Who will win in 2006?
Ogami said:TJHairball wrote:
In 2000, they clearly were.
No, that's your opinion, not fact. By every official count and recount, Bush was the winner of the 2000 election. A candidate cannot demand endless months of recounts until he gets a desired result, Gore wanted to continue recounts into what would be the new president's term. The Supreme Court ruled that Gore could not do that. Gore considered his own personal ambition more important than the country. In that he proved why he was not qualified to be president. His arrogance was his undoing.
Congratulations. Now add up the actual vote totals in the 2000 election; courtesy of Jeb's screwballs, George won.
It's called the electoral college. Look it up. The election was not stolen, and those who did try to steal it afterwards were defeated. And that's what the 2006 election is all about, their rage, their hatred, and it's why they'll lose.
Thank goodness none of the Democrats were bright enough to figure that out for the 2002 and 2004 elections.
The Question said:^^It's a rare day when I'll side with a lefty like Rafterman over a righty like Ogami.
It is not, on the other hand, at all rare when I'll side with the one who's right -- which happens to be Rafterman in this case -- over a complete fucking moron like Ogami.
Rafterman said:Come on Quest, you know we also reach on Israel.
You display your ignorance. No official recount was completed; the full recount required by Florida law was halted by the Supreme Court, handing Bush the election.Ogami said:TJHairball wrote:
In 2000, they clearly were.
No, that's your opinion, not fact. By every official count and recount, Bush was the winner of the 2000 election.
We only would have had "endless months of recounts" due to incompetence on the part of the state of Florida. It is Florida's responsibility to be able to carry out a recount promptly - not Al Gore. It was also Florida's responsibility to recount all votes in the event of a contest; they did not attempt to do so. The Supreme Court intervened more than a month before the beginning of the next presidential term.A candidate cannot demand endless months of recounts until he gets a desired result, Gore wanted to continue recounts into what would be the new president's term.
By which mechanism the Democratic electors for Florida should have been voting - not the Republican electors. As you are well aware, that makes Gore the proper winner, even under the archaic, outdated, illogical, and inappropriate electoral college. As a matter of fact, Florida being unable to determine at the time the true winner, the "fair" solution would have been having no electors for Florida.It's called the electoral college. Look it up.
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2001-04-03-floridamain.htmNewspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
05/15/2001 - Updated 05:18 PM ET
George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.
http://archives.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/02/26/miami.herald.recount/Analysis suggests vote recount favored Bush
February 26, 2001
Web posted at: 1:31 a.m. EST (0631 GMT)
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- In a post-election analysis, The Miami Herald suggests that George W. Bush likely would have won the presidency outright if Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris had allowed South Florida counties to complete manual recounts before certifying last November's election.
The Herald, on its website and in a front-page story today, said that Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore would have not have gained enough votes in the recount of Miami-Dade County "undervote" ballots to overcome Bush's lead.
The Herald reported that its inspection of undervotes, done by a public accounting firm, used the broadest possible standard possible "to decide when a mark is a vote."
The Herald review suggested that Gore would have gained no more than 49 votes if a recount of Miami-Dade ballots had been allowed. "That would have been 140 too few to overcome Bush's lead, even when joined with Gore gains in Volusia, Palm Beach and Broward counties -- the three other counties where Gore had requested manual recounts," The Herald reported.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/media/media_watch/jan-june01/recount_4-3.htmlMEDIA RECOUNT: BUSH WON THE 2000 ELECTION
April 3, 2001
In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.
The study, conducted by the accounting firm of BDO Seidman, counted over 60,000 votes in Florida's 67 counties, tabulating separate vote totals in several standards categories.
While the USA Today report focused on what would have happened had the Florida Supreme Court-ordered recount not been halted by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Herald pointed to one scenario under which Gore could have scored a narrow victory -- a fresh recount in all counties using the most generous standards.
In their reports, the newspapers assumed counts already completed when the court-ordered recount was stopped would have been included in any official count. Thus, they allowed numbers from seven counties -- Palm Beach, Volusia, Broward, Hamilton, Manatee, Escambia and Madison -- to stand, but applied the most inclusive standards to votes in the rest of the state. If those numbers did not stand, the Herald reported, a more generous hypothetical revisited recount would have scored the White House for Gore -- but with only a 393-vote margin.
Under most other scenarios, the papers reported, Bush would have retained his lead.
There was. A number of things were changed after the election in response to protests.Ogami said:There was nothing wrong with Florida's voting system or counting procedures.
That would not be a measure of whether or not the system is any good... nor does it have any relevance to the theft of the 2000 presidential election.These procedures elected many Democrats.
