Perhaps Kitty can answer this one.

Love Child

One Love
Submit to what??

It doesn't do any good to tell him what he is, its not like it will make him change, it will just make him do that same behaviuor over and over again. Also he will deny it, state he has a plan, and resist anything anyone tells him.

Except that one time he left for a couple of months and made his own board and then came back or something something.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I stole them all and am only sharing with my FB friends.


Retired Account
she spit them in half with me straight away an im not sharing my half with no-one ;)

thx tisi x


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Anytime my luv :tongue:


Retired Account
i feel honered considering ur bring ur own shit to the partay policy, but i supose u have to make an exception for the man whos Location is: Up 2 my nuts in tisis guts + all covered in drugs and booze.....


Retired Account
pour some more vodka on me while ur at it


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I've got all flavors of vodka at my disposal. Pick your poison. Or just all of them and you'll be a sticky mess and then we'll rub ground up trazadone all over you.


Retired Account
the last option please, an a few tramedol wont go a miss in this lethal cock-tail, got any of them in ur medi cabinet?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Tramedol it is. Nice cock-tail.


Retired Account
i know how to teeter on the edge of existence.

been practicing 15 years


Pinata Whacker
I think I'll just smoke some weed then...

I wish I could have tonite.:(

My brother hung out with one of his friends from work and they smoked a couple bowls of weed. He tells me this after the fact. Meanwhile I'm thinking "Thanks for the invite, asshole!"