Redneck Embarrassment of a President


Not realizing his remarks were being picked up by a microphone at the summit of world leaders, Bush bluntly expressed his frustration with the actions of Hezbollah.

"See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this (expletive)," Bush told Blair in a discussion before the Group of Eight leaders began their lunch.
Frustration my ass. It's just the way the Hillbilly embarrassment talks when he thinks he's off camera. The sad things is that his on camera personality is his 'smartened up' one.
Who cares if he spoke off the fucking record?? What he said IS THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!

God, you fucking Liberal Democrats really piss me off sometimes. You're more concerned with propriety and "looking good" than with a President who actually speaks his mind and sticks to his guns. Keep it up, you'll never be in power again.
Fox just showed the video with a "Beep" , LMAO. thats great.
I'd rather have a fucking President who curses and shows emotion and conviction, than a Robo-Gore or Franken-Kerry.
"See, the irony is what they really need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this SHIT"

Sounds like a fine idea to me. :)
Big Dick McGee said:
Who cares if he spoke off the fucking record?? What he said IS THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!

God, you fucking Liberal Democrats really piss me off sometimes. You're more concerned with propriety and "looking good" than with a President who actually speaks his mind and sticks to his guns. Keep it up, you'll never be in power again.

Well, until November anyways.......

Hey wait a minute! Last week you were bitching that they had no propriety when they didn't make a big fuss over a blowjob in the oval office.

Do all republicans flip flop on the issues like this?
^^WTF?? Are you seriously, I mean seriously comparing a frustrated President uttering the word "shit" with a fucking lech who committed adultery in the Oval Office with a fucking white house employee not much older than his daughter??

Tell me you're really not that stupid. Please.
Sorry, I just can't trust what you say BDM, not when you are flip-flopping all over the place.
Sarek said:
Well, until November anyways.......

Hey wait a minute! Last week you were bitching that they had no propriety when they didn't make a big fuss over a blowjob in the oval office.

Do all republicans flip flop on the issues like this?

Nice bait and switch there ya left wing terrorist buttkisser.
Sarek said:

I didn't even need to line up the crosshairs. BDM just walked right into that one.

You changed topic like all the left wing terrorist buttkissers do.
Big Dick McGee said:
Uh, wha?

Hmm...I guess you really are that stupid. Oh well.

Of course I'm not comparing them. They don't even come close to being the same type of issue. It was your response I was going for. And it was predictable. Outraged indignation combined with blind justification for Bush's actions. As I wrote it I knew you'd flip out over it. You've always struck me as being just as blind to the republicans bullshit as you claim Hambil is to the democrats.

It was baiting dumbass. And you swallowed hook, line and sinker. ;)