Albeit not enough to swing the entire presidential election - thus the concentration on wrongdoing in Florida above that in all other states.And there were many votes thrown out in other states.
Actually, Bush's team of slick politicos swept in and obstructed the legally required recount process. Gore made no inappropriate moves in court - perhaps some poorly informed moves, such as not continuing to insist on a recount of all of Florida's votes, offering a concession based on false voter data, etc.Rather, Gore's slick team of sleazy lawyers swept into Florida hoping to overturn the results of an election. They failed.
When you learn how to read, you'll be able to argue. I've already stated that even the electoral college should have granted Gore the win. The status of the electoral college regarding American elections is not under question here.By which mechanism the Democratic electors for Florida should have been voting - not the Republican electors. As you are well aware, that makes Gore the proper winner, even under the archaic, outdated, illogical, and inappropriate electoral college.
When you say it's the fault of the electoral college that Gore isn't president, you've got me there!
Florida law required a recount of the entire state. The Supreme Court concurred, but halted the recount process based on time considerations.LOL You people are hilarious. The law was never on Gore's side, his lawyers wanted to file endless appeals saying the law was unfair, they lost. Get over it.
The state of Florida had dragged its feet.
He should have supported Clinton, sure. But if you go away from Florida...Then use your command of history and ask why the vote was close enough to even trigger a recount in any state. The election was Gore's to lose. He was an incumbent running on a strong economy, he should have won with a landslide with no recounts in sight. Instead, Gore ran away from Bill Clinton, he wanted to run on his own merits. Whatever they were. In the end, Gore couldn't even carry his home state of Tennessee.
Without Florida on the charts, Gore would have won the electoral college 266-246 in a resounding 20 point victory, with a firm popular margin of 0.65%.
They are in the fraudulent and/or inaccurate system which had recently changed substantially and was operated by a close relative of Bush II.Keep looking elsewhere for the reasons for Gore's defeat. They are not in a Florida voting system that had elected generations of Democrats,
The issue of increased ballot spoilage among Democratic voters has been traced to the use of different voting procedures in predominantly black and predominantly white precincts.and they are not with Gore's voters being somehow too stupid to select the right punchhole (another hilarious claim of the batty left).
When the voting procedures formerly used for predominantly black precincts were replaced with those for predominantly white precincts, the ballot spoilage rate for black (and therefore Democratic) voters declined dramatically in Florida in 2002.
Gore's defeat can be blamed on several things; after all, without any of these, he would have won.Gore's defeat can only be blamed on the man looking at himself in the mirror. He has no one to blame but himself. The aftermath of the election, his attempts to lawyer his way into office after he lost, simply add to his discredit.
First, his failure to win by a large enough margin to render the debacles of Florida moot. E.g., practically disowning Clinton.
Second, the state of Florida's failure to swiftly and consistently recount its votes in a scenario that it was required to by its own laws.
Third, the Supreme Court's legitimation of Florida's electors, declaring a victor in Florida before any accurate determination had been made.
Fourth, the Democratic party's failure to cheat by any means possible. A small amount of fraud would have given Gore the victory; this is not necessarily desirable.
Fifth, the various illegitimate means by which black voters were disenfranchised.
Without any of these five, Gore would have won in 2000, and it would be a very different world for us.
Ogami said:Rafterman oozed:
You are a total fucking moron and a waste of time.
I don't know what you're so angry about. Is it because you call Bush a dummy, yet he's proven that he's smarter than all of his critics combined? Stay angry and bitter on the sidelines, that's just where Bush supporters want you to be.
Question wrote:
It is not, on the other hand, at all rare when I'll side with the one who's right -- which happens to be Rafterman in this case -- over a complete fucking moron like Ogami.
Why would I ever post for your approval? I think it would be rather boring if we all agreed on politics and social issues. Your insults make me smile though, because it means I win. Keep sputtering in outrage.
bad dog said:I will not vote for Geoge Bush in 2008!
As I am a registered independent, my own statements do not disprove this.Ogami said:Which is perfectly fine to have a uniform system of balloting statewide. What no Democrat disputed was that there was nothing wrong with Florida's voting systems in previous elections.
Gore's lawyers did not begin controversy. Again, review the actual history.It was only when Gore's lawyers saw opportunities in attacking the state for political purposes that there was any controversy.
