Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie) thread.


Retired Account
ive left the cinema the last three times b4 the movie, im almost certain that wont keep me in it!

i even left halfway through a film on a friends birthday a couple of years ago and said i would wait for him at the pub, just upped and walked off.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Well, I saw both trailers and it doesn't look bad. Trailers are almost always misleading anyway. I'll give it a go for sure. Make up my mind after watching it.


Retired Account
the last time i sat through a whole film it was revenge of the sith lol honestly...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'm on the fence, since I'm a huge Downey fan, but this looks like it could blow serious chunks. But it's got Jude Law, so that pulls me back in.

And the only movie I ever walked out of was that stupid Amish bowling one with Randy Quaid and Woody Harrelson.


Un Banned
Probably not!

Why not cast a real Britisher as Mr. Iconic London Detective? Jeesh! Reminds me of Frankie Coppolar casting Kay'new Reeves & Winonar Rider as UKers in "BS Dracular" 17 years ago. WTF was Mr. Godfather thinking?


Retired Account
i agree with aque

Dr Dave

I walked out on a movie because a friend I was with insisted we do so. I don't think i've walked out on anything of my own wanting to do so.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Awww, other than Keanu Reeves, I liked that Dracula. Probably because of Gary Oldman, though. And the score kicked ass.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think we're all in agreement that Robert Downey Jr is awesome.


Retired Account


Touching the monolith
Staff member

(just kidding you're not an uncle fucker)


Is this real life?
The one movie I've most wanted to walk out of (but didn't because I'm a cheap git and wanted my money's worth) was, appropriately enough, Guy Ritchie's poopathon "Revolver". It was virtually impossible to follow and I don't like gangster movies anyway.


Retired Account
revolver is the fucking pitts, one of the worst films i have evr seen.


I want to smell dark matter
Did it have cockneys saying "YOU TOILET" all the time?


beer, I want beer
I've turned a few movies off on my dvd before, and I've dozed off in theaters (mostly kid flicks) but the only time I remember walking out on a movie as a grownup was Iron Eagles III with Lou Gossett Jr. It was playing at the cheapie theater when I was so poor that was my sole form of weekly entertainment, and even at a buck it was the worst movie I ever paid for. Prophecy was another awful one (the mutant bear movie, not the one with bad guy angels and Christopher Walken in it).


Is this real life?
Why did you go see it then?

A friend wanted to see it and all I knew from the trailer was that it had some shooting, so I didn't think it could be too bad. :(


Be patient till the last.
Fuddlemiff, why are you in Egypt? are you a TK Spy?