Sexy Men


Forever Empress E
bump every single one of your jack adoration threads? no thanks

Oh come on. You've got nothing else to do and you've been having such a good time digging around in the archives.


Forever Empress E
yes I have been doing some digging, and I've found some pretty incendiary stuff....


Then share it! You've been so forthcoming. What's holding you back now?

How much time have you been spending in the archives and on search engines looking for information about me? Maybe Jack will pay you for that.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Boy, this whole story thing is REALLY eating you up, isn't it?

ha ha ha ha


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
The sexy men in my life are the ones I can actually touch.


Can't say Eloisel without it
Here's what I think of when I think of a sexy man...



Can't say Eloisel without it
Touching a man is easy, it's stopping that's difficult.

Hi, Tisiphone! Pleased to meet you!