Name Pending said:
Also, your logic is wrong:
I dont see anywhere in you definition where lack of empathy FOR HUMANS is what is required. Just lack of it. You are just twisting words and interpreting them to use it as you see fit. Why don't you just make up your own term since that is what you are doing anyway. I'll accept whatever you come up with.
Okay, how about this one:
em·pa·thy Audio pronunciation of "empathy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mp-th)
1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. See Synonyms at pity.
Okay, Dr. Doolittle, riddle me this -- when was the last time an animal
spoke up and told you how it feels? Oh, right -- they don't have to, because they're telepathic. Or you're telepathic. Or telepathetic. There ya go. Your simpering drivel is turning my stomach from hundreds, possibly thousands of miles away. Telepathetic.
Wait, here's another one, maybe this one fits:
2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.
I think that one fits
Oh, and to clarify? I wasn't talking about people who view their fellow human beings -- their family, for instance, or their significant other -- as being no more worthy of respect, love or understanding than a pig rutting in its own shit, or the family dog. I was speaking
specifically of people who are
extremists when it comes to animal "rights", people who actively engage in activities designed and carried out for the purpose of
harming human beings -- words < actions, and their actions make it clear that they place
less value on human life than on animal "rights." Those people are
psychopaths, plain and simple. If you're not one of them, you have no reason to get your panties all in a bunch. If you are, then you
deserve to get your panties all in a bunch.