Practice Clean Up Session Almost Complete

Love Child

One Love
Thanks, if the Dump crashes your browser too-I'll see if someone else can get it, if not and I am still that bored, I will create a new thread.
blah blabhlahblahb

Love Child

One Love
Thanks Pickle. Hmmm I wonder if it worked. Does it get merged into dates then? I don't know. LOL
Maybe I'll start a new thread-if anyone happens to find any of these annoying cow quote posts let me know and I will move them accordingly.


moral imperfection
Ooooh I found something I could do. Can I put all of cows quote box flooding posts into one thread? I want to practice and see what I can do. I think I would do this if I happen to find them by accident-like I just did.

Yeah, you can do that... just try out what works best for you: you can either create a new thread and then move the posts into there, or IIRC, go into the 'move posts' menu and create a new thread there.

I agree it should be flushed or deleted, but that seems to be beyond a mod’s authority these days…
If everyone's cool with it, I can delete the Dump one of these days - it was created for that purpose anyway...