First thoughts on this, subject to change once I receive the respective bribes...
LC: I wanna know what exactly constitutes a thread to be mergeable to you. Does such a definition even exist, or do you prefer to have every thread standing on its own, even the most idiotic one?
Fact is, at least as far as I understood it,- the server has limited space, so threads have to be deleted or archived once in a while. In order to facilitate the choice of what threads these will be, I like the concept of moving obviously mindless spam threads into Spamcapital or other designated threads, then have them purged once we have reached the limit. I also would like the people spamming the most (Gagh, DL, Dual, LC) to give some kind of feedback on this. The way I've done it until now, I merged the most obvious BS plus those threads whose starters gave "permission" to do so. Threads I wasn't certain about, or those who had people responding, were off-limits. I think it worked ok, but any suggestion as to how to do it better are welcome.
The problems that arose with the mergings were accidents. Bullshitting aside, (and I know I sound like an idiot, this being TK and stuff) I trust Cacophony, Dershocka, GTC, mm, and Menty to not fuck with the Badlands like that on purpose (Of course, I have no idea who else is fiddling with the buttons...). It is neither funny nor especially cool, and since I know how merging is done, I also know just how much mistakes one can make.
IMO, these accidents accumulated because there were at some point 4 (or even more) admins/mods who wanted to do their job and cleaned the BL.
That's why I think some kind of "self-modding" would be a good idea. The regulars kinda know (and can agree on) which thread constitutes useless spam and which one is worth being preserved. If a purge is necessary, tell us in time, so we can discuss and try saving the relevant ones. (Maybe it works the second time

As for the flooding... I don't mind it. I may be a bit bored if it gets too much, but I see it as a part of the Badlands, so I can live with it. And yes, I am willing to clean it up, and since I usually get help, too, it's no biggy. Any discussions about the amount of threads or flooding speed are between the tech admin, mm and Gagh, I will stay out of it.
Oh, yeah, someone mentioned rules... I don't like imposing rules. Use your brain when you wanna get along with people and bear the consequences without whining when you act like an asshole. That's all that's needed, really.