose to troll those I consider friends, be prepared to meet your match. And then some. I have a sense of loyalty. Unlike you.

But whatever. I do respect your trolling. But continue to stay away from my friends.

Do we have an understanding?
Laker_Girl said:
My niece's birthday is May 18th, she's a Taurus. She gave her brother a cape she was wearing and now she wants it back. I told her that if she knew she wanted to wear it she shouldn't have given it to him and that if she wants to get a scarf out I'll make a cape for her too. She might as well have said, "OH HELL NO!" She put her head in her hands, pouted and started breathing heavily out of her nose. She was, disgusted and acted just like a bull. That little girl is just too much like her Auntie...The taurus.

TAURONS tend to spout BULLSHIT.
Friday said:
CU, I respect your trolling. For what it's worth. ;) You are good.

But when you choose to troll those I consider friends, be prepared to meet your match. And then some. I have a sense of loyalty. Unlike you.

But whatever. I do respect your trolling. But continue to stay away from my friends.

Do we have an understanding?

Was that an attempt at a threat? Pfft. I refuse to even give it a grade it was so ridiculous it made me laugh. COYOTE must truly be shaking. Shaking from laughing so hard that is.
Damn. COYOTEUGLY and FRIDAY have it bad for each other. Look at all that yelling. This is called foreplay. What next? Fucking online?
You talk an awful lot about sex Lucy, you're most definitely a virgin or very recently deflowered. It's precious, really.

You know nothing about Taurus', we tend to speak the cold hard truth. I'm guessing that you took that freak show you call a face out once and tried to hit on a hot little Taurus and she tore you down like a Vegas casino. Learn your limits man, stick with the fat ugly girls with low self-esteem. In case you're wondering who those are, use your mom and sisters as a reference. ;)

And Friday, I hate to break it to you my sweet ( :) 'cause ya are ) but CU is a bit on the smokin' side as is Blondie.
Friday said:
CU, I respect your trolling. For what it's worth. ;) You are good.

But when you choose to troll those I consider friends, be prepared to meet your match. And then some. I have a sense of loyalty. Unlike you.

But whatever. I do respect your trolling. But continue to stay away from my friends.

Do we have an understanding?

An understanding for what, you stupid bitch? Are you Jillian re-incarnated or something?

You do whatever you think you gotta do with whatever you think you've got at hand. You sure as hell don't have any PMs from me because I find you physically and psychologically repulsive, but you carry on smartly.
Laker_Girl said:
You talk an awful lot about sex Lucy, you're most definitely a virgin or very recently deflowered. It's precious, really.

You know nothing about Taurus', we tend to speak the cold hard truth. I'm guessing that you took that freak show you call a face out once and tried to hit on a hot little Taurus and she tore you down like a Vegas casino. Learn your limits man, stick with the fat ugly girls with low self-esteem. In case you're wondering who those are, use your mom and sisters as a reference. ;)

And Friday, I hate to break it to you my sweet ( :) 'cause ya are ) but CU is a bit on the smokin' side as is Blondie.

Please dear child. I am not into the whole horoscope crap. I believe in what is real. I bet you go up to a man of equal girth to yourself and ask 'what is your sign' thus forcing him to leave no doubt because he wishes to remain a safe distance from fatass sideshow freaks. My limits would be females such as yourself? I have no doubt were we to meet in person you would quickly and sadly swallow your words. I could 'have' you in a heartbeat just as I could have any female on this site in like manner. My apologies but I refuse to do FAT.