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Shitty Dual's Coffee Table Photo Album

No doubt some shmuck who posted nekkid pics of himself to teh webs. MY question is, would he recognize his own member if he saw it online, 'shopped like this?
Is it me, or does anyone else ever wonder who the original owner of those dicks is?

I always wonder who belongs to the asses and chests in faceless underwear adds myself.
Like "What do you do for a living?" "Oh, well remember that Sears add last Sunday in the paper? Yeah, that was my ass"
Someone's either having themselves some fun or genuinely has a centipede in the ass:

I logged in yesterday to find about a dozen pics in both albums deleted, w/ the typcial "violated our tos" dickstickers instead. I couldn't be arsed to try and track down the pics in question (a task made harder by me when I scrambled the original filenames) & attempt to replace them --a ploy that's enjoyed some mixed success in the past. But I found it incredibly amusing that all the images deleted were in one unbroken sequence, i.e. the last several images uploaded in each album, which indicates that little-to-no consideration was given as to content for each individual image --there's just no way ALL of them could have warranted deletion. Someone is being a cock, pure & simple.

Since I find myself feeling, in my old age, increasing regret at letting opportunities to take the piss out of those who deserve it slip away, I constructed a proportionate response, and replaced the PB filenames with such:


Then I came here and discovered one pic farther up this page was one of the censored. And that my de-censor worked. :D

It might keep for a day or two, if I'm lucky. Maybe I'll repost it from Imageshack once they're on to it...

Either way: Message delivered.