My Royal Court


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
No, you can't.


It's even in her name!


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
I don't think you're a lady m'love, but you can't argue with the facts.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Anything you can do I can do better?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
As I have co-opted the title of "King of Trolls" I hereby decree my royal court to be populated as follows:

King of trolls: me
Queen of trolls: Tamar. Not only do I wanna fuck her, I think she'd look good in lace and a tiara. We'll see.
Prince of trolls: Darthsikle. He's earned it.
Court wizard: GTC
Court jester: jack
Royal treasurer: Red Whacker
Lord High Executioner: Messenger, provided he returns. Unil then, Gagh can fill the role well.
Royal Scribe: Seph
Master of Assassins: Captain Wacky
Ladies in waiting: Cacophony, Friday, Laker Girl, Ilyana, and Sarek.

Kiss my Scepter


beer, I want beer

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
You may try. But about the only decision you can make around here is which hand to masturbate with.

Now, Sarah... there's no need in being such a spoilsport.

Develop a sense of humor. Or at least fake one.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!


Retired Account
ugly and fat


Retired Account
fucking fugly is the correct term :rip: