The Dork Lord
Whipping Boy
^To be fair, you did make things here pretty fucking boring for awhile...
^To be fair, you did make things here pretty fucking boring for awhile...
Quality on your spamboard? You're funny.
Quality on your spamboard? You're funny.
^I guess I must be. One breath you say our feud is over, and the next you're throwing your feeble insults at me.
Maybe I should stop pitying you, and start ignoring you.
Jack/Messy/Pickle... These are the TROLLS deemed to dangerous for "Troll" Kingdom...
And what has TK offered? Fake elections and fake transfer of ownership?
The dirty whore in Loktar's signature video gives me a boner.
Now, Momo...when you and the nWo take over this place you gotta scap this vBulletin shit and switch this dump over to SMF.
Damn, it's like trying to navigate through a swamp with snow-boots on.
that's the plan I don't know why vB is so popular.
dork lord, were you really forced off the board?
You're not even in the same league as Messy. Don't try.
The reason Messy's not allowed back is because Hambil is so butthurt over what he said.
Jack is not a troll. He's a looney toon. Don't get me wrong. I respect the guy, but he really is one giant bag of crazy.
The elections aren't fake. They're rigged. There's a difference.
Trust me when I say that the transfer of ownership is 100% legit.
Maybe they are, I have no idea...but the way it's set up here is annoying and looks sloppy. I've never seen an SMF forum as cumbersome as this.SMF is garbage. So is PHPbb. Vbulliten and IPBoard are currently the best software packages available.