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Poll: Who Will Win in 2006?

Mentalist said:
We have Apple Pie here. It's called Milopita. I'll have to get back to you on the Goat semen though.

I have heard rumors (rumors, mind you) that that's the secret ingredient they use in that tangy sauce in gyro sandwiches.
On the eve of the election it's time to call the results of the poll, started in August with plenty of leadtime:

"I don't vote but I like to post" got 1 vote, which I like.

Republicans were second worst with 3 votes. Perhaps those other two were Democrats who assume GOP dirty tricks will win the day.

Coming in third were Democrats with 5 votes, the clear winner and a solid bet to make. The news media and the Democrats are already celebrating their inevitable victory. But historically, the out-of-power party normally cleans up in off-year elections, which is why the GOP hold on congress was a surprise for some in 2002. (I knew they'd hold it then and in 2004, of course).

If the Democrats win the election tomorrow, I don't think it will be because the public think the Democrats have a better plan for Iraq or anything else. It will just be change for change's sake, which is pretty stupid. In this case, change for change's sake will be higher taxes for every boob that voted the Democrats back into power, along with exciting endless televised hearings on contracts for rebuilding Iraq, and presumed war criminal hearings determined to root out anyone who so much as looked the wrong way at a captured terrorist. That's change for change's sake? But that's what you'll get with a Democrat majority. And the public will deserve every bit of it, too.

Oh, I almost forgot, the overall winner of the poll was "there is no fourth choice", a good catch-all for those who think both political parties equally corrupt and inane. I vote Republican, but Bush is no Reagan republican or even a Nixon republican.

Despite shrill Democrat claims about Bush being an "extreme neocon", he's a go-along sort of leader, signing off on billions of new federal spending on education, farm aid, hurricane aid, and all sorts of other boondoggles that are deemed compassionate as long as someone else pays the bill years to come.

A true conservative president would have slashed social spending and balanced the budget even with a global war on terror, he/she would have built a real security wall along the Mexican border and manned it with armed guards the whole way, like the borders of most of the world. We'd have cut off every penny of foreign aid to all countries, like Egypt and Israel, who paradoxically both take tens of millions worth of aid from us yet sit eyeing each other warily across their border. We shouldn't be bribing China with a massive trade deficit while they give nothing but junk in return, we're actually subsidizing communism there. (Why we had a different strategy with the Soviet Union, I have no idea.)

I'm sure liberals have their own list of a dream presidency, but we'll never get it. All we get are grinning buffoons from either party who tell us they care about us while taxing us too much and not cutting spending enough. With that in mind, enjoy election 2006!

I just listed a bunch of reasons why Bush is not the best president I've ever seen, and you complain. Typical hate-filled liberal, why are you so bitter?

By the way, the Dark Tower sucks ass.
I'm not bitter, I just feel sorry for you. Blind leading the blind. While yes, you criticize the president in a few things, you worship him on about half a billion other decisions and statements he's made. What's even worse, is you stand by him and his lackeys, completely ignoring the corruption that has been revealed. You pass it off as Liberal Bias and bullshit, even after being bitchslapped with fact after fact.

And yes, "The Dark Tower" was the worst of the seven books. Though anyone who knows King saw that ending coming a Galaxy away.
I think it's pretty clear that the Dems will take the House. I predictthey pick up 26 seats.

It will look like they won the Senate, but then Lieberman will decide to caucus with the Republicans.

Dark Link said:
I'm not bitter, I just feel sorry for you. Blind leading the blind. While yes, you criticize the president in a few things, you worship him on about half a billion other decisions and statements he's made. What's even worse, is you stand by him and his lackeys, completely ignoring the corruption that has been revealed. You pass it off as Liberal Bias and bullshit, even after being bitchslapped with fact after fact.

You're making our job that much more difficult when you confuse Ogami with even more fact.
Elrod Jericoho said:
I think it's pretty clear that the Dems will take the House. I predictthey pick up 26 seats.

It will look like they won the Senate, but then Lieberman will decide to caucus with the Republicans.

That old Jew has been bitter ever since he lost to an anti-war platform politician.
Dark Link wrote:

You pass it off as Liberal Bias and bullshit, even after being bitchslapped with fact after fact.

If you go to, you can see "fact after fact" that is nothing more than liberal wishful thinking. But since liberals keep repeating their mantras of "Bush Lies", they believe that simple repetition somehow makes their conspiracy theories true. I'm sorry if that confuses you, Dark Link, but repeating the same ridiculous claims about Bush over and over doesn't make them more true, it just makes those who believe in them some sort of weird cultists with Bush as their central figure.

