Ongoing Battlestar Galactica thread of doom.


Zombie Hunter
So I just solved the problem and binged my way to "Home." The good side is, you can burn through a "react" video in 20 minutes or so. That said, I must to bed.


Zombie Hunter
Got through Pegasus on "reacts" videos. Tricia Helfer is amazing as an actress. When Baltar does something dickish and we see how it hurts Six, she really does a good job.


Zombie Hunter
[checks] Carmen Young. Not completely thrilled but I hate her less than any others so far. The trouble is that anyone who makes a "...reacts..." video is likely to be some kind of narcissist attention whore, so you're going to get a lot more of them talking that seeing what they're reacting to. Shit, this chick's videos can easily run an hour long while the actual part with the episode airing is around 20 minutes (and a lot of the time that is going on, we're just seeing her with no reference at all of what she's looking at).


I want to smell dark matter
I should make a react video to something where I just sit with my face unmoving for an hour and occasionally say "that was amusing" and look away awkwardly (AutisticManReacts.)


Zombie Hunter
This one was entertaining, because she was getting all wound up and I was like, "wait until you see the rest of the episode":


Zombie Hunter
Binging react episodes, trying to get to the big scenes. So good--if I stayed up too late and drank too much. Got through Starbuck's death--and her return. Up to the last season. My YouTube queue is skipping "Razor," and I'm mostly OK with that. Razor makes Caine and her crew slightly less monsters but it isn't essential to the main story. And I'm just trying to get through that right now.


Zombie Hunter
For whatever reason, today I needed to see the scene from "Blood on the Scales" where Zarak lies and tells Roslin Tigh and Adama have been killed and, instead of surrendering, she gives her Winston Churchill/Marcellus Wallace speech. But the clip I picked was longer and it really highlights how the show shined. Because Zarak is rattled and Gaeta has clearly had enough and we see that falling apart while we see Adama retaking the ship with ever increasing support. Meanwhile Chief is down to tearing apart the FTL with his bare hands and it is all cut together and it is all the payoff of years of developing each of the characters to where it is immensely fulfilling and, on the flip side, maddening that "Star Trek" was stuck at 1987 storytelling, where they most inspiring they can manage is "HULL PLATING DOWN TO 57%!"


I want to smell dark matter
"You tried to stab me in the neck, but you missed. BUTTERFINGERS!"