Troll Kingdom

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Poor Little Kitty Got Trolled :(

*goes off to sit in a dark corner and draw red lines on wrist with a red sharpie because emo kids are too much of pussies to actually cut*
They are?

I wish someone woulda told me before i gat all these FUCKING SCARS ON MY ARM!

No, those are from the cat! HONEST!

emo kids scratch themselves or do surface cuts with razor blades. real cutters cut with fucking big ass knives or whatever they can find that is even remotely sharp.
Somebody had to take over the aggressive newb hazing.

It was fine for awhile till he couldn't mentally accept that he was defeated. So now he's spewing fake obsession for kitty, thinking somehow that will help him look better.

From the way he speaks, he can't be more than 13. And from what he talks about, I gather he's typing from a laptop in a nerby hospital having just undergone a failed brainsurgery operation.
Fair enough.

classichummus said:
So, Dual, Omar, me, and some other people are trying to rid TK of The Dork Lord of Pickles, Kitty, and the other annoying random thread bumpers. Basically, we need your help (and anybody else's help) to make them leave to Dork's new ghey Badlands Board. Kitty is activating a karmageddon against Dual's duals and me. She has probably given me almost 1000 neg karma's. It's pretty funny. I am only trying to get green karma to spite her. I am going to try and talk an admin into putting me to a number so high, she can't mess with it. :P Let me know if you can help!!!


I just told him to ignore it, but then he didn't think I was a completely untrustworthy fuckbag on TK, who will happily post PM's from a kiddy newb for shitz and bibblez.
emo kids scratch themselves or do surface cuts with razor blades. real cutters cut with fucking big ass knives or whatever they can find that is even remotely sharp.

Scalpels. They cut with scalpels.


[B said:
classichummus[/B]] So, Dual, Omar, me, and some other people are trying to rid TK of The Dork Lord of Pickles, Kitty, and the other annoying random thread bumpers. Basically, we need your help (and anybody else's help) to make them leave to Dork's new ghey Badlands Board. Kitty is activating a karmageddon against Dual's duals and me. She has probably given me almost 1000 neg karma's. It's pretty funny. I am only trying to get green karma to spite her. I am going to try and talk an admin into putting me to a number so high, she can't mess with it. :P Let me know if you can help!!!


Oh noez?
People are bumping threads? On a forum no less?

HOW DARE THEY! This must be stopped.