Reject Haven

I just registered there as "Henoch". I have yet to post, just looking around. It looks much different than when I was last there as "Thunderstruck". There is no longer a shoutbox??? WTF is that about??!!!?? That was the #1 thing I was looking forward to when I registered.:( What is everyones big ass hangup in regards to the acceptance of a shoutbox?? They are fun & I want EVERY site I post at to have one DAMMIT!!! I dunno, the board looks different & the mood is different...I just dunno is all i'm sayin'. I just know i'm sick & fuckin' tired of all of this member bashing at TK lately & RH seems to be very similar in that regard...guess i'm just getting older & ready to move past the retardedness of it all?? Perhaps. :)

I didn't look around a whole bunch at RH, is it even worth posting at?
Oh yeah, RH's board is prettier than TK's. I do not say this with malice of thought, just as an observation of choice.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jibbles, one thing I promise you, although I'm sure you've already discovered this deep down inside.

TK and RH are very different.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I just registered there as "Henoch". I have yet to post, just looking around. It looks much different than when I was last there as "Thunderstruck". There is no longer a shoutbox??? WTF is that about??!!!?? That was the #1 thing I was looking forward to when I registered.:( What is everyones big ass hangup in regards to the acceptance of a shoutbox?? They are fun & I want EVERY site I post at to have one DAMMIT!!! I dunno, the board looks different & the mood is different...I just dunno is all i'm sayin'. I just know i'm sick & fuckin' tired of all of this member bashing at TK lately & RH seems to be very similar in that regard...guess i'm just getting older & ready to move past the retardedness of it all?? Perhaps. :)

I didn't look around a whole bunch at RH, is it even worth posting at?

You're a fucking dickhead. But already knew that, didn't you?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jibbles: They're the same. Exact. Thing. You're a fan-boy. Same shit threads, same shit posters, same shit posters.

:bigass: someone's butthurt needs cream
TKR has a shoutbox, do they experience coding it a common problem? I know before different boards didn't like having them because they felt people were using the shoutbox too much & not doing actual posting.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Nope. Hammy fixed it so it's pretty seamless. Plus we have an IRC channel. Our experience is pretty different. People post instead of using the box, and it's filled with endless ramblings and nonsequitors instead
You're a fucking dickhead. But already knew that, didn't you?

Apparently I just said something you don't like & now I am a "fucking dickhead"? Gee, you have been so nice to me lately.:suspicious: You need to learn that people can disagree with you & often not like you or the things you do at message reason to verbally say mean things all of the time. I'm over whatever differences we had in the past & am not going to spend valuable time (past this post) either arguing or defending myself to you.


beer, I want beer
You're not going to find a lot of deep thought going on at Reject Haven. Most of them come off as middle schoolers who have accidentally been left without an adult in the room.
You're not going to find a lot of deep thought going on at Reject Haven. Most of them come off as middle schoolers who have accidentally been left without an adult in the room.

Yeah, was just there looking around & couldn't find a single thread I wanted to reply to.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Apparently I just said something you don't like & now I am a "fucking dickhead"? Gee, you have been so nice to me lately.:suspicious: You need to learn that people can disagree with you & often not like you or the things you do at message reason to verbally say mean things all of the time. I'm over whatever differences we had in the past & am not going to spend valuable time (past this post) either arguing or defending myself to you.

Well yes. Isnt that how it works? mmmm "the things I do at message boards" who did that? Motorhead? Queen?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I used to fling the board in the air. Especially monopoly.


RIP 1970~2018
Jibbles said -

They're the same. Exact. Thing. You're a fan-boy. Same shit threads, same shit posters, same shit posters.


Now I know for a fact you're smarter then that. Just because you have an agenda doesn't mean you have to say ignorant shit. It doesn't matter if everyone hates you if they respect you. Or at least that's how it used to be.

Look at me if you need an example.


beer, I want beer
Reminds me of when my brother and I played Euchre with these guys for money. They pulled an amateur cheat move stacking a card, not knowing that we were raised by a professional card hustler and saw what he'd done even as he was doing it. We had a rule where we didn't cheat during friendly games, but I remember looking at my brother the same time he looked at me, there was an imperceptible nod, and we commenced cleaning the floor with these clowns. Might be the only time I ever enjoyed pulling a hustle on somebody...


RIP 1970~2018
My younger brother me used to call our youngest brother 'pretty' and 'faggot' when he was little. Now he's the Army Ranger Capt. some of you have seen pictures of and also the only person I know to have fucked seriously hot twins.

I believe he owes me for that. And I only call him faggot on the phone.


moral imperfection
Sorry, what was it you were talking about? I kinda stopped reading (and started drooling) after "Army Ranger Capt".... :lol:


RIP 1970~2018
I don't need to much of an excuse to post these. He's pretty goddman tough.

My 'little' brother Jake. Somewhere dusty.




beer, I want beer
My sister is career navy. I'd like to say I helped make her badass, but the truth is she was the only girl with three big ol hoss brothers and she scared the ever-loving shit outta all of us. One time I called her a bitch and made the mistake of running for the basement instead of the back yard. She caught me and nearly killed me with one of those giant 70's style ashtrays. Missed my head by about two inches. Didn't teach me to keep my mouth shut, but it sure taught me a hell of a lot about "exit strategy."