OH Yeah Kitty

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
Um, this thread was for Kitty anyway. And I'm mostly 1/2 joking anyway. I was just reminded about the reasons she "left". So I thought I would make a thread about it.
And then you popped in-so I thought I would ask you why you never publicly got mad at her for lying.
Really I'm just recaping the thread at this point-and its too early for that-so more drama-come on.

You will forgive me I hope, for reacting a bit defensively.

The first thing I notice when I log in is you taking me to task for shit that's well over with. I didn't get mad at Kitty because she was being a TROLL, that's what she does. She was successful at it. And again, as I have not personal feelings towards her I really couldn't care WHAT she does.

The second thing I see id fucking Dumbo crawling out of his cave and shitting allover a light hearted playful thread, and you and Loktar praising him for it.

We were getting along great last night, now all of a sudden I have a target on my chest again.

It can be frustrating at times, your fucking highness high queen of the fuck off and go to hell!

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
I know. Because none of THAT stuff was real right? The deeply personal, cruel and private things said about you in public. That was just for the lulz, right?

So it's ok fior HER to dredge up the past and no one else?

Glad there's a double standard in effect.

Love Child

One Love
I know. Because none of THAT stuff was real right? The deeply personal, cruel and private things said about you in public. That was just for the lulz, right?

Yep. Oh but its all gone now, so let us all just forget about it eh?
I will fuck off and go to hell Pickle. You don't have a target-but jesus srsly I was just saying "I don't care" to rhym with your poem and you make a seperate thread addressing it-what do you expect people will do with that?

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
I was PLAYING there. That was fake. You know it and I know it. Think about it. We were joking around last night. Then, as soon as Gagh comes in and takes his expected cheap shot, you lokter and dirk swarm in like sharks sniffing blood.

AND AGAIN--I wouldn't complain about people airing their dirty laundry with you when:

#1 You kinda brought it on yourself by letting lat many people feel that strongly for you at the same time, and

#2 you're doing the EXACT SAME THING over here.


Pinata Whacker
Fuck and I thought my decision to possibly take a break from my messageboards and concentrate on finding a better job and other RL issues was going to be a hard one. Guess not.

Too...much....real drama. The fake drama stew is ruined.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I was PLAYING there. That was fake. You know it and I know it. Think about it. We were joking around last night. Then, as soon as Gagh comes in and takes his expected cheap shot, you lokter and dirk swarm in like sharks sniffing blood.

AND AGAIN--I wouldn't complain about people airing their dirty laundry with you when:

#1 You kinda brought it on yourself by letting lat many people feel that strongly for you at the same time, and

#2 you're doing the EXACT SAME THING over here.

Pickle, you aren't in my crosshairs. I'm not aiming anything at you.


Sinless and Purrfect
You whined and bitched instead of confronting me directly and got my main banned from posting in the Badlands.


I made this one post thinking LC would do one of several things.

1. Call me out as a liar

2. Play along

3. Ignore that statement and refuse to acknowledge any questions about it (still playing along).

She choose number three. Its a shame LC and I have no contact outside of TK, otherwise it couldve been bigger than it was.

For the record (Dirk Funk), I wasnt mad at LC, and Im not now. She takes jabs at me sometimes. I do the same. Whenever I speak of the Badlands, I refer to Pickle and LC mostly as the caretakers. She might be a whore, but I think more highly of her than that (see, another toothless jab).

I had no idea it help to open up a RL wound between LC and Pickle. For most trolls, that would be a bonus. I hate RL trolling, and if I had part in their drama, Im sorry.

As for the TKR threads. Of course, I knew TK members would read those threads. I figured LC is smart enough to know I wasnt really mad at her for something I knew she didnt do.

What I said about Gonad though wasnt any bull shit.

LC, if theres anything you feel hasnt been clarified, plz PM me. I never post PMs.

Love Child

One Love
Kitty, its all good really. I dont' get a chance to call someone out and call them a bitch often. Wait, that isn't very exciting reading material is it. Anyway, this really was supposed to be a light hearted thread. OMFG. I actually thought it all was pretty funny-and it is too bad we didn't chat about it, it could have been even funner. ; )
Till next time.