The US Supreme Court stated quite clearly what should have been done in the first place:What was really weird about the Gore team was that they wanted 1) Florida election law changed and 2) apply the changes retroactively to a previous election. That has never been done, anywhere, anytime. Yet it's what Gore argued. The Florida Supreme Court voted to give him endless appeals and legal interdictions, the U.S. Supreme Court told him he couldn't do this indefinitely. I guess to satisfy Gore we would have had Clinton stay on as president for another few months or a year until he got the count he wanted.
The state government - which gives all the local governments their marching orders - was in his hands.Never happened. The notion that Bush's brother Jeb somehow stole the election for him is nonsense. While Florida is nominally a Republican state, all local politics are handled by Democrats.
Depends on the stripe of "Democrat." Not that all local Florida officials were Democratic.Thus it would have taken massive voter fraud by local Democrat officials in order to have "stolen" the election for Bush. And last time I checked, Democrats don't do that for Republicans.
Gore argued for the official recount to take place. A complete recount was required by state law. As a compromise measure with the non-cooperating Republicans, he even tried to get just a complete recount of the counties displaying clear irregularities.Conspiracy nuttiness aside, Gore's team sought to overturn existing election law and create new election law to benefit them, and then apply the changes to an election that had already taken place! You know that if you change election law, it applies to the next election. You don't retroactively change the law to affect past elections to get a new result! And a new result was what Gore's team wanted. They didn't get it.
Florida's state law was quite clear on recounts, a recount was ordered precisely according to state law, and Bush won Florida precisely according to that law. Gore's team argued that they wanted the election law changed, they lost. It's as simple as that.
Recall - as you seem to have forgotten - that it was not Gore who first brought matters to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Faced with a court order from the Florida Supreme Court to begin immediate hand recounts, Bush appealed to the Supreme Court for a stay.On December 8, 2000, the Supreme Court of Florida ordered that the Circuit Court of Leon County tabulate by hand 9,000 ballots in Miami-Dade County. It also ordered the inclusion in the certified vote totals of 215 votes identified in Palm Beach County and 168 votes identified in Miami-Dade County for Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., and Senator Joseph Lieberman, Democratic Candidates for President and Vice President. The Supreme Court noted that petitioner, Governor George W. Bush asserted that the net gain for Vice President Gore in Palm Beach County was 176 votes, and directed the Circuit Court to resolve that dispute on remand. ___ So. 2d, at ___ (slip op., at 4, n. 6). The court further held that relief would require manual recounts in all Florida counties where so-called "undervotes" had not been subject to manual tabulation. The court ordered all manual recounts to begin at once. Governor Bush and Richard Cheney, Republican Candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, filed an emergency application for a stay of this mandate. On December 9, we granted the application, treated the application as a petition for a writ of certiorari, and granted certiorari. Post, p. ___.
Legal, clear, allowed. Gore's contests were thrown out by lower courts not on the basis of faulty legal reasoning, but instead that he had not met the burden of proof.Vice President Gore then sought manual recounts in Volusia, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties, pursuant to Florida's election protest provisions
The petition presents the following questions: whether the Florida Supreme Court established new standards for resolving Presidential election contests, thereby violating Art. II, §1, cl. 2, of the United States Constitution and failing to comply with 3 U. S. C. §5, and whether the use of standardless manual recounts violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses. With respect to the equal protection question, we find a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.
As a result, the citizen whose ballot was not read by a machine because he failed to vote for a candidate in a way readable by a machine may still have his vote counted in a manual recount; on the other hand, the citizen who marks two candidates in a way discernable by the machine will not have the same opportunity to have his vote count, even if a manual examination of the ballot would reveal the requisite indicia of intent.
The recount process, in its features here described, is inconsistent with the minimum procedures necessary to protect the fundamental right of each voter in the special instance of a statewide recount under the authority of a single state judicial officer.
In this hotly disputed piece, even the per curiam opinion of the narrow 5-4 case halts the recount only on the basis of incompetence by the state of Florida, its government, and - as the last safeguard - its Supreme Court, failing to set standards and conduct the recount within the alloted time.Given the Court's assessment that the recount process underway was probably being conducted in an unconstitutional manner, the Court stayed the order directing the recount so it could hear this case and render an expedited decision.
Compromise measures to either delay the selection of Florida's slate of electors or throw them out altogether would have been logical.They do not prohibit a State from counting what the majority concedes to be legal votes until a bona fide winner is determined. Indeed, in 1960, Hawaii appointed two slates of electors and Congress chose to count the one appointed on January 4, 1961, well after the Title 3 deadlines.
You have not and you did not.I've already proven you false on the recount, I had the links to back it up.
