Republican Logic


Since the claim has been made that the republicans are the party of logic, and we democrats can't win when logic is brought in, lets test that on a few issues.

1) Gay Rights
2) Abortion
3) Gun Control
4) The Economy
5) Global Warming

Gay Rights
Republicans will argue the destruction of the family, they will claim homosexual couples have bad values, they will say marriage is between and man and a woman in total disregard of seperation of church and state. They will have no facts or statistics to back any of this up.

Republicans will call it murder. They will say life begins at conception. They will again, have no facts or statistics to back any of their claims up.

Gun Control
Republicans will say "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and "swords are just as dangerous as guns" and "gun control doesn't work" and "we need our guns to defend against our government". Here they will attempt to produce 'facts' and 'statistics', but careful scrutiny of the sources will show them to be unscientific and bias. True scientific studies have shown again and again that gun control reduces violence in country and country after country.

The Economy
Republicans will claim great success here, despite the fact that everytime they get into power they bankrupt the country and the divide between rich and poor grows by leaps and bounds. They will have no facts or statistics to back up their claims. It's complete voodoo and designed to line pockets and win votes of the ignorant.

Global Warming
Republicans will deny it exists, or that it matters. They will ignore increasingly mounting evidence. They will claim 'fear tactics' and 'alarmism'. They have no facts of their own to counter the overwhelming scientific evidence. They simply say "it's a natural thing and it's all just fine don't worry about it".

Yeah, the party of logic. Sure. And I have a 12" penis.
They are only worried about what happens with in their own lifetime.

What will the world look and be like in 500 years?
Repuds: Don't know, Don't care.
Hambil's already told me my opinion should be ignored unless I have personal experience in a topic (does this mean Hambil had abortions?), but I'll bravely plunge ahead anyway and attempt to answer the points. Who knows, with honest input, the Democrats might have a chance of winning! Let's see the topics:

1) Gay Rights

It was the gay activist groups who unwittingly created a huge upsurge of support for Republicans on this issue, because as we all know in 2003 and 2004, gay activists sought out activist judges who would grant them new gay rights. This, of course, sidestepped the authority of voters to have the final say on the matter. The Democrats never dared put gay rights or abortion up for a national public referendum. Instead, activist judges simply find rights in the Constitution where no such thing was written.

Anyway, anti-gay marriage ballots became huge in the 2004 election, not because of Republican fear-mongering or gay-bashing (as is the mantra), but because the left tried to go around the voters to change law. Sorry, not gonna happen.

2) Abortion

I have no problem with abortions being legal. I have a huge problem, as the MAJORITY of Americans, with the millions upon millions of children exterminated since Roe V Wade, solely as the first and only measure of birth control by careless (and carefree) mothers. That is a horrible evil and a stain upon our country. One of those children aborted could have been the next Einstein, the person who cures cancer or heart disease, or even the next Democrat President! But we'll never know, because someone slept around and wanted to rid herself of an "unviable mass of tissue" as feminists like to put it. Baloney.

Health of the mother, rape, incest, these are only the tiniest fraction of abortions performed in this country, and the pious left knows it. Make the guy put a freakin' rubber on, or give him a Lewinsky, and stop the incredible flood of dead and murdered babies that abortion law currently allows.

3) Gun Control

Both hands firmly on the weapon, preferably firing from a crouch or the prone position.

4) The Economy

Bush should have balanced a budget by cancelling every social entitlement the left uses to buy votes in each election. We have to pay for a war on terror, that busted the budget when we added in all the increased education and social spending. That's right Democrats, not one penny has been cut from a single area of the federal budget. You just like to call the rate of increase a "cut" if it doesn't go up at the rate you want. What a load of crap. (But stick with that winning topic for another winning election!)

5) Global Warming

The earth has always been warming and cooling during its estimated 4.5 billion years. The contention that human civilization (in particular, the eviiiiil United States) is causing that warming is not proven at all. When politicians such as Algore and Mikhail Gorbachev represent the leading voices of environmentalism, you know that this is a political and not a scientific issue.

Looks like a win-win-win-win-win for the GOP, all across the board! But good news, the Democrats will stick to their "" message that "We hate Bush Nyah!". That'll work in 2006. Just like it did in 2000, 2002, and 2004.

Ha ha!

The main problem I have with republicans, They are narrow minded, selfish and blind in their own lies and they actually believe the shit they spin.

If psychology Statistics taught me one thing it's that numbers can be presented in such a way as to support whatever belief you want it to.
Republicans just seem to ignore anything that says contrary to their agenda.
They refuse to change their views even in the Light of surmounting evidence.
That will lead to the destruction of the world.
Because the idelogical, generally right wing views on these issues are SOLELY a part of Republican ideology. Yep. Anything right-wing is Republican. Weren't Hitler and Napoleon card-carrying members?

Hambil has always had really bad communication skills. One piecemeal thread like this won't wash away all his 'humor' and make people who know his style of 'logic' take him any more seriously.

Hambil said:
Gay Rights
Republicans will argue the destruction of the family, they will claim homosexual couples have bad values, they will say marriage is between and man and a woman in total disregard of seperation of church and state.
How ironic, considering that you don't believe in God yet are getting married yourself. Talk about hypocrisy.

Of course, marriage was invented by Jesus Christ, and only Christians do it. No one else. Nope, pure religion.

They will have no facts or statistics to back any of this up.
Sure there are. Children raised in such perverted households have serious mental problems.
speck said:
The main problem I have with republicans, They are narrow minded, selfish and blind in their own lies and they actually believe the shit they spin.
Exactly. That's why all right wing ideas are ca ca poo poo, and why 'right wing' and Republican are interchangeable.

No heads in the sand here at all.
Speck wrote:

The main problem I have with republicans, They are narrow minded, selfish and blind in their own lies and they actually believe the shit they spin.

Don't forget our best characteristic, we win.

1) Gay Rights

Personally I don't care what anyone does behind closed doors. I don't care to see it, but I too can live with that on occasion. I voted for the Oregon gay marriage bill last time around. It was voted down. Then what happened? Then people started bitching and crying and they ran to judges and tried to get it overturned. As it stands now they want to put it up for a vote.. again and again until they get their way. Know what? I'm voting the other way next time. The will of the voters may not always be right, but it pisses me off to no end when a small group just has to impose their will on everyone else no matter what they have to do to get it done. The end does not justify the means.

2) Abortion

Heh, show me your proof as to when life begins. What do you think of late term abortions.. What do you think of reaching inside a woman that is about to give birth and crushing the baby's head while it's still in the womb and delivering the whole child dead. Perfectly cool if you don't believe life begins until you're outside the womb. It's monstrous and you prove every day that contrary to popular belief that the democrats are not the party of compassion. We as a society will be judged by the way we treat the LEAST of us. That's a beautiful saying when the dems say it about the homeless, it's religious drivel when the republicans say it about aborted babies. As I pointed out elsewhere, I don't have a religious bone in my body, but I still know right from wrong.

3) Gun Control

This is an easy one. The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Period. The founding fathers considered that we already had tghe god given right to protect ourselves, our families and our country. That right is ours from the beginning. Any law to lessen that right is illegal and unconstitutional. The right to bear arms is not about anything other than protection. If our government grows too much and demands too much from us, becoming tyrannical in nature... we have the RIGHT to defend ourselves and our rights from that government, even if it is our own. The founding fathers were not at all sure this country would work so they built in this protection for us. If we give up our firearms then who will protect us? The government? Who will protect us from the government?

4) The Economy

Bush has fucked up here I'll be the first to admit it. Newt had it right in the Clinton years and that's where your vaunted balanced budget of those years came from. Deny it all you want it is documented fact.

5) Global Warming

Already blew this out of the water in the other thread.

It's the democratic disaster of the day designed to give them more power... Through fear.
Yup, not a fact among all those posts. Not one. Just denial. I called it in my first post and now you've all gone and proved me right.
A tip for you Hamster...

Usually in a debate after the opening shot and rejoinder there's an attempt to pick apart the opponent's arguements by the original debater and then there is an answer to that and so on...

There usually isn't a step in there in which you state that you win, everyone else loses and you're going home.


Although I do understand the appeal. ;)
Hambil wrote:

Yup, not a fact among all those posts. Not one. Just denial. I called it in my first post and now you've all gone and proved me right.

Let Hambil go on record. The Democratic National Committee has the same attitude, it's why they lose, and keep on losing.

Three losing elections in a row, and the Democrats (amazingly) follow the same losing platform. Well the country doesn't hate Bush as the Democrats (and the media) does. They think the 2006 elections are a cinch, they're already in the bag. Just like they predicted their total victory the last three elections.

If Republicans win again this election, will the Democrats/leftists change their strategy? I really begin to wonder. Nothing has changed them from the rhetoric in 2002. Now that's wacky!

Bill of Rights said:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
That is what it says. The Republicans would like to trim it down a bit. They want you to believe it says:
Bill of Rights said:
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
But it doesn't say that. It says something far more interesting and open for debate. But what would I know, I just want to defile the constitution and take away their right to kill me because I hate freedom.
Adding in the first part does not alter the intent and the meaning of the 2nd amendment Hambil.

The founding fathers didn't put it in there so people could hunt. They didn't put it in there so that there could be an army and a police force and everyone else was shit out of luck.

The PEOPLE are us. The citizens of the US of A. We have the right to form our OWN militias if we see fit, or not, also as we see fit. We also have the right to defend ourselves from ANY and ALL aggressors foreign or domestic.

How anyone can argue that the 2nd amendment was stuck in there so that the king could sieze all our weapons and do aas he wills is completely beyond me. This amendment is one of the many things in the constitution that maintains the balance. Three branches of government help keep each of the others in check...

We the people help keep them ALL in check.

If ever comes the day that we are forced to give up our arms (and miraculously there isn't a rebellion on the spot) that is the day you can kiss the rest of your freedoms goodbye, slowly but surely they will be lost.

England and Canada are pretty much socialist states and every day they're less free than the day before it.

God Bless America. (This is in no way an endorsement of god or his avaricious, greedy and immoral church. It is merely an expression) :P
It's not an answer. It's a "that doesn't change anything". You then make a bunch of inflamatory comments and attribute them to me in a round about way. Then you invoke patriotism and puff up your chest a lot.

The intent of the second amendment was to allow citizens to protect themselves against an unjust government, back when governments had the same weapons as farmers.

To preserve the intent we need to either arm everyone with tanks and smart bombs, or consider other methods that would be more effective in a modernized world, not cliing to our pea shooters like rabbid maniacs. If freedom does die in this country it will be because you 'logical' righties believed you could defend it with a 22, not because we tried to take your 22 away.
Hey look Hambil, your Democrats are gonna lose unless they come up with some new ideas here. I may be laughing at them, but seriously, could you suggest some new ideas for them to try in 2006? Cause the old stuff ain't workin'.
I don't believe we need to do anything to win other than stand up for what we believe, instead of catering to a center that is crumbling while the right marches on.
LOL, I'm sure the founding fathers never thought technology would ever advance beyond flint and powder.

What idiots they must have been.

In the case of full scale revolution, nuke yourself... or turn your tanks on the people... Assuming that was not expressly prohibited in the constitution and assuming that the President at the time would issue such an order...

Who do you really think has the upper hand here. The United States armed forces (who, of course would blindly kill their fellow citizens and family members upon request) or a force 1000 times their number armed with hunting rifles.
