New Batman movie - are you afraid to go now?


Forever Empress E
I'm not afraid to go but I am glad that many theaters are ramping up their security because of the concern over copycats.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Now THERES an original idea for a discussion thread. I'd say too bad you weren't at the Denver show, but that would be in poor taste so I'll sequester that thought..


Forever Empress E
Jack, it may not be an original idea but it is a valid discussion topic. Quite a few people are concerned and if anyone wants to talk about it they should be encouraged to do so. If you aren't concerned for yourself and the people you love, then that is great for you. Not everyone is as callous as you are.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
That's not it at all E. It's irritating to me that some fucking half assed antisocial geek would plan such an event so elaborately for the sole purpose of finally getting some attention.

He doesn't care what happens to him after this, he never intended to kill himself after which is what REAL psychos ALWAYS do. He's just sucking up the negative prana at this point. And he's now a celebrity. Negative attention is still attention.

It just fucking pisses me off. This whole culture poises itself for events like this and then suddenly everyone's concerned.


Forever Empress E
I agree with you on some of that. We're a sound byte, photo op, catch phrase, leet speaking kind of society right now.

What I'm not understanding is why his mother was not surprised that it was her son that did this thing and in fact told the authorities they had the right person when they asked her about her son. If I had a child capable of doing something like that and I had reason to believe that they would, I'd have that kid in some sort of facility for their own protection as well as for everyone else. I don't understand what happened there. Did she not say anything to anybody or was nobody able to help her or what?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I hadn't read that. Now that's screwed up. Whatever happened to families? I think she plans to cash in on this.


Forever Empress E
She may not have been able to get anyone to listen to her. Holmes is 24 years old and apparently was not living with his parents. Looks like he was a smart kid with lots of potential and a bright future. I wonder what about him concerned his mother and why no one else seemed to notice he was having some sort of crisis at least a few months back when he started planning and preparing for this.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You should have seen the tripwire boobytrap he rigged his apartment with...he would have blown to shit anyone trying to storm in to do a search. Given that he lived, he copped to it with them, thus saving lives. I think he may have actually envisioned a scenario where he died in the theatre and the the building explodes in a fiery holocaust as a final goodbye, given the amount of explosives attached to the trap.

Remember that guy in the tower in Texas in the sixties? Kind of like that only quicker.


Forever Empress E
I remember vaguely the movie about that tower shooter in Texas. Did he have explosives set up in his house? I'll have to look back at his event.

This Holmes guy is hard to read about. It is making me sick. I want to know why this person did this.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
My uncle died in a car crash. I didn't give up driving. My dad died of lung cancer. I still enjoy a good cigar once in awhile. My brother was wounded on duty as a police officer, I didn't quite my job. I had an aunt that died in a plane crash, I still fly. A friend of mine drown on a canoe trip, I still go out on the water. Christopher Reeves had a riding accident and ended up dead as a result, I still ride horses. Thousands die as a result of eating, drinking, smoking, walking, running, biking, swimming, surfing, snowmobiling, and just living life. Some clown in Colorado went nuts in a theater and killed people. I'm not going to stop going to the movies.


beer, I want beer
I would got to see the movie in that very theater. Probably the safest spot in America today.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I saw it last night. Ho-hum. No one can beat last remake's Joker. That was the end of the story on film for me, strictly speaking. Bale always sounds like he just did a little too much coke. I liked him better in The Mechanic.


Forever Empress E
I'll go see it sometime this week.

Bought the DVD for the last Batman movie but haven't gotten around to watching yet. Yes, I know it has been a few years. For continuity, do I need to see it before this last movie?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No. Last movie is a standalone buzz.Ledger is beyond magnifiscent. I spelled that wrong lol.


I saw it last night. Ho-hum. No one can beat last remake's Joker. That was the end of the story on film for me, strictly speaking. Bale always sounds like he just did a little too much coke. I liked him better in The Mechanic.

Who paid?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'll go see it sometime this week.

Bought the DVD for the last Batman movie but haven't gotten around to watching yet. Yes, I know it has been a few years. For continuity, do I need to see it before this last movie?

Did you go yet?


Forever Empress E
Not yet. Probably Thursday. I'm in the middle of working on researching, vetting, editing, and tweaking 15 scholarly papers due out by 5 p.m. next Monday. About Thursday I will need a break from all this and Batman ought to provide it.

Maybe I'll go tomorrow night. You want to discuss after I do?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I would.