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So, who wants my side of the story? *Unappealing Nudity*

Conchaga Mark 2

Still in Mom's basement
OK, so I spent the first part of this evening pouring over the accusations, assumptions, and all-around conjecture surrounding this event. You have all heard Menty's second-hand view of what happened. He got his story through Tisiphone. Whatever she told him had to be exaggerated beyond belief if Menty was willing to go so far as to ban me.

Here's the real story. My anger in my last post here was honest. My intention to kill Courtney was exaggerated. I got in my car the next day and drove down to see her. I knew she was working, so I timed my arrival just an hour or so before she came home. I waited outside her apartment until she got home. It was in the parking lot in front of her apt where I confronted her. We immediately started into a shouting match. I was so angry that, yes, I did hit her. My rage at what she had done blinded me and I punched her in the face. I still don't regret it. She's a vile bitch and deserved to be hit like one. And, for those of you who're gonna play the gender card, fuck you. What she did was beyond reproach. I'll get back to that in a minute. Anyway, I hit her so hard that it knocked her out.

Now, it was only a minute after this that the police showed up. Apparently our little shouting match caused someone to call the cops. So, the first cop grabbed me because I was going to get into my car and leave. They fucking cuffed me and stuck me in the back of their cruiser. I wasn't allowed to speak my peace before they helped Courtney off the ground and asked her what happened. She exaggerated and cried and put on quite the show. Now, by the time they got back in the car they were convinced I was an evil sonofabitch who just came down to beat up an innocent girl. Fucking pigs.

They took me to their little po-dunk police station and booked me for aggrivated assault. The next day (Friday) I was arraigned and my public defender talked the prosecutor down to misdemeanor assault. I plead guilty to the charges, and was released this morning. I now have two years probation, 500 hours of community service, AND a $1000 fine I have to pay. Honestly, though, I don't care. It was worth it for the shit she's put me and my family through. The only thing I regret is sticking my dick in her nasty snatch to begin with.

So, now you know the REAL story.

Menty, I don't know what Tis told you, but she lied to you like she lied to those cops, my family, and TK. She's a horrible, manipulative little cunt, and she deserved to get punched in the mouth like she did. Now, she's poisoning the posters here into getting me banned and making me look like a fucking idiot. She's determined to ruin my life completely. The bitch is totally psychotic. Nobody should believe a fucking word she says. She's evil. If any of you are taking her side, then fuck you. I don't need you.

As for my banning... that's total bullshit. I didn't do anything that warranted it. If the ban is going to stick, then I demand that Tis get banned, too. So, unban me, or ban her. Your choice.

The rest of you. If you've got a problem with me hitting a woman, then you're off the fucking reservation. She caused serious problems within my family and ruined a few of my friendships. She went out of her way to destroy my life and get me alienated from everyone I've ever known. If that doesn't deserve a punch in the face, I don't know what does. So, if you've still got a problem with it, I'd suggest that you go give a shotgun a blowjob and do us all a favor.

There, now you know MY side of the story.
Well, I'm going to have to go with Greg on this one, sometimes bitches do deserve to get hit. I've seen women that deserve it, I've done shit to deserve it and when it doesn't happen I'm always pleasantly surprised...When it comes to me at least. Of course if a man ever laid anything other than a loving hand on me I'd surely beat the living shit out of him but that's just me.

I don't know if I think that Tis deserved a knuckle sandwich but I'm pretty well going to stay out of this Novella.

Ps. I will say this Greg, you're lucky that shit went down there and not here. Your ass would have been up shit creek for lying in wait here in CA, that's a serious FELONY Baby.
Justice on assault and battery happens pretty quickly in your neck of the woods.

Kid, I agree with you that her post on this board and her actions in RL, if she did what you've reported, make her a vile bitch. I do not agree with you on threatening to kill her, then seeking her out and punching her in the face - if that is what you did. There are better ways to deal with people who are causing you a problem in real life that don't result in getting yourself into jail, fined, and on probation. The objective is to improve your situation, not make it worse. For being as smart as you are, I think you know that. Therefore, I officially declare this little drama stinky bullshit.
What I really wonder about is whatever happened to Conchaga's girlfriend with the big titties.
Imperium said:
Well good...

Since you claim that it really happened...


1. I don't live in her area, so I don't have access to a newspaper from where she lives.

2. Unless you live in a major city, not all crimes are reported in the paper.

3. I don't own a scanner.

4. You're a tool.
Sorry bubbaleh, all aggravated assaults are reported. It's easily checked.

Put up or shut up time, bitches :bigass:
The story still has an element of fantasy/troll about it. Care to post the website for the court where you were arraigned and your case number? We can view the court's docket and check our the charges.
Enkephalen said:
The story still has an element of fantasy/troll about it. Care to post the website for the court where you were arraigned and your case number? We can view the court's docket and check our the charges.

Yeah, I'll get right on that. And while I'm at it, I'll just go ahead and distribute all the personal info that's not going to be on that docket. I'm sure my SSN will come in handy. Enki... seriously, I'm NEVER going to give that info out. Most of you know my name, have fun searching.
Conchaga Mark 2 said:
1. I don't live in her area, so I don't have access to a newspaper from where she lives.

2. Unless you live in a major city, not all crimes are reported in the paper.

3. I don't own a scanner.

4. You're a tool.

Go to Kinko's you small penis mother fucker.
There ain't no fucking way on God's green earth that this case would've been resolved so soon. That's the weak link in the ruse.

A for effort, though.