Scott Pilgrim vs The World


I'm gonna hate it now cause you overhyped it. Thanks.


I'm eager, having just read the sixth book, to see how well it translates to film. Unfortunately for me I'll be waiting until a DVD release for that. Damn kids *mutters in old man voice*


Registered User
I'm eager, having just read the sixth book, to see how well it translates to film. Unfortunately for me I'll be waiting until a DVD release for that. Damn kids *mutters in old man voice*

The film diverges from the books, so the sixth book isn't really translated into the movie, for the most part. They did change the movie's ending (like, the last 30 seconds) a few months back to fit the books better, but it's not an adaptation of the sixth book by any means.


I want to smell dark matter
I've read the books (or the first three or four anyway...I can't remember) and Edgar Wright is good at directing things, so I'm sure I'll watch it eventually.


Registered User
I've read the books (or the first three or four anyway...I can't remember) and Edgar Wright is good at directing things, so I'm sure I'll watch it eventually.

The film makes very good use of music and sound effects from A Link To The Past.

(Yes, this movie is pandering to you, the viewer.)


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I haven't even heard of this before. WHERE HAVE i BEEN?


Registered User
Well, here's a trailer, but I don't think your horse-drawn carriage of an internet connection can handle it :(



I want to smell dark matter
Is the Michael Cera backlash finally over?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I've seen the commercials for this movie a few times, but didn't know the name of the movie. I saw the ad again last night and said OH, OK THAT'S WHAT SAUSAGEMAN WAS TALKING ABOUT. I'd really like to see it nao.


Registered User
The reviews are in!
"Clearly directed at an audience with generational ADD" - The New York Observer

"Having said that, sitting through Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is akin to visiting a friend who does play video games, and asking to take a stab at it. He gets wrapped up for two hours demonstrating more tricks than you'll ever need. You wonder when it's your turn. When it finally comes, playing isn't as much fun as you hoped it would be." - The St. Petersburg Times

"Could Michael Cera be getting more vaporous with each repeat of his epicene screen persona? His Scott Pilgrim is so pale, so enervated, so solipsistic, I'd swear I could see right through him. Add in the faux hip, self-congratulatory, dork-pandering assault of the first half-hour or so of Edgar Wright's adaptation of the Bryan Lee O'Malley comic-book series — not to mention the non-stop Pavlovian laugh track provided by the audience at the screening I attended — and you have a candidate for most irritating performance of the year." - The Boston Globe

"Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World is Fan Service: The Movie, an insular, punishingly alienating experience preaching only to the faithful, devoted hearts of arrested 12-year-old boys. It’s singularly fixated on video games and shallow visions of women as one-dimensional objects to be either obtained or discarded and offers no possible point of entry to anybody over the age of 30." - The Philadelphia Weekly

Need I say more? Go see this movie.


I want to smell dark matter
His Scott Pilgrim is so pale, so enervated, so solipsistic, I'd swear I could see right through him.

Isn't that kind of the point?


Is this real life?
I've been itching to watch it since seeing the first trailer. Looks AMAZIN.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
Yeah, I regret not gate-crashing the Hollywood premiere as I wandered past it.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I believe I will be seeing this at the drive-in tonight. HUZZAH


Is this real life?
SECONDED... or whatever...