In other words, it is YOU who is in the PERSONALITY CULT you assume I'm in.

Now go back to chanting your "Bush lied" mantras, it obviously is a substitute for any actual thought on your part.

Ogami said:
Dark Link wrote:

You pass it off as Liberal Bias and bullshit, even after being bitchslapped with fact after fact.

If you go to, you can see "fact after fact" that is nothing more than liberal wishful thinking. But since liberals keep repeating their mantras of "Bush Lies", they believe that simple repetition somehow makes their conspiracy theories true. I'm sorry if that confuses you, Dark Link, but repeating the same ridiculous claims about Bush over and over doesn't make them more true, it just makes those who believe in them some sort of weird cultists with Bush as their central figure.

In other words, it is YOU who is in the PERSONALITY CULT you assume I'm in.

Now go back to chanting your "Bush lied" mantras, it obviously is a substitute for any actual thought on your part.


Can you prove that I get any information from Thought not. Because all you can do to keep adverting your eyes from reality is think that everyone gets their information from the same place.

Yes, believeing in the same lies continously doesn't make it true, but it's true for both parties. Rummy keeps lying and gets caught doing it, but no one cares, Bush has been caught in multiple lies, Cheney lied about Haliburton, Many lied about their involvement with Abramoff, And yet for some reason people like you say it doesn't matter.

It's funny, you claim those who actully have more then one synapse in their mind firing as completely close minded, When in fact you are picturing your own insecurites. Psychologists would love you.

So keep getting your "ideas" and "facts" from FOXNews and Ann Coulter.
Dark Link wrote:

Rummy keeps lying and gets caught doing it, but no one cares, Bush has been caught in multiple lies, Cheney lied about Haliburton, Many lied about their involvement with Abramoff, And yet for some reason people like you say it doesn't matter.

I am convinced you believe in your heart there were lies. What you have not done, Dark Link, is prove a single one of them. You can get a tattoo on your butt that says "THEY LIED", but you haven't proved anything beyond your fervent belief.

For every year of Bush's presidency, long before September 11th 2001, Bush's political enemies have said he was lying about something. They got started on this because of Bill Clinton's well-known lies, and because they could not moveon, became obsessed with the notion that Bush lied about something or other. Long before Iraq or 9/11. I've been watching this same nonsense for years from the same group of clowns, they try a different charge every week and see which ones stick.

And you come along, as gullible as can be, and say that you believe it. Independently, of course, like Sarek claims. But the charges are from the same crowd of partisans who are convinced Bush somehow stole the election(s), the same group of clowns who were convinced all through 2001 that Bush was somehow tied to the financial misdeeds at Enron or Worldcom, the same group of clowns who yelled "Bush Knew" for a solid year after 9/11, the same group of clowns who yelled "No Blood for Oil" despite the fact we haven't stolen ONE DROP of oil from Iraq.

It gets old, and the fact that you tell me you find these charges credible shows your gullibility, not the merits of the charges. When National Security Advisor Sandy Berger stole and destroyed the only copies of the Clinton Administration's reports on Al Queda from the National Archives, that's a real crime. When I see flatulent complaints about Cheney, or Rumsfeld, or Bush, I just laugh. Because the real crimes, the real lies come from the Democrats who were all for regime change when a Democrat was president, but all changed their phony lying tune when suddenly there's a Republican as president. What changed? Saddam? His evil sons? Or the political affiliation of the president?

That whole thing stinks, and the Iraq war will be a permanent stain on the Democratic party, who sought to reclaim their power at the expense of our soldiers, and the defense of our citizens.

Dark Link wrote:

Can you prove that I get any information from Thought not. Because all you can do to keep adverting your eyes from reality is think that everyone gets their information from the same place.

Yes, believeing in the same lies continously doesn't make it true, but it's true for both parties. Rummy keeps lying and gets caught doing it, but no one cares, Bush has been caught in multiple lies, Cheney lied about Haliburton, Many lied about their involvement with Abramoff, And yet for some reason people like you say it doesn't matter.

It's funny, you claim those who actully have more then one synapse in their mind firing as completely close minded, When in fact you are picturing your own insecurites. Psychologists would love you.

So keep getting your "ideas" and "facts" from FOXNews and Ann Coulter.

Dark Link, are you a liberal? When you say that they lied you're basically proving that they lied by saying so. It's not right, and you have proven us right in one thousand three hundred and seventy five different ways, forever.

The heart is what's important, and where the home is, and that what is not functioning when it comes to your patriotismic duty.
