Love Child
One Love
There was a chiyo chan? (Viewing similar threads below) Im really hungry and I want a steak.
There was a chiyo chan? (Viewing similar threads below) Im really hungry and I want a steak.
Yes, but it was the only meal I ate today. The heat, end of the month and some other things. I had grapes and gatorade and water and other healthy shit today-probably 1/2 a little sandwich.
Its too hot, even tho I love it.
So DL-you are saying to unsticky the karma threads that I stickied?
omar grant reqoest . tihs thread untsticky .I do hereby officially petition the Badlands Ruling Council to re-sticky the following threads, as it is their proper place in both the daily order and operations and historical significance of Badlands society:
To compensate, I have no problem whatsoever with the more recent karma threads being de-stickied.
Thank you for hearing my humble plea, lords and ladies of the council; and may your spam remain fresh and tangy!
Your Humble Servant,
Dark Pickle Esq.
There are far too many stickies. Too many stickies. Too Many.