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Okay, watched it earlier...

Christian/Zeke was good. Christian always has good matches, Zeke played the big man well.

Miz/MVP was good too, though it's weird that they didn't advertise and just randomly threw it on the show. It was funny how MVP got booed for attacking him at the end (Miz did win fair and square.)

Mickie/McCool was what it was. Mickie got her revenge and it's okay to be far (even though she's not remotely fat)!

Orton/Shameus was a bit slow and I'm not a big fan of heel versus heel matches...the fact that the crow were way into Orton helped though. I guess he's turning face.

Undertaker/Rey was highly enjoyable. Taker could barely move (and now can add a broken nose to his list of injuries) but still looked badass and Rey's just insanely good at bumping all over the place.

The Rumble match...I don't know how I feel. Last year they had too many people in for too long, this year it was amlost the opposite problem. One of the fun things about the Rumble is when someone lasts for nearly an hour or eliminates loads of people...but this one no one lasted very long and only the established stars looked good. Okay, R Truth got to eliminated Big Show and Mark Henry in a cool moment but that'll probably be forgotten about. And it lasted only 49 minutes! Edge hardly really did much and he won. The Rumble should go an hour at least...

But it was never boring, there was lots of good action, some clever stuff, Punk got to look good for the ten minutes he was in, Beth Phoenx looked hot when she rang to the ring, Shawn's elimination and his breakdown afterwards was excellently done. SO ON THE WHOLE A GOOD SHOW

Christian has been wasted farmed out on ECW since he returned to the Fed. With any luck, they will have Edge focus on him for WM. Would be a great match.
But really, do you think they'd have the Royal Rumble winner challenge the ECW champion? Apparently Edge didn't even mention it as a possibility on RAW.
Well, that sucks. Christian v Edge is worthy as a main event, regardless of what Brand it's under. That's all that matters to me. Bah!
Edge and Christian have been associated as pretend brothers and tag partners since both debuted in 1998, so there's certainly enough history to justify a feature match at WM.
I suppose it's not as much of a problem than if somebody else were speaking out of it ;)
Gagh: It was good. Why is Kofi Kingston Ryu?

No one remembers the name of that black Jamaican Street Fighter?