I liked this film.
OK, so, there's a lot about this film that's pure concentrated fan service. I don't really mean that in a bad way, but in a way that - for a big Star Wars fan watching it for the first time - I find it very hard to rate the film objectively. This film is, if nothing else, a big roller-coaster of fannishness (in the best way).
I was so pleased that this felt like an entirely new type of film than any other Star Wars we had before. Unlike The Force Awakens and it's all-too-familiar plot and style, this feels fresh and new and not-Star Wars BUT STILL VERY STAR WARS. It's weird but I liked it. Everyone died at the end! Everyone! That's crazy!
The only comic relief in the film was K-2S0, who throws out comedy lines in a similar way to, say, a Marvel film would. But they were actually funny and never really felt out of place when they were used.
I mean, the plot is fine. It's a bit obvious by it's nature, and never really went somewhere I wasn't expecting it to go. It does have some pacing issues - especially in the first act where we jump from planet to planet to planet with new characters on each one. I think it did help that I'm familiar with Saw Gerrera from Clone Wars and know about Krennic and Galen Erso from the Catalyst novel so it was a bit easier for me to follow what was happening where - I'm not sure how someone coming to this film without that information would fare.
The characters, too, range from being fine to actually pretty good. All six members of the Rogue One crew (Jyn, Cassian, Chirrut, Baze, Bodhi and K-2S0) all get nice character arcs and development. Nothing particularly mind-blowing (although I did like Bodhi Rook's stuff) but still, all pretty good. And the acting, yeah, was all pretty good (Ben Mendelsohn was the stand out though) (Mads is underused YET AGAIN).
So on the whole, these two major elements - the plot and the characters - are fine but nothing special. But it's the fact that it's right there in that particular part of the Star Wars universe that makes it that much more entertaining. The realisation of the world is done so well. It totally gets the 'used future' look of the original trilogy, and instead of setting a high-flying adventure in it, we get a gritty war film.
Tarkin's there! He's there and he's CGI and he talks and everything! I thought the Tarkin CGI was actually pretty damn good (apart from one or two rough spots). There was a really strange sense of uncanny valley, but that was mainly because I was watching someone moving and speaking on screen that I knew was dead in real life.
Vader's there too! He doesn't really do that much during most of the film (although they brought his Lava Castle back into canon and I never thought they'd do that!) but of course there's that scene at the end which is pretty fantastic.
Bail Organa is, again, also there! It's a character explicitly from the prequels played by the same actor and everything! Go prequels! Again, not really doing that much but it's nice Jimmy Smits got paid.
The third act is actually amazing, both the space and ground battles are easily the highlight of the film. One thing I will say is that the actual ending of it felt very abrupt, because I was too taken aback by CGI Carrie Fisher to then see that, hey, the film had ended and the credits were rolling.
But the thing is, outside of all the revelling in the Star Wars of it all, there's the odd feeling that this is all still filler. Because of it's placement literally moments before the start of Star Wars, it can't really do anything majorly big with the story and so by the end of it you don't really feel like you've accomplished that much. It's something pretty much inherent in the nature of this film - is has to match up with the start of Star Wars so there can't be anything new and interesting happening instead. The most interesting thing they did was to kill everyone, and that was just so they could tie up all the loose ends! Compare this to the prequels, which managed to give themselves enough space to actually do something new and interesting... but people didn't want that because it was too different so they got mad.
It's really tricky to actually rate this one (for me, at least), it's all so closely tied up with the amount of positive feelings for where and when this is set that it's hard to objectively look at the film. I don't think it really has the meat of, say, Empire or even Star Wars, BUT I did enjoy it and it was basically everything I could have wanted in a film like this.