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Nascent Drama

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OMG that's horrible! They do have enclosures with locking lids. You just have to remember to latch them.

Both of the snakes at my sister's preschool were great escape artists. One was a Corn snake named Alice, she got out for a few weeks and hid in the cabinets too. One of the kids saw her pop her little head out and they finally got her! Their other snake was a California King snake named Houdini because he was so good at escaping!
It's really easy to forget to latch them at a preschool!!!!
Both of the snakes at my sister's preschool were great escape artists. One was a Corn snake named Alice, she got out for a few weeks and hid in the cabinets too. One of the kids saw her pop her little head out and they finally got her! Their other snake was a California King snake named Houdini because he was so good at escaping!
It's really easy to forget to latch them at a preschool!!!!

lol that's funny.
I'm suprised schools allow reptiles in the class rooms with the risk of salmonella.
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lol that's funny.
I'm suprised schools allow reptiles in the class rooms with the risk of salmonella.

My sister's preschool had SOOOOO many animals!!! 2 snakes, a Bearded Dragon, 2 box turtles, a bullfrog, 2 chinchilla's, a couple of rats, 1 or 2 Guinea Pigs, and I think some more. They were really lucky!! My preschool had the snake, some finches (until the snake ate them), and a Dwarf Hamster, maybe more, but I'm not sure.
In kindergarten we had a turtle and an alligator lizard!!!! That fucker was scary!! I saw one 2 days ago when hiking with my girlfriend I was going to try and catch it, but I decided not to since I didn't have anything to pry it's mouth open if it were to bite me. Fuck those things!!!
Ghost of Karelia is fucking amazing!!! This whole CD is fucking amazing!!! The score (no vocals) is utterly beautiful!!! You can hear soooo much more in it!!! Totally unique experience!!!
My sister's preschool had SOOOOO many animals!!! 2 snakes, a Bearded Dragon, 2 box turtles, a bullfrog, 2 chinchilla's, a couple of rats, 1 or 2 Guinea Pigs, and I think some more. They were really lucky!! My preschool had the snake, some finches (until the snake ate them), and a Dwarf Hamster, maybe more, but I'm not sure.
In kindergarten we had a turtle and an alligator lizard!!!! That fucker was scary!! I saw one 2 days ago when hiking with my girlfriend I was going to try and catch it, but I decided not to since I didn't have anything to pry it's mouth open if it were to bite me. Fuck those things!!!
You should carry a small bottle of liquor when the best way to open the mouth of a reptile is by putting a drop or 2 of alcohol in their mouth. I do not care much for hamsters.
You should carry a small bottle of liquor when the best way to open the mouth of a reptile is by putting a drop or 2 of alcohol in their mouth. I do not care much for hamsters.

I wish I could carry a bottle of alcohol, but I'm underage so that wouldn't go over well if I get caught by the cops.
My mom is fucking obsessed with hamsters!!! It's pretty fucking annoying!!!!! I am soooo sick of those little fuckers!!!!!! She gets so upset when they die. I'm like, "You know they don't live much past 2-3 years. Plus you have like 3 more!!!"
I wish I could carry a bottle of alcohol, but I'm underage so that wouldn't go over well if I get caught by the cops.
My mom is fucking obsessed with hamsters!!! It's pretty fucking annoying!!!!! I am soooo sick of those little fuckers!!!!!! She gets so upset when they die. I'm like, "You know they don't live much past 2-3 years. Plus you have like 3 more!!!"

It's natural though to get upset over the death of a pet, even if it is just a hamster.
You could always put the alcohol in a small spray bottle. I mean one of those little sampler bottles of alcohol.
I am out of here, got some shopping to do.
It's natural though to get upset over the death of a pet, even if it is just a hamster.
You could always put the alcohol in a small spray bottle. I mean one of those little sampler bottles of alcohol.
I am out of here, got some shopping to do.

I actually need to do some chemistry homework so me and my gf can hang out later. We have our chem final on Thursday and I have to turn in a shit load of work by Monday!! I'm pretty much screwed!!! Have fun shopping!
Fuck the amount of chem homework I have. I have to stay away from here for awhile. I'm going to work then play with my gf!!! YAY!!! Maybe we can do some chem HW together!!! So much fun!!!
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the live version is like 1000 times better :phpcool:
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