My Royal Court


a treat for missmanners
Im not in it.

I feel somewhat...

oh look...


on a break from forums
Royal Appetizer: classichummus



Retired Account


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Since he gave up his flaming homo dual, he's not been the same.


moral imperfection
What the hell are the duties of a lady in waiting, except for the obvious one? I need a job description, so I know what to wear, for heaven's sake!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Okay, it's simple. When I summon you and say "drop'em" then your panties come down.

Got it?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
What the hell are the duties of a lady in waiting, except for the obvious one? I need a job description, so I know what to wear, for heaven's sake!

My garb of choice.


Though, after some consideration, I've come to the conclusion that the overly large blade may be slight overkill. A parring knife would be more than suitable for lopping off their little peckers.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Dunno, Sarek. Consider that an executioner would use an oversized ax. Compensating for something? You be the judge.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
As I have co-opted the title of "King of Trolls" I hereby decree my royal court to be populated as follows:

King of trolls: me
Queen of trolls: Tamar. Not only do I wanna fuck her, I think she'd look good in lace and a tiara. We'll see.
Prince of trolls: Darthsikle. He's earned it.
Court wizard: GTC
Court jester: jack
Royal treasurer: Red Whacker
Lord High Executioner: Messenger, provided he returns. Unil then, Gagh can fill the role well.
Royal Scribe: Seph
Master of Assassins: Captain Wacky
Ladies in waiting: Cacophony, Friday, Laker Girl, Ilyana, and Sarek.

Can I paint the ceilings? Or at the very least, sew the tapestries?

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Yes, but I've always hated that handle. And this way I get to confuse people a little.

(People will still call me Messy, something a few years of Weevil should solve.)
That or, as I mentioned earlier, people will start calling you Weev (which could lead to ???? and PROFIT!! in ways I can barely imagine)

I was always partial to Zodiac (and its ominous associations,) myself.