It's simple: She should be. It doesn't "require" a kook fringe conspiracy theory to explain why she isn't.If she didn't, why isn't she in jail? You can't answer that, can you? Not without going into your kook fringe conspiracy theories.
As I reiterate... there was sufficient time, and Gore's challenges were entirely legal.Gore wanted to go outside the law and continue contesting the election into the new president's term. That's unfair and illegal, any way you look at it. Why should Bush have had a shorter term as president, just because Gore was an asshole?
Gore contested the election persuant to Florida's election laws - that means "by following them." He did so for the reason that Florida's election results were - and remained for a full year, after which time only ignorant fools and incurable yes-men (such as yourself) still dispute that Gore was voted for by more Florida voters than Bush - in doubt.And you just PERFECTLY proved me and every other Republican right. Gore did not contest the 2000 election because of Florida's election laws and voting procedures.
Still waving that red herring.There was not a thing wrong with any of them, as all the Democrats elected using those same systems can attest to.
"Gore should have shut up so we would have a better reputation!" A resounding argument in favor of ignoring voter fraud.There is the answer for everyone to see, why Gore cheated, lied, and made himself the ultimate SORE LOSER in 2000. Worse, the Democrats deliberately damaged our country's reputation around the world, they told the world that Bush was the "illegitimate president", that he stole the election. That harmed goodwill around the world more than anything Bush has done, and everything we have done in the war on terror has been made that much harder by the damage to our country's reputation the Democrats did in their sleazy bid for power.
As you are apparently aware, what I speak of was even admitted by Bush's own Attorney General's office:As I told you before, and as you are apparently ignorant of, all local politics in Florida are run by Democrats. If there was voting fraud, denial of votes, it was done by Democrat election supervisors, many of whom were black. The lie spread by the NAACP that blacks were somehow disenfranchised was just another DNC get out the vote ploy for the 2002/2004 elections.
This speaks of exactly what I am talking about.Patrick Leahy said:Further analysis of the spoilage issue was deferred by passage of the
Florida Election Reform Law in May 2001, which specifically addressed this
problem by requiring those counties which had not already done so to
purchase, by September 2002, voting machines able to detect overvoting
ballot spoilage and give voters a chance to correct it. Many Florida
counties, including Duval, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, have already
adopted use of such machines, and the information the Division has
indicates that the remainder of Florida's counties will comply before the
Fall 2002 elections.
By out-lawyering, playing dirty, favors from state governors, obstructionist tactics, etc - in other words, by playing dirtier.The Democrats have proven they play hardball with politics, but Bush has proven he can swat that ball right back at them. Their lawyering, their schemes did not pay off. We defeated them.
That "claim" is the unvarnished truth.While I'm sure you'll find that claim repeated frequently at Democrat Underground or other nut hate sites, there's no one else who will back up your ridiculous claim.
Why?There are an awful lot of Democrat officials in Florida who would have loved to haul up Katherine Harris or Jeb Bush on criminal charges if they did anything outside of Florida election law in 2000. Neither of them did, they followed the law. And if they didn't, you pal better step up and offer your damn proof, because you don't have a shred of evidence to back up your lie. If Florida election law wasn't followed, why isn't anyone in jail? You talk the talk, now walk the walk, wise ass. I know you can't.
Incorrect - as the post-election recount demonstrated, the determination was not "fully accurate."A fully accurate determination was made.
The standards decided on by the Florida Supreme Court: "Clear intent." That standard was affirmed in the Supreme Court's opinion on the matter, and includes dimpled chads.Gore's legal team wanted to recount "dimpled" ballots as votes for Gore, they want to give Palm Beach voters another chance to revote, which was insane, and they demanded that military overseas ballots be thrown out; a particular insult to Florida's troops overseas because the Gore team knew that the military votes Republican.
Evidence for this ludicrous claim is where? The opinion section of Fox News?LOL The Gore team was demanding that ballots clearly shown to be Democrat voter fraud be recounted as votes for Gore.
Review statements by Democratic candidates. This claim is very rarely made by public officials, although frequently by grassroots organizations, third parties, and anybody who actually studied all the Florida 2000 election debacle.... as they base each subsequent election on their deliberate and willful lie that the 2000 election was somehow stolen from them.
And it coming out of the mouth of a black person means what about that particular lie? Nothing.Never happened. I watched the BLACK Supervisor of Elections from Orlando Florida explain on television that no blacks were disenfranchised at his precincts. The NAACP came up with that rallying cry to turn out the vote for subsequent elections. (This would be the same NAACP that ran ads in 2000 claim Bush wanted to lynch black people by dragging them behind his pickup truck.)