Perhaps Kitty can answer this one.


Seeing as you're Dork's special, special friend:

Please explain who is currently on poor terms with Dork, who Dork considers himself to be on poor terms with (especially if they are / were considered as Badlanders by yourself or him).

I appear to have missed a whole lot of Emo shite down here, and would like to know where the current Circle of Sad currently sits.

Also give reasoning as to why everyone except for you seems to fall out with Dork.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
If there was ever a thread to come back on...

To answer your question Chris, Jack is pissed at me because I refused to kiss his ass or something...he bans me, I whip up a silly AV of know how these things go.

Loktar and Uschi are pissed because I had the AUDACITY to limit Loktar to read only access on a sooper sektit forum for a few days after he spoke out of turn...

Other than that (AS FAR AS I KNOW) I can't say I currently have any problems with anyone.

But, I also haven't been here for awhile, so everyone else on the internet might hate my ass as well.

How have you been?


Pinata Whacker
You're only here because you got bored after you locked everyone out of your suck ass spamboard, got banned from jack's board and have noone to play with except Shitty Kitty.

You don't have a problem with anyone currently because they all left or were locked out of your shitboard.

And finally if you being an egomaniacal, lying,hypocritical, whiny emo, asshole isn't a valid enough reason to hate you/have a problem with you then you are beyond help.

*waits for reply before putting Douche Lord on ignore for good*

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I didn't lock anyone out retard; I hid one forum from a few people and gave you read only access for a few days.

Now go cry in the corner, milk-baby.


a treat for missmanners
I cant handle this.... first it was hummus pasty white sex tales, then the NWO multitards, and now the fucking MUgens....

Fucking focus we have MUGENS!!! everywhere, they are coming cant you all hear them scratching away? they want us to fight , they are dividing us, no doubt they wil lsend in the comicon paratroopers to softyen us up, then the dice rollers will hit us, then we will be cosplayed, then the imperial mugen guard will ruin us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I havent slept for 32 hrs and live on red bull

I hear them in my mind.

oh and er get along.


If there was ever a thread to come back on...

To answer your question Chris, Jack is pissed at me because I refused to kiss his ass or something...he bans me, I whip up a silly AV of know how these things go.

Loktar and Uschi are pissed because I had the AUDACITY to limit Loktar to read only access on a sooper sektit forum for a few days after he spoke out of turn...

Other than that (AS FAR AS I KNOW) I can't say I currently have any problems with anyone.

But, I also haven't been here for awhile, so everyone else on the internet might hate my ass as well.

How have you been?

I've been fine. Thanks for asking.

I felt compelled to ask, seeing as you have about 6-8 active members at your board (which shows depressingly little signs of activity, to be honest), from which Ilyana, Ushi, Loktar & Jack 7 giving you grief. That doesn't seem to leave you with an awful lot to play with. Kitty & Messenger, by the looks of it.

It would have been easier to stay here and be hated by the usual gang, than invest time in something that looks like it's been set up 5 minutes ago, and about 70% of the active membership hates you. It seems like an awful lot of bother for pretty much the same result.

It's worked for me for 7 years. It could be worse. You could be locked in Daycare like NAP, trying to insist you had in some way bettered everyone, when in fact you would be as convincing as a shaved chimp in lipstick posing as Jennifer Aniston.


Isn't Jennifer Aniston a shaved chimp already? Why would you need another chimp to pose as her?

Also I'd like Ily to have something against me: Her BOOBS LOL

Dr. House

The dirty whore in Loktar's signature video gives me a boner.
Now, Momo...when you and the nWo take over this place you gotta scap this vBulletin shit and switch this dump over to SMF.
Damn, it's like trying to navigate through a swamp with snow-boots on.


moral imperfection
Also, Ily has something against me? Since when?
I guess he's referring to my last post on your board. I was just fed up with all the 'all TKers are baaaaaad' posts over there, and it does annoy me when someone accuses Wacky, Eggs, Dr. Dave et al. of being elitist assholes.

Loktar said:
Give it time. I'm sure you'll eventually do something to piss her off.
Me being seriously pissed off would mean that I forgot that I am at TK. Not very likely, and if it happens, I sure as shit won't tell :D

Also I'd like Ily to have something against me: Her BOOBS LOL
*presses her body against Yub*

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
If I thought ALL TKer's were bad, would I be back here?

I consider many MFers to be my friends. People Like Dr. Dave and Eggs, (who I don't consider elitist either), Curious, and Menty among them.

There's also the class of MFer that I honestly respect and admire (Wacky, Gagh, Cassie), yet don't seem to think that much of me. That is fine, and I do not begrudge them this.

There ARE some Minefields I think of as being elitists, and some Tkers I feel are irredeemable douche bags. I'm sure some of them think that (and worse) about me.

That doesn't mean I'm about to lump them all together and label them: that would be discrimination; and I am not a bigot.

I sincerely hope this clears matters up :)


The dirty whore in Loktar's signature video gives me a boner.
Now, Momo...when you and the nWo take over this place you gotta scap this vBulletin shit and switch this dump over to SMF.
Damn, it's like trying to navigate through a swamp with snow-boots on.

that's the plan I don't know why vB is so popular.

dork lord, were you really forced off the board?