Perhaps Kitty can answer this one.


Pinata Whacker
^To be fair, you did make things here pretty fucking boring for awhile...

And yet we're doing nothing different from when you left until you came back. You just got bored because jack banned you from his board and people left in droves from your board.


Let's fuck some shit up
I can honestly say I've only visited Jack and Dork's boards one time each.

After having been here for a while, I've noticed that offshoot sites from this site (another offshoot) have the life expectancy of a gnat. If they do survive, they end up with a population that is only a fraction of TK's. Which is quite pathetic, considering there's maybe - and I'm being generous - 50 regular posters here.

Here's a few examples: Bickendan's Lonaf/TK hybrid, Messy's board of self-destruction, Beslam Asylum (I remembered the name of one!), and Shattered Corpse. I'm sure there's at least one or two others, but I think you get the point.

So, it's nothing against you personally, Pickle. I just knew your site was doomed at the beginning.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Out of sheer member numbers?

LOL That's funny. It's quality, not quantity.

Using SC for an example: sure they don't have many ACTIVE members, and the board is slow as hell compared to this one. BUT 1 Neil and 1 Raeven and 1 Donovan are worth about a thousand useless cunts like Hummus or Dirk, (Or Blackfoot, Or Luci, Or Falconarg, etc.) each.

So no offense taken Conchaga. You telling me it The Badlands will fail only makes it sweeter when it doesn't ;)

FBI parte due

Folces Weard


The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Quality on your spamboard? You're funny.

I'd say Jack/Messy/Pickle dramaz trumps ANYTHING on Tk in the last year or so. These are the TROLLS deemed to dangerous for "Troll" Kingdom, after all.

And what has TK offered? Fake elections and fake transfer of ownership?

:yawn: Wake me when it's over.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
^I guess I must be. One breath you say our feud is over, and the next you're throwing your feeble insults at me.

Maybe I should stop pitying you, and start ignoring you.


Pinata Whacker
^I guess I must be. One breath you say our feud is over, and the next you're throwing your feeble insults at me.

Maybe I should stop pitying you, and start ignoring you.

Go ahead you piece of shit. I thought you liked "fake" drama(or is it?).


Retired Account
gives them both a feather duster and rings the bell, neither of u are aloud to leave till 1 of u laughs.

ding ding ding FIGHT.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Wow. I haven't seen this much teen angst since My So Called Life.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I can't tell you how wet that makes me.


Let's fuck some shit up
Jack/Messy/Pickle... These are the TROLLS deemed to dangerous for "Troll" Kingdom...

You're not even in the same league as Messy. Don't try.

The reason Messy's not allowed back is because Hambil is so butthurt over what he said.

Jack is not a troll. He's a looney toon. Don't get me wrong. I respect the guy, but he really is one giant bag of crazy.

And what has TK offered? Fake elections and fake transfer of ownership?

The elections aren't fake. They're rigged. There's a difference.

Trust me when I say that the transfer of ownership is 100% legit.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
The dirty whore in Loktar's signature video gives me a boner.
Now, Momo...when you and the nWo take over this place you gotta scap this vBulletin shit and switch this dump over to SMF.
Damn, it's like trying to navigate through a swamp with snow-boots on.

SMF is garbage. So is PHPbb. Vbulliten and IPBoard are currently the best software packages available.


Pinata Whacker
You're not even in the same league as Messy. Don't try.

The reason Messy's not allowed back is because Hambil is so butthurt over what he said.

Jack is not a troll. He's a looney toon. Don't get me wrong. I respect the guy, but he really is one giant bag of crazy.

The elections aren't fake. They're rigged. There's a difference.

Trust me when I say that the transfer of ownership is 100% legit.

Either way the elections/political stuff is boring as shit.

Dr. House

SMF is garbage. So is PHPbb. Vbulliten and IPBoard are currently the best software packages available.
Maybe they are, I have no idea...but the way it's set up here is annoying and looks sloppy. I've never seen an SMF forum as cumbersome as this.