Troll Kingdom

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So, what is your main hobby?

Jesus. If you two are gonna fuckin' fellate each other in here, get a tighter seal with them lips. The jizz is stinkin' up the place and getting on the god damn couch cushions.
So anyways, you should be your own person. Not letting others make your decisions for you. Thats a pretty half assed way to go.

I was joking about how the TKR crew have brought over a bunch of people (two people) from Reject Haven and are all of a sudden being total enemies with a bunch of people who didn't post here until like half a month ago.


They are the devil, FBI DON'T TALK TO THEM!! They will lure you in with all that fancy talk and buy your love with sweet pics and videos and then, when they got your defenses all down, they will destroy you and dumb your internet persona in a trash bin! THEY ARE THE ENEMY!!! :rwmad:
I have read the entire thread. I have but one thing to say: WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBITTY BONG.
I'm going to get back on topic (I know, shocking) and say my hobbies are seducing young men ripe for corruption, tying them to my bed and reading poetry to them.

I'm a comic book whore as well, still play my Nintendo 64 Zelda games, read a lot, write even more, and engage in numerous illegal activities.
I enjoy reading old Tiger Beat magazines, especially the ones with Peter Tork of the MONKEES on the cover.
I dont have enemies. Jack and i are having a tiff, but gear isny my enemy, neither is loktar or gagh. If they choose to have me as an enemy thats 100% on them. I prefer neutrality. If you say something dumb i might poke fun at you but its never serious.

you're a retarded redneck, but you're not my enemy. Didn't even think about you or TK the last 2 days I was off playing boardgames with the nephew and hanging with my family.
so back OT:
many hobbies, including writing/ publically reading my poetry, painting/ drawing naked men,(sold paintings on other subjects so don't count those as a hobby) gardening, reading, singing, creeping on fb, being fanatical about footy, and stalking my future husband -YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
I don't have enemies EITHER. Of all the people I've met online there have only been a few I flat out didn't like, and one who I will never "speak" to again. The internet is my happy funtime place AND STUFF :rwmad: