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Republican Logic

Hambil said:
For starters, a gun is not a defensive weapon. In addition, the police would still have guns. Beyond that, a gun is not a drug that can be grown in a field. It requires manufacture, which makes it much easier to keep out of the hands of criminals.

Granted, there are a lot of guns already on the street, but that's an argument for starting now, rather than some lame argument for just giving up.


So easy...

Are we passing legislation banning gun manufacturers in other countries as well? Once the gun is legally made somewhere else they're no harder to transport than a kilo of coke. Strap it to the nearest wetback and off it goes... ;)

While I was in England there was a story in which an 11 year old used a shotgun to hold up a store and kill the owner. Sure seems like a kid might have a harder time getting a gun than a seasoned criminal, but hey, what do I know? :roll:
HeroicFool said:
When you choose to ignore everything I've said and plow on with your arguement as if I'd said nothing it leaves one to wonder... Was it too much for you or are you just too afraid to actually engage in debate
I've addressed every point you've raised. I'm not the one who isn't listening.
Hambil said:
Since the claim has been made that the republicans are the party of logic, and we democrats can't win when logic is brought in, lets test that on a few issues.

1) Gay Rights
2) Abortion
3) Gun Control
4) The Economy
5) Global Warming

Gay Rights
Republicans will argue the destruction of the family, they will claim homosexual couples have bad values, they will say marriage is between and man and a woman in total disregard of seperation of church and state. They will have no facts or statistics to back any of this up.

Republicans will call it murder. They will say life begins at conception. They will again, have no facts or statistics to back any of their claims up.

Gun Control
Republicans will say "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and "swords are just as dangerous as guns" and "gun control doesn't work" and "we need our guns to defend against our government". Here they will attempt to produce 'facts' and 'statistics', but careful scrutiny of the sources will show them to be unscientific and bias. True scientific studies have shown again and again that gun control reduces violence in country and country after country.

The Economy
Republicans will claim great success here, despite the fact that everytime they get into power they bankrupt the country and the divide between rich and poor grows by leaps and bounds. They will have no facts or statistics to back up their claims. It's complete voodoo and designed to line pockets and win votes of the ignorant.

Global Warming
Republicans will deny it exists, or that it matters. They will ignore increasingly mounting evidence. They will claim 'fear tactics' and 'alarmism'. They have no facts of their own to counter the overwhelming scientific evidence. They simply say "it's a natural thing and it's all just fine don't worry about it".

Yeah, the party of logic. Sure. And I have a 12" penis.

You will all wish to take note of the irony inherent in Hambil's post: while decrying the alleged Republican aversion to producing empirical evidence or statistical data to support their claims, he... neglects to provide any empirical evidence or statistical data to support his own.

That's a good little barn-rat. You have yourself a cookie and run along, now.
speck said:
Oh, come on TQ! You know that attacking the person staring the arguement is a logical Fallacy!

That wasn't an attack on Hambil, it was an attack on Hambil's argument, on account of it displayed the very attribute it found fault with.
Sometimes we all get a little too sensitive. I only get offended when it comes to things like:

~Bush said he did watch the first plane hit the Tower
~Allowing the FDA, in Florida, to test pesticides on pregnant women and
their children in return for VCR's.
~Congress Grand-Fathering illegal activity
~Rescinding Presidential Papers Act
~Abramoff signed into the WH 200 see whom?
~Operation Swarmer sounds expensive
~Building 7 fell but, wasn't affected by the towers.
~Pretends not to hear questions
~Testified, w/ Cheney, before the 9/11 Commission but refused to be sworn
~Won't explain why the War costs so much or why it's taking so long.
~Pat Robertson was told there wouldn't be any deaths.
~Every American owes $30,000 toward the debt.
~16 words were a lie.
~Photoshopping photos of soldiers on web sites.
~Karen Hughes as Propaganda Czar of the Middle East.
~NOLA Flyover
~Nunn-Lugar under-funded by $45.5 Mil
~Spying on the Quakers and the ACLU
~The shoe bomber that was to blow cockpit door and take the plane w/ one leg
~Project T.I.P.S.
~Free Speech "Zones"
~Rumsfeld claim that $2.3 Trillion can't be accounted for
~Gutting laws regulating pesticides and antibiotics used by organic farmers
~Data Mining of innocent civilians allowed by this Congress and Senate.
~Budget slashed for Children's Hospitals
~Ashcroft's refusal to provide Sen. Jud. Committee w/ his Departments
Torture Memos.
~Abandonment of 1996 Telecommunications Act
~Larger tax cuts for SUVs than for Hybrid vehicles
~EPA funding cuts
~Poindexter hiring/firing
~Supporting ruthless regimes
~Dropping lawsuits against worst polluters
~Oil & Gas executives appointed to EPA
~Pharma Execs appointed to NIH
~Appointment of 9 Corporate Defense Contractors to the Defense Policy Board
~Destabilizing Macedonia for the Oil.
~Smart Border Declaration W/ Canada
~Michael McManus paid off
~Gave $43 Million to the Taliban in May of 2001.
~Justice Dept. drops lawsuits against coal-burning power plants that are
burning coal illegally.
~Grover Norquist's daughter got a job at CPA w/ no experience.
~$1.6B spent in '05 on fake news.
~All checks and balance safeguards were removed
~Bush waved to Stevie Wonder
~Promise to restore dignity and honor to WH goes unfulfilled.
~No mention of USS Cole bombing in Dubai Port
~Justice being thwarted in Asbestos litigation suits
~CDC resignations
~Tillman cover-up
~Number of people affected by Hurricane Katrina was underestimated.
~Lack of the use of swift boats in the Katrina Rescue effort
~No air drops to Superdome
~Orders to shoot people over a loaf of bread that was taken from a store
~Explosion heard 2 days after the storm passed and THEN the levees gave way
~GOP holding votes open
~Last throes comment
~Stuff happens comment
~Mission accomplished (100 dead at the time)
~Medicare reform Bill
~Class-Action Reform Bill
~Medicare not allowed to broker prices for prescription drugs
~Condi shoe shopping
~We don't torture, we send detainees to other countries to not be tortured
~Democrats are muzzled on all legislation
~Lobbying is well out of control
~Ohio elections
~Katherine Harris
~Journalists targeted in Iraq
~Oil not paying for the war
~Not being treated as liberators
~Patrick McHenry claiming we hate America (Schiavo case)
~Ethics committee gutted
~FDA will approve anything (except emergency birth control)
~Attack on Social Security
~President flipping off the camera
~No child left behind is not paid for
~Refusing aid after Katrina
~Red Cross not allowed to assist after Katrina
~Fema is way too bloated and does nothing that the DHS can't do
~Cutting aid to NYPD and FDNY that are affected form the cleanup effort when
they were told that the air was safe to breathe
~Tax cuts to those that don't trickle it down
~3 Trillion Dollars more in debt
~No help in NOLA until Bush arrived (then it stopped again when he left)
~Abu Ghraib
~Italian reporter shot up
~Bolton recess appointment
~No legislation passed that big money hasn't backed
~Documented reports of Bush's Grandfather (Prescott Bush) bankrolling Adolf
~Buying the Iraqi press
~Wanted to bomb Al-Jazeera
~No water or electricity in Iraq
~Cindy Sheehan shunted
~Harriet Miers
~Jessica Lynch
~Soldiers serving well after their agreed enlistment time
~President won't hold press conferences
~President only speaks to cherry-picked audiences
~Plame Outing
~Scooter Libby
~Spy in Cheney's office
~Jean Schmidt
~Wage stagnation
~Halliburton in New Orleans and Iraq
~Outsourcing of jobs
~Money printed in Iraq
~Yellow Cake
~No victory gauge
~No armor for soldiers either Iraqi or American
~Outsourcing the building of Marine 1 Helicopters
~Fighter jets sold to Pakistan by W...on a Saturday
~No accuracy in unemployment rate reporting
~SEC has become a joke
~Hedge funds aren't regulated
~No war strategy
~Downing Street Memos
~Borrowing from the communists
~$330,000 a month to Chalabi
~Bush housing Saudis
~Where's UBL
~Flew UBL's family out of the country after he bombed us
~No border security
~Gas prices
~Home heating prices higher than ever in history
~IRS auditing churches
~Price of war way underestimated
~Closed session of Senate accomplished nothing the GOP said it would
~Pre-war intel was/is fixed
~Alabama voted for Jeff Sessions (how can that be?)
~Environmental laws absolutely gutted
~Middle class forgotten all-together
~Redistricting to rig elections
~Patriot Act
~Civil rights eroded/gutted
~Treatment of Michael Schiavo
~GOP votes against EVERY inquiry of wrong-doing
~9/11 commission ignored completely
~Programs for the neediest gutted
~Education budged harshly slashed
~Terror alerts subsided after Keith Olbermann finally exposes the
~Every document is classified
~Most secretive president ever
~Interstates inadequate for mass evacuations
~What was the Noble cause
~Everyone in NOLA have life insurance(?)
~Blaming Tenet for the "slam dunk" comment and then awarding Medal of
~Elderly deaths went way up during the Social Security Savagery
~Dems can't add amendments to legislation
~Over 60% of elections won by less than 4%
~Sensenbrenner walked off with the gavel during Patriot Act hearing
~Tax cuts to ship jobs away
~Soldiers getting Purple Heart collections
~Fox News isn't biased
~Veterans benefits cut
~No exception for soldiers in the Bankruptcy Reform Bill
~Internet threatened with regulation
~Every shopping bag at Wal-Mart is made in Singapore
~Still ignoring NOLA
~Creating immigration laws that take affect in 5 years
~Pat Robertson and James Dobson tell their congregations how they should
~Jerry Falwell too
~Corruption is the norm
~No timetable for when the debt will be paid
~DOW was at 11,770 when Bush took office 5 years ago
~Dollar is losing value
~Haven't defined what is/isn't torture for all to hear
~Trade agreements are not even close to fair
~Ports left unprotected
~Definition of a terrorist is ever so vague
~GOP claims to have different degrees of Neo-Cons (but they all vote exactly
the same)
~Swift-Boating John Kerry
~What is the Skull and Bones Society?
~Drownie was kept on the payroll
~Drownie was never fired
~Newt touring with Hillary
~How many soldiers in an Iraqi Batallion?
~Max Cleland was treated like a piece of shit
~Why were helicopters used to find the people, trying to escape the rising
waters, pounding on their roofs from inside their attics?
~5 deferments
~Nuclear option
~Ethics committee couldn't get Cunningham 2 years after it was known that
his house was sold to a defense contractor for $700,000 over it's value as
he lived on that contractor's yacht
~20% tax on land phone lines
~12% on cell towers
~Diesel fuel is 50 cents higher than gasoline
~Home by Christmas
~Establishing a democracy and not a Republic?
~Jeb doesn't have FEMA woes
~War profiteering
~Health care
~Armstrong Williams
~Sure quote Lieberman a lot
~Caspian Sea pipeline
~If it's a Reform Bill or Deregulation Bill the result is never better
quality or more affordability
~Cheney said he was glued to the TV all week like everyone else
~Christian values never reflected in legislation
~Jeff Gannon
~Nobody accountable for anything
~Smoking in the rotunda
~Loaded SCOTUS
~Chuck Hagel was CEO of ES&S
~Offshore accounts of members
~No mistakes come to mind
~Haley Barbour told us FEMA was there on Tuesday
~No scandals given credence
~Math is spun (math don't lie)
~Government is largest in over 200 years
~Looking under a desk for WMD's
~Non-combative protestors arrested
~Soviet Gulags
~Opium export in Afghanistan up 2000%
~Hannity is a Pussy
~Ready for a Category 6?
~Global warming ignored
~Hans Blix
~Pakistan earthquake money
~Private prison stockholders
~George H W Bush runs Pharma
~Ambassador to the Vatican?
~Rush never busted on possession charges
~Bill Bennett
~Joe Wilson
~Indian Casino lobbying for how much?
~We aren't safer
~SCOTUS chose our President
~Carnival cruise line contract after Katrina
~Able Danger
~Ken Lay
~Harken Energy
~Rupert Murdoch
~Blatant over-charges in Iraq and NOLA
~Bird Flu vaccine for only 20 million
~Spying on us
~infiltrating churches and peaceful rallies
~Congressman Richard Pombo giving Federal Land to Contributors
~White Phosphorus dropped on Iraqi's
~Dept. Of Defense Appropriations Bill used to relieve the Pharmaceutical
Industry of Liability for their products
~Jeff Gannon never was explained
~No jobs NETTED in the last 5 years
~Charging soldiers for the replacement cost of body armor when a limb is
blown off
~Mexico is using tanks to come into the U.S. to bring drugs into the country
~What happened at the Pentagon on 9/11?
~Patriot Act is not an act of Patriotism
~Gonzales is interpreting the Constitution
~No Iraqi's were considered terrorists before we invaded
~Social Security can't remain healthy if less people have good-paying jobs
as Corporations reap record profits
~Safavian arrested
~Using Lions to torture
~Bush looking under his desk and behind the curtains for Saddam's WMD's
~UAE managing 21 of our ports
~Cheney shot a man in the face
~Civil War in Iraq
~Hurricane Pam
~Insecure computers at DHS
~Iraqi Batallions number between 1 and 101
~Ken Tomlinson
~Clinton planned to have the debt paid in '09.
~Bush says "There ought to be limits to Freedom".
~He doesn't know Ken Lay?
~David Halbert crafted key elements of the Medicare reform Bill
~Privatization of the military
~Henry Kissinger picked to head the 9/11 Commission
~PDB was ignored on 08-06-01
~Ignoring calls for more troops
~Saudi Prince was told of planned invasion of Iraq before Powell was.
~GOP contributor given control of submarine....kills Japanese fishermen.
~Niger forgeries
~Anthrax investigations net nothing.
~Spy plane shot down in China and sent back to pieces.
~Claim that Social security Treasury Bonds are worthless
~23 Billion Darlene Druyun (see Google)
~No WH Reps sent to Ohio when the 3/25 lost 25 Marines in the Optional War.
~Told the Palestinians that God told him to invade Iraq, but won't say it
~Global Gag Rule reinstated.
~Boehner...another crooked leader
~NAACP is repeatedly shunned
~Carlysle Group
~Over-Time Pay rules are relaxed
~Munition sites weren't secured
~FEMA giving cash to Cities, States and businesses that weren't affected.
This was pre-Katrina
~photos of soldiers coffins banned. Even when shipped as freight.
~Using porn stars that aren't pretty raise money.
~lying about Saddam not allowing U.N. Inspectors in.
~Iraqi Army was disbanded on day 1
~Bremer got the Medal of Freedom
~Wanting Illegals to be eligible to get drivers licenses and not insurance.
~"Abramoff? I don't know the man".
~Most Freedom Of Information requests denied
~Pre-Emptive strike policy has no oversight
~Stating that the Constitution is just A "God-Damned piece of paper".
~Rove put in charge of Katrina Rebuilding efforts/ money laundering.
~Laura is going to set the Gangs straight?
~Had to fly to Texas because Bush forget to register Absentee.
~Christine Todd Whitman is appointed to Head the EPA....Edits findings.
~Veterinarian, Lester Crawford, is hired to head the FDA. Susan Woods quits
in protest.
~Bush claims he will figure out a way around the Hillbilly IED
bombs....using modern technology
~Using troops for a backdrop, but won't attend funerals
~Forbidding the true cost of "Part D" to be disclosed.
~Sending rockets to Pluto
~DHS not concerned with WMD's coming up through Mexico.
~Paul O'Neill, Richard Clark and Marvin Olasky all fired for exposing the
~"I just don't think about UBL much, anymore"
~"Watch this drive!"
~Distancing from Blair
~Opposing 9/11 Commission, then limiting it's scope
~Plot to bomb Al Jazeera
~Proposing increased logging and calling it "Healthy Forests"
~Stalling FERC's Regulation of electricity prices as Enron ripped off
~Flip-flopping on CO2 emissions
~Pushing for higher arsenic levels in drinking water.
~Replaced head of IPCC for admitting Global warming.
~Supporting "Intelligent Design"
~"Unsigning" the ICC Treaty
~Abrogating the ABM Treaty
~Cheney tells Leahy to go F-Himself...right on the Senate floor.
~Using the George H.W. Bush Library to hide all documents that Bush is
afraid for you to see.
~Kyoto Treaty ignored due to heavy GOP Contributors.
~Was Harry shot on Friday or Saturday?
~Denver 3
~Halliburton giving out troops filthy, contaminated, water.
~Pre-packaged news is getting expensive
~"Some people call you elite, I call you my Base"
~"Want some wood"?
~Dubai veto threat
~Racial slur about McCain's child
~Abramoff and the Dept. of the Interior
~Gayle Norton
~Billions more in cash missing in Iraq
~Genetically modified crops not being regulated
~duct tape and sheets of plastic.
~Keeps denying that he tied Al Qaida, Saddam and Iraq to 9/11
~Jesus is Bush's favorite philosopher?
~Friend Of The Court Brief against Affirmative Action
~Bush didn't know what Sovereignty meant
~Instead of Regulations, Energy Bills are used to bribe Oil Companies to
keep prices from getting way out of hand until Republicans leave office
~Tax Cuts aren't paid for
~Signing of the incorrect version of a Bill that contained an additional 2B
~Claims to always get a warrant to spy
~No leakers fired
~Censoring NASA Scientists
~Pissed away surplus
~Kept supply trucks out of NOLA
~Last-second purchase of Crawford Ranch
~Ignoring Darfur Region
~GOP has too much invested in OIL to ween us
~selling Federal Land in NC for $103 an acre
~380 tons of explosives missing after invasion
~Carla Martin
~Maggie Gallagher paid off
~O'Reilly illegally tapping phone calls to harass callers
~Bernie Kerik hired, then fired
~couldn't predict levee breach
~Cheney makes Sheriffs Dept make an appointment to discuss him shooting
Harry Whittington.
~Treatment of Michael Schiavo
~Nobody accountable for anything
~Smoking in the rotunda
~Loaded SCOTUS
~Chuck Hagel was CEO of ES&S
~Offshore accounts of members
~No mistakes come to mind
~Haley Barbour told us FEMA was there on Tuesday
~No scandals given credence
~Math is spun (math don't lie)
~Government is largest in over 200 years
~Looking under a desk for WMD's
~Non-combative protestors arrested
~Soviet Gulags
~Opium export in Afghanistan up 2000%
~Hannity is a Pussy
~Ready for a Category 6?
~Global warming ignored
~Hans Blix
~Pakistan earthquake money
~Private prison stockholders
~George H W Bush runs Pharma
~Ambassador to the Vatican?
~Rush never busted on possession charges
~Bill Bennett
~Joe Wilson
~Indian Casino lobbying for how much?
~We aren't safer
~SCOTUS chose our President
~Carnival cruise line contract after Katrina
~Able Danger
~Ken Lay
~Harken Energy
~Rupert Murdoch
~Blatant over-charges in Iraq and NOLA
~Bird Flu vaccine for only 20 million
~Spying on us
~infiltrating churches and peaceful rallies
~Congressman Richard Pombo giving Federal Land to Contributors
~White Phosphorus dropped on Iraqi's
~Dept. Of Defense Appropriations Bill used to relieve the Pharmaceutical
Industry of Liability for their products
~Jeff Gannon never was explained
~No jobs NETTED in the last 5 years
~Charging soldiers for the replacement cost of body armor when a limb is
blown off
~Mexico is using tanks to come into the U.S. and bring drugs in.
~Aluminum tubes
~Bush photographed drinking again
~Cheney said he swung right and pulled the trigger, hence, shooting Harry in
the right side of the face...HOW?
~Bring 'em on
~Rummy said he knows where the WMD's are
~Public can't read the Patriot Act
~$500,000,000 for an embassy in Iraq
~Afghans being killed for converting to Christianity even after we put Gov't
in place
~"You go to war w/ the Army you have..."
~Claude Allen arrested
~WH stated Harry was shot on the LEFT side
~Oil was to pay for the War
~Playing guitar during Katrina Week
~Jamming phone lines of the DNC
~still no video of a plane hitting the Pentagon
~Vincente' Fox has a voice in border security
~Googling "Republican Perverts" keeps turning up more and moe children getting molested
~"Informing" FISA courts instead of getting APPROVAL from the court
~CIA officers forced to undergo Polygraphs....Rove?, well, not so much.
~enlisting autistic children to serve in Iraq
~More tax cuts
~Torture prisons in Libya
~Margaret Spellings is a failure
~Elliot Abrams....was he ever administered a polygraph?
~Wolfowitz recently guessed that 500 soldiers have been killed in Iraq
~Karen Hughes is a disgrace
~Specter doesn't swear people in....unless they play baseball
~Using Air Force 1....when the distance could be walked
~still no Government in Iraq
~Electronic voting is slower....why'd we switch?
~spent $100,000,000 on medical databases
~Touch-screen voting machines adapted to get fingerprints of voters
~"Part D" is costing a TRILLION DOLLARS
~Gonzales never questioned Limbaugh
~Ever Google "ASSHOLE" or "Failure" and click on "I'm feeling Lucky"?
~Including the tax breaks and 2 Energy Reform Bills, we're paying $6.78 a interest.
~U.N. has never monitored OUR elections. Mr. Bolton know that?
~Banning camera-phones in Iraq, and still bitching that the good news isn't getting out
~We never did get to meet Mr. "Curveball". See Google
~GOP voted against every PrivelegedResolution offered by Nancy Pelosi.....the intent was to get some investigations started. GOP said "NO!" every time.
~David Dreier and Richard Pombo are the most crooked Sons of Bitches in Washington
~Bush likes the idea of Biochip Transponders....9/11 invoked
~Bush quashed Rove indictment
~Tony Snow referring to dead soldiers as"Just Numbers"
~Spying on our banking activity

You Know? It takes a little bit to get under my skin.
HeroicFool said:
^ Your ability to copy/paste from ridiculous conspiracy theory websites is amazing!!!

Actually it's a running tab from Huff Po and is compiled directly from MSM reports.

In other words it's the real history of this administration and 70% of the American public now knows it. :bigass: