Say hallo to davdirks.


beer, I want beer
Long time no welcome thread therefore....

I'm not posting much lately so I figured that all this board needs is another lawyer.

He's from some other board so be nice since he's not used to this shit yet. He's not a spammer and he actually has a brain that he uses so I guess it would work wonders on this place.

Plus, he's sexy like hell. For his sexual preferences you must ask him though. ;)

Welcome, hon.



New Member
*sits still, waiting patiently to pounce*

I'll wait out of respect for you, Cali.


beer, I want beer
lady_elena_wf said:
*sits still, waiting patiently to pounce*

I'll wait out of respect for you, Cali.

Thanks but you don't have to. I think he went to bed (he's from USA) so tommorrow you can have your fun. ;)

btw, are you still in Iraq or Kuwait?


Lady Elena's new toy
Hi folks. I met Calli on another board, where we were comiserating about the lack of free speech on so many message boards. So, she suggested this one. I'm still lurking and getting the hang of it here

Thank you all for the nice welcome.


Lady Elena's new toy
Thanks pixifroufrou. I hope you have a great day in cyberspace.


Lady Elena's new toy
Thanks Caitriona.

I do feel welcome to TK, thanks to you and others!!

How do I find this damn thread, other than bookmarking the page?


Lady Elena's new toy
lady_elena_wf said:
*sits still, waiting patiently to pounce*

I'll wait out of respect for you, Cali.

Pounce away.


Lady Elena's new toy
Caitriona said:
Welcome to TK, and don't mind the rude kids, most of us are reasonably nice. ;)

That is very nice of you. I appreciate it.


Lady Elena's new toy
Thanks for the encouragement.

Too many people on message boards pay lip service to freedom of speech, but don't really want it. They are very uptight. You know the ones, who say stuff like, "I believe in speaking freely, but that is just going too far...."

A friend of mine used to work for Floyd Abrams, one of the top First Amendment lawyers in the U.S. His first week on the job, he was passing Abrams in the hallway, and said to him, "Hey Floyd. Fuck you! Now, defend my right to say that." Abrams passed by him, muttering. Later, Abrams called my friend into his office, and asked him to work on an important case, and they've been working together ever since.


davdirks said:
Thanks for the encouragement.

Too many people on message boards pay lip service to freedom of speech, but don't really want it. They are very uptight. You know the ones, who say stuff like, "I believe in speaking freely, but that is just going too far...."

A friend of mine used to work for Floyd Abrams, one of the top First Amendment lawyers in the U.S. His first week on the job, he was passing Abrams in the hallway, and said to him, "Hey Floyd. Fuck you! Now, defend my right to say that." Abrams passed by him, muttering. Later, Abrams called my friend into his office, and asked him to work on an important case, and they've been working together ever since.

Obviously we have some restrictions, you can't sell drugs, trade kiddie porn, or any other illegal things. We also restrict the posting of other peoples personal info (including photos, credit card numbers, phone numbers and so on) since it could lead to RL harrassment.

And... like the OUCH banner says Free Speech isn't always pretty.... or intelligent for that matter.



Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Calli thinks that this board could use more intelligent people and yet she keeps coming back.

Only kidding Hon.

Hello new guy, Calli and I have history, God love her but I won't hold that against you. Again, kidding.

I am mostly rude and horribly offensive but I think helping to raise my niece and nephew is making me a little soft. Oh and I use the word cupcakeer a lot. ;)