The Dork Lord
Whipping Boy
Oh look! failcunt found a paddy-cake partner!
The Badlands have my support in becoming a real forum, but I reserve the right to give Dork Lord shit ANYTIME I FEEL LIKE IT.
Oh look! failcunt found a paddy-cake partner!
By that logic, there is absolutely no reason to purge the Badlands. Just disable the search function, ban Gagh, and get rid of any and all admins/mods. Voilà, problem gone.![]()
I also would like the people spamming the most (Gagh, DL, Dual, LC) to give some kind of feedback on this.
If flooding was banned boardwide, in terms of both multiple threads and numerous strings of multiple posts, I would stop. The reluctance to put in a proper ruleset relating to this has hobbled TK's performance for years.
And if there's any worries if I would observe a rules, you only have to look the majority of the forums that were made spam-free. I don't bother with them.
The 10 second time limit between posts should also be reintroduced. One second is too close, and only serves to allow spamming & flooding. Is 10 seconds really too much of an ask? Maybe 5 seconds?
As for spam in this forum. I don't know why the board has always accepted it. It puzzles me why anybody would want to threaten the performance of their board(s) by allowing it.
We are going to strike a deal (or rather I will and you will agree to it) I'm not going to impose restrictions on the members about flooding and spamming and when you have the irrestable urge to spam and or flood, you will stop every few minutes to see if anyone is complaining about the board being slower than usual in the "Gagh, knock it off thread". If your spam and or flooding is slowing the board for everyone, then of course you will knock it off.