My Royal Court

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
As I have co-opted the title of "King of Trolls" I hereby decree my royal court to be populated as follows:

King of trolls: me
Queen of trolls: Tamar. Not only do I wanna fuck her, I think she'd look good in lace and a tiara. We'll see.
Prince of trolls: Darthsikle. He's earned it.
Court wizard: GTC
Court jester: jack
Royal treasurer: Red Whacker
Lord High Executioner: Messenger, provided he returns. Unil then, Gagh can fill the role well.
Royal Scribe: Seph
Master of Assassins: Captain Wacky
Ladies in waiting: Cacophony, Friday, Laker Girl, Ilyana, and Sarek.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
So let it be written, so let it be done.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Knocked up and everything and I'm still on the list. I'm flattered.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Knocked up and everything and I'm still on the list. I'm flattered.

I figure I'll entertain myself by letting you pull a train with all the critters in the Badlands.


New Member

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I'm surprised I'm not a Lady in Waiting.


New Member
I found out about Menty's ascension and started posting at Jack's board as Doci, around the same time you registered there.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
I found out about Menty's ascension and started posting at Jack's board as Doci, around the same time you registered there.

You know you're Messenger account has been cleared, right?


New Member
Yes, but I've always hated that handle. And this way I get to confuse people a little.

(People will still call me Messy, something a few years of Weevil should solve.)

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Attention: I have further additions to my court:

Chief cook and chambermaid: T'Bonz
Royal privy cleaner: MissManners
Royal pissprophet: 14th Doctor
Royal colporteur: Dayton3

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Yes, but I've always hated that handle. And this way I get to confuse people a little.

(People will still call me Messy, something a few years of Weevil should solve.)

Zodiac was a good name. I started that account.


I want to smell dark matter
I hope Seph is getting all this down...

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
We use faggots for jousting targets in my kingdom.



lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
(People will still call me Messy, something a few years of Weevil should solve.)

Messy is a really cute name, I don't think you should try to distance yourself from it.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
As I have co-opted the title of "King of Trolls" I hereby decree my royal court to be populated as follows:

King of trolls: me
Queen of trolls: Tamar. Not only do I wanna fuck her, I think she'd look good in lace and a tiara. We'll see.
Prince of trolls: Darthsikle. He's earned it.
Court wizard: GTC
Court jester: jack
Royal treasurer: Red Whacker
Lord High Executioner: Messenger, provided he returns. Unil then, Gagh can fill the role well.
Royal Scribe: Seph
Master of Assassins: Captain Wacky
Ladies in waiting: Cacophony, Friday, Laker Girl, Ilyana, and Sarek.

I'm flattered but my cock is rather huge.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
You can be a lady and still have a cock, Sarek ;)